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Posts posted by slicjedi

  1. I think its because your lethality spec, im MM spec and i can have my guy down in 1min or 1min and 30secs in HM, or less i havnt timed it but im always first 3 done i did watch your vid and even though your in nightmare mode i feel like MM would be better bcuz it is more of a singe target heavy hitter spec

    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rsr0dRkRgzZbfZh.1 (thats my spec)


    I agree. I tried both Lethality and Marksman for doing EV. Theres a differencce between the 2. I feel that marksman do more dmg than lethality. Hitting 4-5k with Ambush, Sniper, Followthrough, takedown, and series of shot (total). IS very nice. I still like Lethality but imo i think its more suited towards pvp. Having dots and cull is a great thing to mow down enemies.

  2. I'm at fleet. And I see a broadcast for people doing HM. I whispered the guy that im a dps sniper. And he flat out told me he doesnt want snipers cause lack of utilities. Im not one for getting mad over a game, but i was close to cursing at him.. I thought that was the stupidest statement i ever received. And he told me, to go run with the guild I'm in. and would rather have a sorc for the dmg and utilities..


    So I'm asking, is there something wrong with sniper in endgame raiding? I only did HM BT and BP and found it easy. But as later HM and operations, are they bad for snipers or is this guy a jerk?

  3. People would still lie.


    And the LFG is lacking but it will work if your not lazy, Works fine for me when I need to pick someone up, I just look to see who is LFG ask them what there class is and see if they want to join, SIMPLE. Just cant be lazy pos who wants the game to do everything for them.


    I wouldnt say its for lazy people. I think the LFG would help make things easier. I, for one , whenever i want to do a fp, i go to the thfleet and broadcast. If i dont get any reply, i just search who is on at the fleet, or on planets with similar lvl zones, then i just send whispers to them. I send out "dps, tank, or heal for ______ flashpoint?" I found out that some people dont read the general chat cause of trolls, but hearing a little beeping noise is sure to get people attention.

  4. It is truly mind boggling to me how so many people think snipers are a free kill and are terrible in pvp. There are very few classes/players who can solo me as lethality and as mentioned above we are downright nasty when defending objectives, not to mention the ability to tear through any ball carrier. My conclusion is that most people who play sniper and fail simply do not understand the mechanics of the class, and how amazing our cc is.


    Yes, our dots can be dispelled, but people who really use this argument are simply not looking at the big picture.


    The sniper class is not faceroll like a merc or sorc, it actually requires a good amount of skill. I think its hilarious when in every warzone people see me alone and think "oh a sniper, free kill," only to try to 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 me and get absolutely demolished - I am talking battle master geared players here.


    IF you are a good player, and be honest with yourself, you can be a very good sniper in pvp. But if you are an average player, sniper pvp is probably not for you.



    I agree. And on a side note, and what do you mean by dots by being dispelled? (im lethality also) I pvp a lot and I dont see my dots being dispelled. Maybe i gotten those people who dont dispell at all or their dispell is on a CD i think. But when i put corrosive grenade and corrosive dart on them. Its game over, cause cull is about to reap through them lol

  5. One issue would be that then nobody would be able to roll for gear to their companions. On several occasions Ive done runs where nobody have needed any of the drops for themselves, but for their companions.


    Their will always be ppl in multiplayer games that are idiots - and there is no way to get away from that. There is probably several solutions to this problem, but the people who cant be trusted will still try to ruin others gaming experience.

    So the best thing one can do is just to ignore them and keep having a blast. After all, it is a game and games are suppose to be fun. Otherwise, whats the point?


    Ok how about this:


    They make it where you cant need on items you need, but make an button for companions. Make it count as greed and disassemble.




    Should make things even

  6. See here's something that sniper dps can use:


    2 pieces: Reduces Energy cost of Plasma, Followthrough, and Cull by 7.

    4 pieces: Increase the Crit Chance of Ambush, Cull, and Interrogation Probe by 15%.

    That way it benefits all trees and could do something similar to Marauders cause they are in the same boat as us..


    Marksman would love the bonus cause now Followthrough would basically cost nothing to use, and would be able to use it more. It would help Lethality out cause Cull cost 30 energy to use and -7 energy reduction would help with energy management. Plasma Probe would also benefit from the -7 energy reduction.


    And +Crit Chance is always nice. But this is something I thought of that could be a good bonus set for snipers. After all we are purely dps

  7. Really hope we get new bonuses lol.. Something that will benefit Marksman, Lethality, and Engineering snipers. Hell the Battlemaster's Field Tech seems like the only thing that I can do something with cause of added 3 seconds of Orbital Strike. I think I'm just ranting caused of the +15% crit of abilities and increase dmg that other classes get from their bonuses lol..


    Curious though, do sniper really need those bonuses for endgame raiding? If not, then i can understand why we have them.

  8. well that sucks. Other hybrid classes get 15% increase of crit to some abilities. Marauders and Snipers seems to have gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to Raiding gear. One would think that pure-dps classes would have better set bonuses than the current ones..
  9. Hi, was browsing the internet about the endgames gear for Sniper and I came across this.



    Was wondering are those the correct set bonuses for the sniper? If so, is it lacking potential? I'm currently lvl 48 and lethality spec and find those bonuses doesnt really help me at all.


    Here's an excerpt from the link:

    Sniper DPS:

    2 pieces: Activating Target Acquired or Illegal Mods restores 10 energy.

    4 pieces: Reduces the energy cost of Takedown and Quickdraw by 7.



    I dont think she's useless, but when I found out that she brought another guy, (half-naked) into my ship and cheated on me, I tossed that B**** to the curve.. She said she was bored of me. So I'm like f*** her then. So now I just used her for crew skills and use Ensign (my wife) and Doctor Lokin until I get Scorpio lol.


    I really wish sith can be an IA, i would love to use to use their "punish" ability on Kaliyo.

  11. I wish that too, I just hate being in cover to get the most out of sniper, while the core mechanics are broken...


    Sniper aren't that bad. Take time getting used too. The "take cover" where you roll around I hate it and find it buggy sometimes. So I just shift+f to "take cover" where im at. IMO seems faster than using the icon power.. and go lethality I find it very mobile unless you want to use series of shot and snipe.

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