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Posts posted by slicjedi

  1. Is it me or did they increase the raidus of Orbital Strike. When you find place to put Orbital strike the radius gets even bigger. Has it always been like that or is that new?
  2. Was thinking a way to encourage to get atleast 1 of each class in a group or in a raid group make a 5th Buff thats is gained automatically when you have all 4 buffs from the each class. As long as you're in the group or raid group you'll benefit from it. The 5th buff can increase power by 5% or reduces the useage of abilites by 5%. Its another way to encourage people to play other classes for that buff when helping out guilds and such for raids.
  3. Im 3/5 Rakata. 1 Rakata Implant and rest Columi. And Tier 3 both offhand and mainhand weapon

    Crit: 39.75%

    Bonus Dmg: 455.9

    Accuracy: 102.35%

    Crit Multiplier: 68.10%

    (Pri Damage): 8689-9609


    Question whats a good stat range for all the stats? Been looking online for stats range for snipers and couldnt find any.

  4. upvote for correct usage of lose :).


    Currently doing masters and in the first week we had to do some massive evaluation. The only thing I really remember was how they gave us hypothetical scenarios in which we have to choose the ethical response. One of them was "Joe loose his wallet. Is it okay for him to do ___ ___ ____, because he loose his money" and this was after 20 minutes of reading guidelines about grammar/spelling and associated penalties.


    Lol thanks. I thought I had made a typo and put loosing instead of losing

  5. Ok since the -crit is across the board for all class, would you say I need to focus more on power now? Im currently at 40% crit and 67% surge. Would you say that the crit range would be around 35% now for snipers?
  6. go assassin.

    operatives are getting nerfed again, which im sad to say.

    and sniper is meh. i have a lvl 50 sniper and i can say other classes like mara and mercs do out dps me when im better gear.


    so either go Assassin or Mara. both arent getting hurt in 1.2 lol

  7. Similar talents got nerfed across the board for pretty much every class. I'm not too worried about it personally. I was running a 23/18/0 build for awhile and while my crit was kinda low, I didn't really notice the loss of 4% that I would have as 23/16/2. I'll notice a loss of 2% even less. Hell, Marksmanship may have enough other enticing options for me to try a 25/16/0 build in 1.2 it seems.


    I only see operatives and madness sorc w/ those debuff

  8. To clarify, he's referring to: Lethality now increases critical change by 1% per point. (was 2% per point).


    Yes this is a slap in the face, but it's the lack of any kind of improvements for the class that is more disturbing, IMHO.


    yeah i mean in total lethality gave 6% crit now we get 3% crit.

  9. When it comes to columi/rakata gear level, this is what I've found (and without DPS meters these results may not be 100% accurate, but this is what seems to be the case) - in order of the best damage dealers to the worst:


    Marauders = Mercenaries


    Operatives = Sorcerors


    Snipers = Assassins


    Powertechs = Juggernauts


    A lot of it depends on which dps skill tree is being used as well, but in most cases it seems like that's the heirarchy. Dont let it fool you though, the classes arent drastically far apart right now, marauders/mercenaries being at the top seem to only be maybe 5-10% above powertechs/juggernauts at the bottom, when equal gear is considered.


    This also changes a lot on different fights. Fights that require a great deal of movement put classes like mercenaries, sorcerors, and snipers lower on the list. Fights that involve a lot of melee-range AoE damage put marauders, operatives, assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts lower on the list.



    Overall, I'd say we're still on the low end of the DPS spectrum, even with the pyrotech spec(s), and in most situations the top damage dealers are going to be mercenaries/sorcerors/snipers, simply because range allows them to DPS effectively in a larger number of encounters. Of those three, mercenaries are on top, and snipers are on bottom, due to the fact that mercs have access to a lot of elemental damage which bypasses armor, sorcerors are subject to armor reduction, and snipers can have the majority of their attacks reduced by both armor as well as dodged/deflected/shielded.




    Yeah.....sorry but that's bs... where is the proof of this? Its seems like this info is coming from other threads


  10. You won't get it that high by railshot gets an extra 15% bonus crit from the eliminator set.


    And I would say it is Crit > Surge > power


    But surge will reach DR fairly quickly so you will still havee signicfantly more power than surge at the end.


    Don't forget about accuracy too.


    thats Mercs dps gear set. and rail shot doesnt get 15% bonus crit thats power shot or tracer missle.


    heres our bonus:




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