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Posts posted by Truescopes

  1. How does theorycrafting prove anything? Where exactly are those logs you speak of? I hope they have been testing over these six months to get the proper amount of data to "prove" that you have some sort of advantage. You must have missed the butthurt known as RNG BM TOK, otherwise you could understand why 1.2% is nothing.... The funny part is actually suggesting that 1.2% contributes something meaningful to something that is totally random, as a crit attack is. Do you know how many attacks you would have to do to get that percentage increase to pan out?


    Power isn't random and also is being stacked by those that understand the true nature of RNG. I agree with you though, the power difference in that example is not meaningful either, but the fundemental fact that taking Power over Main contributes more to damage ratings (i.e. Do you want to be on a slope of x or a slope of 2x, especially when "x" is at a "high" number?) makes it the "right choice" given that we are guaranteed two crits every 1.5 mins, and our MainStat will naturally take care of itself due to the setups given. There is a reason Overkill Augments are selling significantly higher than mainstat augs.



    When choosing a setup you have to decide which is better.

    This one:



    Or this one:



    As a healer or DPS, it should be pretty obvious....


    Yes 30 power is better than 15 willpower, that should be pretty obvious.

  2. You know what Cristine? I've tried to be reasonable and you've been nothing but a troll. I'd tell you to die in a fire but you'd probably just GBTF out of it and then claim it's totally not OP.


    L2P is only viable when there's a reliable counter that's trule LTP. I'm already using my knockback to interrupt your ravage/master strike, and my CC to either stun you during GBTF, or try to get you before you use it and hope I have the burst ready to finish you. Not much else I can do after that.


    edit: In restrospect I let my frustration at this conversation get to me. I apologize for that.


    There's no point in arguing with them, they have no clue. Anyone with half a brain knows sentinel/marauders are OPd right now (Yes I have a lvl 50 sentinel).

  3. Snipers have Leap Immunity - unique to them


    Snipers are also immune to interrupts in cover - unique to them.


    Snipers have 2 roots - Commandos/Mercs have none. Sages/Sorcs can get 1 via talents.


    Snipers have 4 defensive cooldowns. Merc/Commandos have 1. Sages have None.


    Again. I don't have a problem with Snipers. But there is nothing a Sniper can't do better than a Commando/Merc or Sage/Sorc when you're talking Ranged DPS in PVP.


    Static barrier is a defensive cooldown, and I would take that over all my defensive cooldowns as a sniper.

  4. Well for one i'm not gonna start an argument until someone brings a valid reason of why we are overpowered. Again make a Sentinel or Marauder then you can judge...


    I have a sentinel, I have 3 classes at 50. The sentinel is just plain OP right now.

  5. +1


    DPS Sorcs are now unplayable.


    PVE -- Their dps is the lowest of all classes.

    PvP -- Our burst is sad. Paper paper thin even in War Hero. A single stun we can go from 100 to zero.


    Luckily, Guild Wars 2 is open soon for everyone this game burned.


    Your dps is nowhere near the lowest in pve.

  6. The current metagame and class distribution favors using MM or Engineering.



    1. Unranked warzones are infested with Sorcs and Sages. MM eats them alive. Those few that are really good against MM, generally they will not die to any Ranged DPS in this game.

    2. Sentinels are running rampant in WZ now, and MM has probably the most useful goodies against them. Yes MM is vulnerable to SaberWard / Obfuscate, first can be countered by flashbang and/or target acquired, the second one just forces you to use tech abilities: debilitate, shiv, frag grenade. Engineering also offers plasma probe to the mix. But outside of these 2 defensive CD, MM is just screaming: KILL SENTINELS. (Also i have my reduced CD on root, hehehe) - whoever at bioware coded force leap impotency when rooted - GENIUS.

    3. PT Pyro, Assault Vanguards -> If you know what you are doing AND: 1. have ballistic dampers 2. position yourself so PT has no LOS withing 10 meters, you can kill them no problem.

    4. Assassins with ridiculous Force Shroud ability: White damage: No problem! 50% deflection? (read my statements about saberward)

    5. Healers -> Ranged DPS has it very tough against good healers. But MM is the only RANGED DPS spec with high enough burst capable to overwhelm a healer. .


    On my old server we had to deal with a guild composed of 5-6 troopers. With my undergeared sniper, my only option was to go lethality at that time. And it worked well against heavy armor.


    I actually find it easier to do all those things you stated in lethality spec, cull hits like a truck and kills tanks ridiculously easy too. The only class I'd rather be marksman against is a shadow tank, everything else dies much easier with lethality.

  7. Okay, just did a test after finishing up 16 man HM EC last night, and winning some gear. I've jumped my power up to 1116.


    I got about 1930 DPS on the dummy.




    Its the 13:07:22 - 13:12:58 section. That 1891 was after waiting for combat.


    I'm on the road to 2k DPS.


    Still not quite as high as annihilation parses that have been posted around. But you're getting there for sure, GL on 2k ^^

  8. Hi there,


    so I didn t find any threads about, so I just want to ask here.

    My Commando is my Main Char, and I din t now how many DPS a realy good Commando shoud made?


    I juse MOX Parser in Operation to messure the DPS. Normaly I have a total of 1421 DPS.


    So, from the Commando we have, I am always on the top, but I want to know where I should go? Somebody told me storys about Kommandos make 1700+DPS so I actualy can not believe this :)


    Ok hope you can help me out here :)




    That's the same class as you (imp side) with 1,950 dps.

  9. Which spec is the best for PVP? How does Lethality hold up there and is it a long set up before you can do damage?


    All the specs are very viable right now for pvp aswell as some hybrid ones.

    I personally run lethality right now and find it very good in pvp, the set up time is just as long as it takes you to apply the 2 dots and weakening blast. I get a lot higher damage than I did when using marksman and the ability to kite, especially on other snipers is just amazing.

  10. My remark about short parses was directed more to Poostabby's comment about pulling over 2k DPS on a 1.5 min run.


    I don't doubt that people are playing their spec much better than I am, I'm just curious as to how. Maybe it's my stats holding me back?


    Well, you can always link your stats so that we can see. The only thing I notice you doing that I personally don't is the user of shatter shot. I get 1,800~ without using it on the ops dummy or any armour debuff as I just don't think it's worth it using this build as it's nearly all internal damage.


    Edit: I noticed your numbers on Cull and the damage coming from your dots are a lot closer together than mine: http://i.imgur.com/7ceQu.jpg Maybe you aren't using cull as much as you can?

  11. You guys mind posting some of your more lengthy parses? I mean, claiming high numbers on a short test is cool and all, but that's more burst over sustained I feel. I tested a few nights ago on the Ops dummy and I was only getting 1530'ish after a 16 minute test (end result shows lower since I was still in combat because of DoT's <_<).


    Here was that particular test:




    Perhaps I'm just doing something really wrong.


    I see it pointless going for any longer than 6 minutes or so, since that's how long boss fights are. But I can easily keep 1,800~ over 6 minutes on an ops dummy. I can probably get a parse for you tomorrow if you want to see.

  12. I pull over 1800 on dummy with crit buff and skill stim only. The Talent adds 12 percent flat increase to crits on dots. 33.5 (ranged)+12 percent from talents=over 45% crit rating for dots. That's not even tech crit rating which will be a tad higher pushing my crit from dots @ 50% on the average log. Energy regen is not an issue with the rotation if you use probe and 2piece set bonus correctly while also making decisions on the fly on whether to use ambush or sos depending on energy levels just like Truescopes stated earlier (I think he gets it!). The rotation he is using is what I have been telling people for days. It really is that simple. After that its all about time on target and lining up relic, and adrenal with bloodthirst. As for the internal damage portion of cull not proccing if the first tick of white damage misses, you are correct, but statistically the odds of the first tick missing are waaaaaay out there, so I have found it a non issue. I have seen it happen 3 times since I have ran lethality in raids. Im also pretty sure that its a bug, and the internal portion is not intended to miss at all. I have only been beaten in a parse once by a skilled mara and only by 17k damage on karagga. Everyone has an off night.


    I also pull over 1,900 on bonethrasher 16man like you said but have quite a lot more crit, are you sure there's never moments where you feel energy starved? I currently run with the stats http://imgur.com/kCJtd might try swapping out some crit if the energy regen doesn't need that much :)

  13. Basic energy cost for a Lethality sniper over 1 minutes is 6 x Cull (150), 3 x Corrosive Dart (60), 3 x Corrosive Grenade (60), and 1 x Orbital Strike (30), coming to 300 energy. Which means you're energy neutral.


    Number of poison ticks is 40 from DoT, and 24 from Cull. Depending on your crit rate, it should return around 60 energy which will be enough for 3 x SoS. While it is possible to include SoS in your rotation, it is not 'optimal' due to the random energy regen. If energy is low, Ambush is better. When energy is high, explosive probe is better. Looking at Somonoke's parse, he only did 20 Cull when there are opportunities to do 25. Cull beats SoS by over 1k damage each time in his parse, so he'll do more damage if those SoS were converted to Cull instead.


    I just keep a rotation of: CD > CG > Weakening > Cull > SoS > Orbital/ambush > Cull repeat. I get 1,800~ dps doing that exact rotation.

  14. In regard to Somokon's parse, For a Lethality sniper, SoS should not be over 10% of damage. Your gear is far better than mine, however your Lethality sniper is doing roughly same damage as my hybrid Leth/Eng.


    This is the Bonethrasher I did today with a PuG


    http://www.torparse.com/a/883 (1433 dps)


    There was a period when I stopped all DPSing because I was being hammered and the healer wasn't healing (PuG healer..). I only have a Rakata rifle, and my mods/augments are not optimized. A friend I know who has full campaign does between 1600-1700 with Lethality. 1500 is way too low.


    The problem is Cull not being used on cooldown. Over 228 seconds, there are 25 opportunities to use Cull, however there are only 20 cull used. If SoS is used less and Cull used more. Total damage output will increase.


    SoS should be over 10%. http://i.imgur.com/7ceQu.jpg. I can get higher than this, usually just over 1,800~ but that was just my first attempt.

  15. There isn't really a rotation, you basically just want to use your attacks as they come up and keep EMP discharge on cooldown.


    Use orbital strike, interrogation probe, plasma probe, explosive probe, and series of shots every time you can. If all those are on cooldown, fill with ambush and snipe. You can think of EMP discharge as giving Adrenaline Probe a 1 min cooldown. At the start of the fight, use orbital strike and blow energy quickly, adrenaline probe to recover, then use EMP discharge -> adrenaline probe every time you can. Try to be at around 50 energy when using adrenaline probe.


    Yes you have to be cautious with plasma probe to not hit things you aren't supposed to, but it's pretty easy to use the targetting icon on the ground. Lethality actually has a rougher time with this as you never know what corrosive grenade is going to hit.





    I'm sorry but this is completely untrue. See my logs above, I am full min/maxed campaign gear, and lethality only did better on Zorn/Toth (plasma probe targetting in this fight is a pain).


    Those are you personal parses though. I am pulling higher damage with lethality than you are with engineering on every single fight. Everyone is different but I've yet to see proof of engineering being on par with lethality.

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