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Posts posted by Truescopes

  1. And wait is Trs playing now? Hmm weird he havent posted those records Eximan, he usually did it pretty quick on the record site. But definately a guy that can make them high numbers;)


    Yeah I am just playing some casually sometimes, more fun that way.


    Also, would say it's more like 50/50 Skill/Luck of the game with them.

  2. Have you not been paying attention at all?


    Lots of ranked teams transfered to ToFN, there's atleast 20 or so teams that transfered here ontop of the 10~ teams that were already on the server, there's instant pops for ranked every night/late afternoon. If you're "Craving competition" start doing ranked.

  3. Not that I care about being named in this here thread, but I find it hilarious that you call out the bias in here while never having actually played with me or versus me.


    Well, yeah, that's the main thing with this thread. You're just going to be listing the players you play with/against the most (That do well obviously) which is why it's so different for most people.

  4. the first


    I'm the second.

    Hence me not getting over 2320 so far. But those games i felt like there was more potential


    Not really, you don't need to spam hots to get 2,700+. If you just spammed hots people would constantly die and you can see from her screenshot that they don't.

    I only spam them out when the whole team is 80%+ hp personally and I've had that 10 or so times so far.

  5. i fking laugh all the nonfactors who thinks am good coz i made such dps



    it was easyer to make 2,6k dps then passing a ball to our tank against mvps. (but there is no successfull ball pass record, is there?)



    so sad ppl think that smbdy is a good mara/healer coz he made 2k + dps against 100 healers, with 200 healers in their team .............


    everybody can make the numberz, the harder thing is the 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 wise how good you are, how do you fit in a team, how is your situation awarness..........


    these super high numberz, are just for the show, nothing else, stupid ppl thinks i am good coz of it, but the clever ones know i am good not bcoz of it.....





    ty <3


    I think pretty much everyone knows by now that dps doesn't really mean much. The thread is also just for fun, not to be taken seriously, or so I thought.

  6. Is it possible to swap gear while the scoreboard is up? If not, I would suggest for those who are still trying for records to open your character sheet while screenshotting the record. Much like the PvE DPS thread, where you can actually go into the logs and write any numbers you want, this thread is also built on trust.


    For Exilove, I can see that you dont care much about the records, seeing you wont be able to get any yourself. If you did, I think with your epeen that record would end up here within minutes. For some people the records is the fun of the game. Seeing that normals might become boring, this is a good way (imo) to keep up the fun of the game. And fyi, 8 cute assassins going around tickeling wont beat a team of damagewhores and awesome healers/tanks. You need them both. So please, I know you have an oppionion about every *********** thing can can find, just try to be a little reasonsable. Man I hate you :cool:


    I agree with opening it, but the only problem with that is people who don't know about the thread/people posting for friends.

  7. Will only post active players, and will try to spread some of the "best of everything"-players around abit to make room for other awesome players. Sorry Trs. My list of most valuable players, not necessary the ones getting biggest numbers or the nicest guys (I'm also probably forgetting someone really obvious here sorry):




    Marauder: Zaer, Skyrush, Jovanna, Natthrah

    Juggernaut: Reso, Vengeant, Korribani


    Sorcerer: Danerius, Xzarnyan, Sainte

    Assassin: Roudy, Karn, Overij


    Mercenary: Watcher-six, Nikae, Kelduin, Lamefish

    Powertech: Rommer, Larsson


    Sniper: Opg, Roofer

    Operative: Ubrilliantbro, Octans, Faiaar




    Sentinel: Zenzey, Jojel, Kekepopa

    Guardian: Uhka, Seneki, Taurel


    Sage: Kerrmitt, Windessa, Vtl

    Shadow: Imminence, Fluffybloodball, Zeliniof


    Commando: Nhilas, Uggen

    Vanguard: Ashwraith, Corvenius, Blaster


    Gunslinger: Kevinger, Weaponslinger

    Scoundrel: Skønheten, Nausica'a, Trska


    Sorry isn't good enough!


    But in all seriousness, I agree with this list except I would add you to scoundrel healer.

  8. Out of curiousity, has anyone gotten this ever since they changed it to require 22 (I think) medals without dying? I've never got it or seen anyone got it in all the games I've played, ally or enemy. I think the only way you could possibly get this is on defense on Voidstar, as you could get enough points on defense and then blow through their door for the Dauntless medals. It doesn't even work if you're on offense because if you bomb them in 3 minutes (needed for Dauntless) then the other side is going to give up, not to mention you only get 3 minutes 30 seconds on defense which is usually not enough time to get the leaderboards you need. I don't even see how it'd be possible in other maps.


    It only takes 18 medals, from a few days ago: http://i.imgur.com/cu5sXaU.jpg

  9. ACE and Impulse are out......yet their premades in normals have never been better. I think the absence of certain members actually played in your favor because you're finally playing the way I expect from top premades. Yes, it's only normals but the top guilds on other servers are generally steamrolling in normals too. I didn't see that here two months ago but I see it now. Last games have been rough.


    You should take some of the combos I've encountered and replace whatever pugs you had in those games with rated players/classes and you'll be good.


    You can't really base it off that, I'm not saying normals don't matter at all, but you are only seeing about 1% of each players games. For example: I win 95% of the games I play when I'm in a premade whether it's just with friends or guildies it doesn't really matter, I've only been with/against you in games probably 5 times but in that amount of time I've probably played 300~ matches. It's completely random which of those matches you end up in, you could come into 5 where we totally steamroll even against other premades or come into some of the ones where we lose.


    That is why I don't think what you see in normals is a good way of judging guilds that do ranked, how they perform in every game in ranked is much more important, atleast in my opinion.


    I also played against premades from other servers on the PTS and it felt no different to playing against good premades from our server.

  10. Might want to clarify on that to be honest. I have a Jugg in full partisan NOT augmented at around 32k. If you'd like I'll even post a screenie. But don't assume people are cheating just because of health numbers etc. I know people do use exploits,but don't tar everyone with the same brush ey ? Using health is just oversimplifying it.


    But that's a tank right? I mean if you're going to post tank records you will obviously have that much or more.

  11. the reason they weren't updated is due to lol bolster xploits.


    Why would you continue to post, this crap is meaningless with the augment glitch and lol bolster xploits


    You can clearly see in atleast most screenshots whether they are using the glitch or not, just check the HP it ends up at around 32k with the bolster glitch.

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