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Posts posted by justduet

  1. It's pvp... what do you expect? I think trash talking almost always goes hand in hand with pvp. That said, it depends on the situation honestly. Sometimes the anger is understandable (people chasing off nodes, people not killing healers despite being asked/told to even when the healers marked, etc) and other times its not (like level 10s yelling at other people - seriously? you queued before you even have sprint and you're yelling at others? or people who talk big and you watch them do nothing the whole match, etc). Sometimes people just have a bad day, perhaps they lost their previous 5 wz's and are at their snapping points.. who knows. For me, it only gets tense in close matches, otherwise I don't bother getting mad at people because its a game and its not ranked, I just requeue and hope for a more organized team.
  2. I don't really have anything cool to add to this thread except I always find it funny my guy friends roll females, and I'm the female rolling a guy character.


    Anyways, in the end gender doesn't really matter so I keep mine vague and respond to both he or she ingame. Past few years though, more females have been open about gaming so its not as surprising females play -- so yay!

  3. The skill curve in this game isn't very high, but the strategy part feels higher/more important than wow's pvp (imo). Individual skill isn't as easily noticed but teamwork goes a long way...


    Sure gear can play a role (it always will in the rpg genre) but when you get to the point where everyone has similar gear, it's not a big deal.


    I kinda like the lower skill curve/cap, because it means some of my more pvp-casual friends can also enjoy pvp. If you want srs skill and e-sports competition stuff, go play LoL or a shooter or something.

  4. Dang how do you all break numbers like that pre-50.. I've only seen 300k+ numbers once on my server (and I pvp'd a lot pre-50) and it was only because they had five freakin healers. My lowbie merc gets close many matches simply because of massive aoe damage, but I find it hard to go over 250k as a concealment operative unless I have 100% uptime or if the match goes on really long...
  5. After understanding and adapting to the resolve system (from the DR system in WoW), I actually feel like the resolve system is "ok". It's not the worst but it can use some tweaks. The biggest issue I have with it is that it is hard to "peel" people off of a healer compared to WoW... it feels like there are no true peels in this game simply because how fast resolve will cap out. There are FAR more snares / stuns / polys / disarms / silences / etc in wow that can be chained together to provide breathing room for healers - not so much in this game. I feel like the most effective peel in this game is simply killing whoever is on the healer... -.-;


    I'm fine with snare not affecting resolve, without it huttball caps would be even easier since the second the ball carrier has full resolve he can waltz to the goal line lol. You can work around not being snared if you understand what classes have snares and if you have an inkling of awareness before walking over fire.

  6. I think it depends on the server. On servers with smaller communities, I've found that PVP players tend to be more capable and intelligent. This means that PUGS aren't too bad; people generally know what to do.


    On servers with huge populations, I've found that there is a greater pool of idiots. As an example, I made an alt on Ajunta Pall, Empire side, and I have never seen such awful players on any server in terms of pugs.


    But that's just my experience. Yours might be different.

    I can agree with this... I rerolled on Fatman recently (only lvl 30ish) and I'm rather appalled at some of these players. It also doesn't help that a lot of people reroll and immediately queue warzones at level 10. I question if rerolling here was a good idea after all lol.



    That aside, premades should always split up on multinode maps instead of all go to one place.. thats just a recipe for disaster (trusting your pugs to cap/hold/defend other nodes). It is a lot easier to having at least one person at the other node/door to call out incs over voip the second it happens so you can reinforce quickly.


    The reason people dislike pugs because its often a crapshoot what kind of players are on your team and most of the time you can't trust them. If you're lucky you get some awesome players, if not... prepare for a very frustrating loss.

  7. Its a themepark alright, but not a bad foundation.. they just need to add in more random time sinks to keep people doing stuff. I hate to bring up "that other game" but they had stuff like minipets to farm, baseline profs like cooking and fishing to herp derp around with, etc. A lot of small "meaningless" activities like that can keep a lot of people occupied.


    Aside from that, the game is what I expected and it can only be improved (unless Bioware majorly messes up).

  8. I was originally hoping for an April 10th release date, but after reading the PTS forums I feel like they need more testing time. :/ I am starting to get tired of waiting but at the same time I'd rather not get frustrated by glitches that could've been prevented through testing. Bioware just needs to pick up the pace and make PTS copies easier...


    Anyways I'm not holding high expectations so I'm thinking anytime before end of April = ok release date.

  9. Fleet pop on RMP has halved over the past month (peaking at ~90 and we're a standard server).. imperial side too so I imagine its worse for republic. That aside, my sub ends after 1.2 launches so I'll be able to check the game out and see if people really return to the game... probably won't be subbing for too long after that unless they introduce merges/transfers.
  10. Maybe pvp in this game just isn't for you? I have no issues getting 4 medals every match post valor change. You get 2 easy medals for healing (2.5k single heal, 75k healing) along with 2 easy kill medals (10 kills, 25 kills). Kill medals are a joke as a healer now since anyone you heal who gets a kill also counts for you. Many times as a healer I get 5-6 medals and about 50% of warzones I get 3+ mvp votes. Most of the time I'm not even the top healer because numbers don't mean everything when it comes to pvp... its how useful you were and how many people notice you being useful.


    The gear discrepancy at 50 is painful, but it will get better in 1.2 and on as Bioware has already stated they want to level the playing field for endgame pvp. Also, there isn't a huge difference between champion and BM gear so yeah...

  11. I only quested for a while as a healer (operative), I felt like questing as a dps + a healer companion was easier than as a healer + dps companion. I think it might be easier as the other healing classes since they don't have to get in melee range to dps...
  12. Can't say much about 50 since I haven't hit it yet, but I play a 41 operative (healing/dps hybrid) and I have played a ~30 healing commando. I love both classes for pvp healing although they have their own playstyles.


    Commando (mercenary) is great at single target burst healing, they're not very mobile though since most of their healing and heal mechanic revolve around casting their 2 main heals. They have an earthshield ability (if you've played WoW) which I find very useful and their instant aoe heal is great on the move. They can take quite a lot of damage (esp if you also get guarded) because between your pushback and shield (which can be specced to grant interrupt immunity) you can heal yourself through a decent amount of melee damage. The only downside I can think of for this class besides mobility is that you aren't very good at kiting or escaping - you kind of just take it and hope to heal through it if no one peels.


    Operative (scoundrel) healing is one of my favorite playstyles overall in this game (for pvp anyways), they're extremely mobile and have a lot of utility. They're good at topping people off and keeping them from dipping into execute range (and when they do fall that low you can spam your instant heal). I don't find them that great at emergency burst healing though - you can only keep it up for so long before you fall behind / get hindered by GCD / become energy starved. They have some great defensive cooldowns and can chain up some good burst dps when needed. It takes awhile to get used to the melee/ranged feel of the class unless you go pure healing (in which case I feel like other classes can fill that role better). What makes operative great is they are flexible and can switch from healing to dps (and vice versa) on the go.

  13. They already stated at the summit that its in the works but they want to make the transfer process as smooth as possible (prob developing an automatic transfer since they are manually transferring characters to the test server)... buuuuut I REALLY hope they make transfers a priority. Although I don't play on low pop servers (luckily there is usually always 100+ on fleet on the standard servers I play) I feel sorry for players stuck on ghost town servers. It would help the community overall and would make the game more fun for a lot of people. I don't mind rerolling and I've done it like 5 times now, but a LOT of people do mind.


    I also hope they make transfers free like Rift XP but that is wishful thinking....

  14. When I first played this game back in Dec I had terrible fps issues, I could not get above 10 fps in warzones no matter how many different fixes I've tried. I was frustrated enough that I stopped playing for a month (and played bf3 instead, which ran smooth as butter)... Fast forward to now and I get average of 40 fps with med/high settings (laptop user here) and warzones are pretty smooth.


    So imo they are still working on optimizing the game because everyone has different systems and its probably hard for them to pinpoint what exactly causes problems. Won't deny there is something weird about the engine though.

  15. I play hybrid medicine/concealment but I'll add in some thoughts anyways...


    1. If the person is 100% and not leaving you alone any time soon, just get away from them. Ops are pretty good at kiting between sever tendon, debilitate, flash bang (and of course, healing on the go). Against classes with a gap closer (lolmostofthem), make sure you run out of their line of sight so they don't just re-jump you. If you can make some friends and queue with them with voip, ask for peels/help - it makes your life a lot easier. I like to save cloaking screen as a last resort skill if possible, make sure you dispel yourself of debuffs before using cloak screen to ensure you don't get popped out of stealth immediately after. If the person jumping you is low you can probably kite/whittle away their hp or just plain kill them.


    2. Depends on your positioning, don't run up to melee if there is a swarm of enemies (grenade + ranged dot and just autoattacking actually helps more than it appears). If you really need a burst combo (like helping take down or singling out an enemy healer for example), get up close but make sure you have an escape plan ready. Don't forget to interrupt healing casts when you're in melee, I find this more helpful than whatever damage you output.


    3. You are right, but honestly it depends on the situation. Assuming you are healing others… Kolto infusion does far more burst healing than surgical probe does, some times it is better to cast (if no one is going to interrupt you, you really need to keep a target alive, etc - rare occasions, but still worth casting in those situations). I find that spamming surgical probe is good on light to moderate damage but on heavy incoming damage you will fall behind due to global cooldown. In other words, prioritize accordingly.

  16. I dunno, a lot of gladiators can still get glad with ONLY pvp gear, but it feels cheap having to try to beat teams with gear they shouldn't be allowed to use in pvp (legendaries, BiS 25man trinkets, etc).. its basically saying, oh you don't raid so you shouldn't be allowed to have "better" gear in pvp, where its all about skill and NOT gear? What a joke. I don't have time to raid AND pvp, people who want to enjoy one portion of the game should (and those who want to do everything should, at their own expense).


    If I wanted to pve, I would go down that path and work on getting geared just for pve. If I want to pvp I'll work on that gear, people shouldn't be allowed to have their cake and eat it too unless they take time to do it - that is progression and something necessary in the mmorpg genre. But thats just my opinion, I don't want everything handed to me / available to me even if I have limited playtime (I know a lot of people do though).

  17. Solution:


    High rated PvP: Sexy gear, cool titles and epic mounts. Same stats as Low rated.


    Low rated PvP: Ugly gear, no titles and basic mounts. Same stats as High rated.


    People who want a carrot on a stick can go for the sexy gear, the mounts and titles so people can look at them and go "wow, they are good". Everyone is on an equal playing field as soon as they start PvP and don't waste time having to gear before seeing how good they actually are. (Someone also suggested giving everyone the golden samurai JK gear if they were low rated/new at PvP, if that's not incentive to go for this type of progression, nothing is)

    This pretty much, I think that a lot of real pvpers don't really care about lesser skilled players having access to the same gear (stat-wise) as them, because they know they can outplay the lesser players. However, most of them want to STAND OUT and be rewarded for playing well. I think titles and awesome looking gear is a great solution. Why do people in that 'other' game keep playing arenas? Because rankings and titles = prestige.. Once people broke a certain rating everyone had the same gear to compete with at the top anyways.

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