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Everything posted by Aeoda

  1. Sorry, not for it. Level Sync is not a bad thing, and I was skeptical at first. I do not miss the days of having a max level, usually from the opposite faction but occasionally from the same one, steal a WB from at level ops groups forming to kill it. The 'hurry there is someone here to steal it' in ops chat was annoying at best. It was trollish and slimy behavior, and I'm glad it can't be done like that anymore. Nothing like having to jump instances or wait for a respawn so a max level could have their fun. Oddly, it wasn't fun for the people who got hosed by that nonsense. Those are not meant to be solo'd, if you can't find a group I'd have to say you aren't trying very hard. The ones for Qyzen? I had no issues on multiple characters by just saying 'this group is for that quest or achievement' in general chat. Plenty of people want to do that content, try working with them. Mean to post, yes, a bit-but it was an issue and I'm happy it's gone.
  2. I honestly got the feeling from the Mandalorian Chapter that (Spoilers for politeness):
  3. /signed in support, the preview issue is annoying as heck. I am sick of missing body parts, missing gear and such, and yes, I put in bug report tickets. A fix would be much, much appreciated.
  4. Setokai pretty much covered it. The boxes are an immediate reward, the items are in your item stash if you opened them. Just be careful what character you pull those items on, they will bind to them as they are all bind on pickup. So if you have parts of say an armor set on one character, and got the rest in the boxes, pull it on that character so you can use the whole set for unlock purposes. (All has to be on the same char). Those boxes and the xp boost armor are gotten immediately on finishing the achievements. The rest of the rewards that you qualified for will arrive at the end of the event. Be patient, and you will get them.
  5. Ty, I don't craft much anymore, I see very little use in it for just those reasons.
  6. Let me see if I can help a bit. No, they no longer have the specific bonuses, all crafting is now tied to influence level. The higher the level, the faster/better they work. So it pays to pump up the affection levels with gifts and set them to work. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, though of late I have not seen as much use for them except some end game gear. Biochem is quite handy on a 'useful to all your alts' level since you can craft some very nice stims/medpacks. Artifice isn't bad with dyes and crystals if you go that route. Most of the craftable stuff can be gotten through heroic boxes and such. This may change come 5.0. The DVL event encourages you to roll crafters for the Legendary level if that is of interest. I get decent money off just gathering, but again, mileage varies. Depends on your server and such. I hope that helps.
  7. You likely will not get her until 5.0 arrives, possibly when early access starts. If they do what they did with Nico, it will be a token in the mail, or perhaps an alert. Speculating there. Hope that helps.
  8. It's likely still in your inventory or item stash, look under consumables. Make sure you use the token then try. Hope that helps.
  9. Nice! Welcome to TOR, hope you have a ton of fun here. Another nice resource is right here in the new player and class forums. I'd suggest you look into the class forum for your class, there is a lot of handy info, and check over some of the stickies in the new player section. There are some good ones with abbreviations and things that will help translate 'Wow' into 'Tor' if that makes sense. Similar but different enough to need a little translation.
  10. All servers are actually both now. On your world map, I do believe, you will see a drop down menu with instances, one is usually marked pvp, the others are pve. Just select the one you want and transport to them, not logged in at the moment to check everything offhand. It allows you to change from a pvp instance to a pve one. On a pve instance no need to sweat being tagged for pvp. I only pvp in warzones, so the only times I've ventured into those instances is to kill world bosses that happen to be up in them and were downed in the pve instances. Some people like to farm and things in them as they are usually less populated. Hope that helps.
  11. Hm. It's possible they are from chance cubes. I seem to recall hearing there were some items popping up in the chance cube pool before official release. That's my guess.
  12. Looks like those may be drops/mission rewards. Guessing here, I couldn't find where to get those schematics. I would check your server's GTN.
  13. Well, the GTN occasionally has those embargoed packs/items, but they tend to be pricey. Also packs are periodically reintroduced, not often but they have been putting them out lately. Hope that helps.
  14. I'm thinking it will work like this expac, and all subs need to do is well, stay subbed. I found it interesting that they included a new sub perk comp as well. The mount looks nice, but hey, comps are good.
  15. Hm. Looks like it's a possible drop from Underworld Trading from the TOR Fashion comments. The GTN on your server may offer it. I wish I could give you better info. http://tor-fashion.com/laminoid-battle/
  16. This. Lots of people use the tokens they stock up after reset to build rep. Nice for events really, where you only have a week to do the actual content.
  17. Short answer, you can't. Long answer, they are part of the event and will spawn on any character inside the main settlements to say hello on any world hosting the event. Rare spawn gold plaguebearer mobs drop a pet rakling, why you'll see people hang out in those areas. They may be farming for the pet or doing the rak plague spreading daily. There is also a daily to spread the infection, it's just a good plan to keep a few vaccines on hand if you want to completely avoid the plague. People with it do hang out on fleet as well to do their daily or earn the achives for spreading it. Now, you can stay out of those bases and avoid the mobs, but that isn't possible when you need to turn in quests. Use the vaccine available at any medical droid and you will not catch the plague, it will cure it if you have it. It's supposed to interfere with combat, you are getting sick and turning into a Rak, part of the event. If your character has it, it will kill your character unless you use the vaccine or die before it goes to stage three. Just part of the world event, I know that might sound frustrating but it is a world event, and a fairly popular one. Come tues reset, THORN will have it handled and there won't be anymore of them spawning. I will say that it's actually a good idea to try and get newcommer rep with THORN, they sell relics that aren't great stat wise, but provide infinite vaccines for 5k. Rather cheap in the long run as vaccines cost 2k per dose, they bind to legacy and you can just buy one, use the relic as needed and go on about your business in the future without buying vaccines. Store it in your legacy bay when you don't need it and you have alts covered. I hope that helps.
  18. There are entire armor sets that aren't terribly pricey on the GTN most of the time. Try there. Usually you can pick up boxes (lower, upper, and supplemental) for less than a full set in a box. You can make your character look very Cyborg-y if you like. Tor Fashion has a lot of armor sets listed. http://tor-fashion.com/?s=cybernetic
  19. I doubt it's much comfort, but I've had the same issue. Put in a ticket, I did, at least let BW know it's an issue. Wagering it's something went wacky with the last patch, the only real workaround I've found has been to try one item at a time and be willing to close and reopen the preview window. Still wonky, but it's somewhat workable. I hope that's a little help.
  20. Well, a bit of searching and I found...not much. But if it's a matching appearance they are after, here are some lists I dug up. http://swtordata.com/items/10786-diabolists-adjunct-lightsaber Click the '31 Items with the same model' tab to see the others. Or https://torcommunity.com/database/item/0UAeA4C/diabolists+adjunct+lightsaber/ Maybe they can find a similar looking one that would do for them. Best of luck.
  21. I think there was one in the collector's edition, but not sure. However! You can find most of it on YouTube and possibly some of the streaming services. Something at least, I agree, it's beautiful music.
  22. Guessing you have the archeology crew skill? Those aren't junk, they're crafting mats, that area has a lot of them. If you don't have a crafting skill to use them yourself, sell them on the GTN. Artifice and a couple of other crafting skills use them.
  23. Thank you, Mubrak, I didn't have time to dig up the link to the gear.
  24. Nope, he sells legacy gear as well. A bit more, I think 20 comms each, but the gear vendor sells BOL shells along with the cheaper gear that's modded already. Scroll down to the bottom of the items list offered and you will find them. Faction specific sets, as I recall.
  25. I agree, it isn't Temple Guardian. Lower armor is wrong, and the chest piece does not quite match-also no hood (a total plus to me). My guess is a new armor for her like a lot of the comps, and possibly it will be added later like Lana and Theron's sets.
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