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Everything posted by Framon

  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800MZMckzZMIMrzGGMs.1 I tend to use this build, i do around 400k - 500k dmg in full games Use reactive shield early because with the 2 points in reflexive shield will start reducing cooldown right away.
  2. hammer shot slows cos it applies the plasma cell dot, which has a chace to apply during any attack. my normal rotation is: 1. Assault plastique 2. Incidenary round 3. HiB 4. Full Auto 5. HiB (if Procced) 6. Tech override/Reserve powercell/Plasma grenade (use RP here because Plasma grenade costs 4 ammo) 7. Hammer Shot I dont tend to use charged bolts, because: 1. Can be interrupted 2. Single hit, whereas hammer shot is 3 hits so higher chance of plasma cell gettin applied 3. Costs ammo
  3. http://imgur.com/yxUrC possible to do good dps in assault as commando
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