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Posts posted by odericko

  1. Not that this thread was specifically asking, but I did want to let you know that there is a plan to have a sale on some character stuff like renames and probably also transfers when we get closer to launch. It is still a bit away and I don't have exact timing, but we will be sure to give you some notice (a week or so) before it goes live.






    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Just returned to the game, last played right after the F2P switch.


    Been having more fun playing through class storylines with a friend (Bounty Hunter/Agent characters) than I've had with a game in the last few years.


    Have to give some thanks for that. :rak_03:

  3. What I'd like to see, in no order and speaking from what's most likely to happen:


    Trophies to display from all level ranges. Don't forget those Heroic Missions!

    Free style placement for furniture, though I doubt we'll get this.

    If we're limited to one building/planet per faction, then give us multiple floor plans to choose from.

    Incorporate our companions in a way only SWTOR can. They're a big selling point for the game.

  4. Ahh, but good games offer gameplay that is headline worthy. Making headlines generates interest. Generating interest means more people looking at those things that make headlines. More people looking at those things means more people want those things. More people wanting those things means more games are made with those things included. Without headlines, games would be nothing but dusting lampshades. No one wants to write about dusting lampshades. No one really wants to play dusting lampshades for long.


    That's all fine, but going back to your comparison to EVE - interesting headlines that isn't backed up by interesting gameplay is taking style over substance in a way. And housing in an MMO is pretty big news, check the 150+ thread over on Massively.com. Most positive comments I've seen on SWTOR in awhile. Compare them to EVE, where there's always a few people saying EVE is more fun reading about than playing, thus the 400k subscribers that are mostly alts.

  5. Because it ultimately changes nothing about the same old same old. New PvP mode is going to be just as repetitive as all the other modes. Adding housing changes nothing else about the core mechanics of the game. In the end, housing will be new and shiney, but once that wears off and all the customizing is done, you are left back where you started.


    Again, if someone wants to pay $15/month (or whatever CC costs housing will contain) to just to play interior designer, then it's all well and good as it continues to fund the game. But when I look at it, just playing a game for one limited aspect doesn't make a whole lot of sense - there are better and cheaper ways of playing interior designer without having to pay for 95% of a game you no longer want to play because its the "same old same old."


    And there ya go again making assumptions. If I wanted only interior designer I'd go play The Sims. I'm liking the housing aspect on top of a game I already like. I like SWTOR, it's why I played it for over a year without taking a single break, but like I said before - the lack of diverse content whittled my interest down. And that's the point of the new PVP mode and housing, giving me something to do outside of OPs and flashpoints. Of course it's gonna get old eventually, every game does. But a game offering more than just a set track of progression, even if it's not part of core game, will keep me from getting so burned out on it.


    Should stop replying here. Dunno why I have to defend my opinion, but I have to remember this is the SWTOR official forums. Guess some things never change.

  6. Nope, just trying to understand your reasoning a little bit more. Heck your money is just as good as the next guy's so I really don't care why you resubbed. But when you make statements that equate you to quitting previously because of the direction the game was heading, and the current plans really don't change that all that much (the game is still going to be about Raids and Battlegrounds), it seems a little strange.


    Wait, what's strange of quitting for nothing to do besides the same old same old but returning when a new PVP mode is added and housing is announced?


    If anything is strange it's you not understanding. :rak_02:

  7. I find Eve incredibly boring as well. However there is no denying the fact that things like that are what make for great stories and headlines. No one ever wrote about the epic story of dusting a lampshade.


    If, however, they include the ability to vacuum your player housing, then I can really go for that, and would be behind housing implementation 100%


    Good thing games are made to be played rather than write headlines about, eh?

  8. Which doesn't change the overall direction of the game - merely deflects attention away from the "standard business as usual" which is why you claimed to have quit in the first place.


    Except I never said I wanted the overall direction of the game to be changed. Just some alternate activities to break up the same old, as when I quit there was literally nothing to do outside of questing/flashpoints/OPs and crafting outside of the events that come around monthly. Are you arguing over an opinion? If I feel the new PVP mode (which I'm liking, just started it a few nights ago) and housing are enough to warrant my subscription, why do you feel the need to try and discredit it? It's a lose/lose battle, mate.


    Gotta love the official forums.

  9. Now that would be funny as hell and well worth the price of admission to the forums.


    ******Super Sig Time******



    Come on man, that is EPIC gameplay stuff there! That's what gets all the gaming news outlets up in a frenzy to report:


    "Hey everyone ... you know that great big battle in Eve that cost players thousands of real life dollars? Well, in today's news, we got something that completely blows that out of the water! A Jedi Knight named XxFlukeHighwalker742xX just hung a fuzzy painting of what may look like a Rancor on the wall of his home in one of the high rises of Coruscant! This is what makes our great hobby of PC gaming so epically great! As a matter of fact, we're going to the 24/7 livestream now - and will be in continuing coverage since we don't want to miss the possibility of XxFlukeHighwalker742xX placing a trophy he bought in the Cartel Market next to his sofa (which he still can't sit in)!"


    Placing a trophy next to a sofa would be more exciting than watching a battle in EVE. Just saying, the game plays like a strategy game. A game where you play one unit, making it just as boring as watching paint dry. Of course, it comes down to personal preference on which you like more.

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