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  1. Hey! The structure has changed quite a bit over the last year. The community is managed by a council, which consists of the following: Owner: Brixx Pub Side Caretaker: Barlord Imp Side Caretaker: Dri'kiss Plus the GM's of each guild (these positions still change every 6 months). Hope that answers your question; lemme know if you have any others! Site link: https://communityofguilds.enjin.com/
  2. <Republic SpecForce is a full spectrum (PVE/PVP/RP) Military Themed Guild that is structured like a Special Force Unit. Loosened Uniform rules, loads of RP and regular PVP and PVE events! Apply if interested. Community Website: https://communityofguilds.enjin.com/recruitment Latest RP Post: https://communityofguilds.enjin.com/specforceforums/editpost/135146752/m/42964647/page/1 looking forward to hearing from some folks!
  3. Looking for a place to belong? <Republic SpecForce> is looking for a few good people to rebuild it's ranks. We have a SH / Ship, and plan to run Full Raid and WZ teams once we've built up. We have have a full RP story that will be playing out while we rebuild. Site Link: https://communityofguilds.enjin.com/specforce
  4. Looking for a place to belong? <Republic SpecForce> is looking for a few good people to rebuild it's ranks. We have a SH / Ship, and plan to run Full Raid and WZ teams once we've built up. We have have a full RP story that will be playing out while we rebuild. Site Link: https://communityofguilds.enjin.com/specforce
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