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Everything posted by Xeroxfaew

  1. what people seem to be blissfully negligent about when making these "They're staggering access for less server stress / queue time" arguments is that at one point.. ALL of these people WILL be on the servers at the SAME time. There will be queue times. There will be server stress. There will be crashes. All they are doing is alienating a great majority of players and giving blatant advantage to others. The above is inevitable for an MMO launch. There will be thousands upon thousands of people online at ONE time, regardless. Stop being so ignorant.
  2. What people seem to be blissfully negligent about when making these "They're staggering access for less server stress / queue time" arguments is that at one point.. ALL of these people WILL be on the servers at the SAME time. There will be queue times. There will be server stress. There will be crashes. All they are doing is alienating a great majority of players and giving blatant advantage to others. The above is inevitable for an MMO launch. There will be thousands upon thousands of people online at ONE time, regardless. Stop being so ignorant.
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