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Posts posted by TheCoug

  1. On Balmorra, I call her Darth Dirty. I've completely forgot her real name. My Fave so far. We'll see what else they have to offer.


    haha Darth Lachris?? How can I forget her!


    Also does anyone remember that Jedi Master you fight in the cave on Hoth? His voice acting was amazing. The actor sounded so familiar. I've actually been trying to find out who it is.

  2. If you save up enough from individual planets (24 i think) you can buy the purple equipment boxes, which usually have a pretty rare purple item. You can either use it or sell it on the GTN for some sweet sweet credits.


    I think I was actually able to buy three of these just from Balmorra commendations.

  3. They are refugees escaping the Empiral rule and were the first race to colonize the planet. If you were looking for escaped slaves, would you bother looking on Hoth of all places?


    ^ This guy. Dropping a knowledge bomb.

  4. You can disable the "corruption" look of your character. Darkside gives you veiny/cracky skin.




    And yes, you can even go from Darkside V to LightSide V if you wanted to put in the leg work to do it. (Would take you awhile).


    And your character's appearance DOES change if you go back.


    Can you go from DS V to LS V? I'm at DS V and I've made a few LS choices since then and notice it hasn't affected my alignment at all. In fact any LS points I had when I finally reached DS V were erased and now all it says is -10,000.

  5. Some Datacrons can NOT be group-accomplished because of the freakin' MARIO aspect to them. I am missing some of my MAIN stat datacrons cause I am not good at jumping/timing.


    And I highly resent the fact that I am forced to play a nentento-style game to get what I need for end-game content.


    Actually, me and one of my guildies have been getting a lot of the platforming datacrons together. Where if theres a particularly dangerous jump, one of us will go first and then we can duel and use his grapple to get either me or him to the new platform.


    In addition, if one of us falls and its close enough to duel, we can grapple or force jump back to where we were without doing all the previous platforming again. Its saved us a lot of frustration.


    At the moment we've gotten every Empire datacron up to Voss.

  6. I'm at 10,000 DS points and also have around 150-250 LS pts. Until I reached DS V with a net point value of -10000, it just deducted the LS points from my DS total. Since reaching DS V my meter now reads 0 LS and 10000 DS with neither alignment choice affecting me any longer.
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