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Posts posted by TheCoug

  1. I believe there is an ideal guild quiz somewhere. I don't have a link unfortunately. There are individual server forums that have their individual guild recruitment sub forums. You could post on there for a guild. The best way is to watch in general chat for guilds who are recruiting or state that you're looking for a guild and talk to those who respond to find out more how their guild is run.
  2. The best way is to just observe which guilds you see doing what you like doing the best. Whether it be PvP, flashpoints, questing, etc. Unforunately there's no comprehensive guild database, but I'm sure if you asked in general chat which guilds are recruiting, you'd get plenty of responses and then you can ask how their guild is run, etc etc
  3. what do i want in a guild, its pretty simple, friendly people who dont treat me as a outcast. i had that in a few kinships when i played lotro, when i would log in to the chat server they acted like i was trash and never wanted to talk to me. i mean who would bother staying with a kin after that. happened too many times so i just quit the game. so just friendly, mature people who want to have fun and not take everything so seriously, does that exist?


    Did you get the Private Message I sent you?


    If not, I'm telling you this exists. It is the exact sort of guild I try to run. Super social, fun, casual and helpful. With players of all levels. We have around 60 members and there are usually anywhere from 5-15 people on whether its early afternoon or the wee hours of the morning. I keep everyone connected and informed about guild happenings with out website, facebook, and twitter.


    I'm Coug, the GM of The Nerf Herders, and we're an Empire side guild on the Cho Mai PvP server.

  4. Probably the most user-friendly way to learn skills and rotations is to take on an elite or even a champion-type mob that's more than five levels below your character. At that point, the level-based damage-mitigation multipliers ensure that you're pretty much immune to any damage the mob might do to you, while the mob itself is still tough enough to live long enough for you to play around with various attacks and see what they do.


    This is great advice. For instance I was fighting the world boss on Dromund Kaas as a level 50 and while it had like 200k health, none of its attacks could hurt me so I had plenty of time to time my abilities and CDs.

  5. The only thing I really disagreed with this was the Obi Wan - Anakin - Padme love triangle idea.


    While Anakin is clearly what the prequels are all about, I agree that Episode I in itself should have been more about Obi Wan. There was basically no Obi Wan story development whatsoever.


    I love the part about Toydarians, and how the movie lacked any sort of playfulness between characters. Not just forced GL dialogue.

  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=612#anchor14



    AoE - Area of Effect, AoE attacks hit multiple opponents often in the form of a cone shape or 360 degree attack.

    BUFF - A buff increases your stats to improve your performance

    DEBUFF/DUFF - A debuff decreases your stats to decrease your performance

    CC - Crowd Control, abilities which hinder the movement of enemies, roots, holds and slows for example

    ST - Single Target, attacks which only effect one opponent

    DPS - Damage Per Second, a form of measuring how much damage you deal every second

    DOT - Damage Over Time

    HOT - Heal Over Time

    XP - Experience Points, Experience points are gained to level your character through completing quests and killing enemies

    INC - Incoming, used when enemies are approaching

    PROC - Special Procedure, refers to an event triggered under particular circumstances. My Lightsaber might have a 10% chance to do 15 extra damage.

    HP - Health Points

    KS - Kill Steal, said when another player takes the final blow or attacks an already attacked target

    OP - Over Powered, used to describe something with incredible strength and power

    REZ - Resurrection, the act of bringing someone back to life

    RNG - Random Number Generator, same as rolling a dice. Often used in terms with PROC

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