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Posts posted by Finreal

  1. Lots of proffesional, expert, gamer guru's in this thread. Unfortunatley the average player isn't so gifted and will not magicaly learn to avoid or tollerate CC like said imba experts. They will do what they did in Warhammer Online before they tamed the rampant CC. They will leave the game and take their money with them. I'm staying so you can say what you like. I witnessed it first hand in WAR, they took action too late and lost thousands of people (who where whining every day) and hundreds of thousands of $/£ worth of development funds.


    Now, back to the 1337 gaming proffesors.

  2. Dont be naive.



    Touché, my little friend, touché.



    Do you have anywhere near a damn clue how difficult it is to get a job as a game developer? Working for bioware? On the biggest project featuring the biggest IP possibly ever?



    Pretty easy. Just work for a company that gets consumed by EA, like say... Mythic who came up with the Bright Wizard amongst other awful balance disasters. Did I mention that Steve Engle (the guy who blatantly over buffed the classes he was playing on live server) worked for Mythic before they managed to get rid of him by moving the office half way across the USA. Steve and his team got away with intentionally buffing their fave classes for three whole years.



    These men and women are dedicated and full of pride in their work, and they BUST THEIR ASSES working ungodly hours so that people like you can whine and make up retarded conspiracy theories.



    Just like the Devs in Warhammer that are now in BioWare working on SWTOR. You do realise you are portraying these guys like front line soldiers and emergency workers right?


    I'm not whining either. I have learnt to accept that human nature can affect people from all professions. Corrupt politicians, police, union officials ect, ect. Your aggressive stance here shows that you are too immature to accept that everything isn't always flawless and perfect.



    You don't get a job in the industry unless you love what you do and take pride in it. If they botched faction balance...well then they botched it. Its ridiculous and childish to believe that the devs were scheming all along to sabotage their own game.



    Contradiction here, I'm afraid. To botch it to such a degree and also to only have mysteriously botched it for one faction shows either a complete lack of pride in their work or... don't worry mr Fanboi, I won't torment you further.



    Their jobs are secure. Thats the stupidest thing ive heard all day.



    They won't be fired over this, I can assure you. Classes and careers are handled by a PvE team in this game. PvP concerns will be forwarded to this C&C team by the PvP team who are far less naive about how quickly PvPers would spot these blatant imbalances.



    PS: We found another hilarious faction imbalance the other day. DFA has no target limit, Morter Volley does have a target limit. Should make for easy valour farming for those BHs.

  3. "Hey fellow dev team members! i just had a great idea! Lets PURPOSELY reduce the chances of our game succeeding by favoring one faction!"


    "That guy's thinking outside the box. Give him a raise!"



    Yeah, that definitely happened.


    Why should the Dev team care? They are working on a salary not commision from subs. They know the game will survive on PvE subs alone, so their jobs are secure. The guys who would care are execs from EA who don't even know how to install a computer game, let alone PvP in one, so they won't find out about, or understand the balance issues.


    This was happening in WAR too. The lead Combat & Careers dev, Steve Engle was playing a Dwarven Slayer on a live US server. (most powerfull DPS class in the later stages of the games life) Another DPS class, the Chaos Marauder was buffed to rediculous levels. Just so happens that said lead C&C dev rolled one in time for the buff he implemented. With SWTORs lead Dev's clearly obsessed with PvE in this game, they may not notice these balance issues before launch. Intentional bias for a faction or certain classes is not as unlikely as you may think.

  4. I play a tank. Without heals, I can't do my job. There's not enough healers on my server, so I will allways give them an MVP. I'm certainly not giving it to one of the bazillion pre-madona DPSers who seem to think that they will be the chosen one. :rolleyes:
  5. The amount of stomping feet and steaming ears in this thread is pretty funny. The OP already admited he is a quiter, he doesn't give a shizzle what you call him and he will quit bad WZ because he wants to have fun in a game he has to pay a subscription for.


    I don't blame him, why should anyone. There's no penalty for quiting. It's an intended feature. Note the "leave WZ" button. It's there for anyone who wants out. Whatever the reason.

  6. 80 percent of Republic are soldiers?


    God, I wish SOA could have achieved this. I remember playing the only Stormtrooper in a galaxy full of teen jedi, bunny-hopping everywhere spamming "lol". That was some iconic shizzle, I can tell you.

  7. How much relevance do the styles of dress in films set 20-25 thousand years later really have?



    Better would be a wide selection.


    Ok, so somewhere between our modern day riot police gear and clone trooper gear, designers all became John Paul Gautier before realising it was silly and went back to trying to be functional again.


    Somewhere between our modern day monks and the Jedi from the films, they thought it would be alright to abandon being humble and try out being glam-rock stars, before going back to being humble monks again.


    I do agree on the wide selection option though, it would be fine having an option to look like a clown, so long as you can look like someone from the films too.

  8. We're sorry that we keep using our sprints and friendly-pull to score points.


    We're sorry that we even often work with juggernauts and speed up that process.


    We're sorry for doing the objective, we just want to win, even if that team is your's. :(


    We're sorry for not letting the game drag on so you can farm some more kills and medals.


    We're sorry for actually playing the game while marauders and mercenaries like yourself camp the center in tunnel-vision-mode.


    We're sorry for finishing the game and walking away with sub-50K damage/healing, <3 medals, and zero objective points - while you farm to your heart's content in the middle.


    We're sorry for occasionally passing the ball to you when we are unable to hold it, and we're sorry for not being there to receive the ball when you immediately toss it back while we're dead.


    We're sorry for healing you, shielding you, CC'ing for you, and just helping you kill stuff in general.


    We're sorry.


    I'll forgive you if you promise to change your ways and just PvP instead of trying to play John Madden PvE.

  9. Ilum would actualy work if it wasn't a lag fest. The only thing the majority of people can do is target closest enemy, then spam a single attack, harpoon or place an AoE in the general direction of the opposing zerg. That's why all fighting in Ilum is just a back and forth between a base and a mid area respawn point.


    If Organised warbands could actualy co-ordinate movement, CC, AoE and ST focus the zone would spring into life and the organised kill traders on some servers would be wiped out in a matter of minutes.


    As it stands, BioWare should be forced to change the minimum specifications on the games box. In the UK it's an offence called false advertising. It's there to stop companies from trying to con people into buying products that aren't fit for the stated purpose. For example, if I tried to sell the army a tank made of paper, claiming it was bullet proof, I would be prosecuted by the authorities.


    Chewing gum that can turn you into Jesus is a lie. The minimum hardware specifications for SWTOR are a lie.

  10. Would Yoda or Windu wear massive glam-rock shoulder pads, a samurai helmet and a golden scuba diving suit?


    This is what happens when you give an arty-farty dev free riegn on designing something "epic". He/She has to do it their way to feed their ego, instead of producing something inspired by the IP.


    BioWare should have spent some of that $300,000,000 on borrowing the guy at Lucas arts who designed the costumes for the recent films. You know, because we all love the films and that's why we're playing this game.


    Thankfully, we'll be able to stip the mods out of the clown suits soon and put them in far more tastefull "orange" gear.

  11. Ilum would work if the game didn't lag to hell. How can serious guilds co-ordinate anything with 5FPS on pimped out systems. Even staying near your guarded target is next to impossible, let alone using CC properly or assisting with AoE/Single target damage. Fix the lag and the good guilds will stop the mindless kill trading and box farming overnight.
  12. Nah, I doubt it would be too much effort for this $300,000,000 project.


    I have heard that it's being done anyway. The mods from PvP gear will be retrievable, although the cost is uneccessarily high given than not looking like an ***-clown has no mechanic based advantage.

  13. I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


    I encourage everyone at BioWare to spend more time fixing this bug and less time telling people how to exploit it.


    BioWare, self owning like Anakin Skywalker.

  14. If BioWare inconvenience you by not updating your legitimate WZ wins, then simply inconvenience their Customer Support guys by writing a ticket, asking for a manual update each and every time the code fails. You can even write up a generic ticket in a text file to copy and paste if you are averse to a little effort. At the very least you will feel better that you have annoyed someone who works for the company that has annoyed you. :)
  15. Lets get this strait.


    3. Dedicated PvPers

    You know, if they would stop whining and /quiting... it would be more productive for the evolution of the PvP in SWToR. Instead of being vehement about particular problems (gathering data and reporting it consistently) they cry about it, threaten to leave, and then do so when the problem isn't fixed the next day.


    Case and point:

    Coding takes time. More time than you "Dedicated PvPers" seem capable of waiting. Learn some patience already.


    I'm sure there are hundreds of mathmaticians just itching to get hold of data to consistantly report but BioWare have as yet failed to provide a combat log. (PvPers can't be patient about this one as every other game in recent MMO history has launched with a combat log) Incompetence or something to hide. I suspect the latter.


    If BioWare had done some market research they would know that PvPers don't have patience. They want a decent fight from the get go, just like PvEers want to be able to PvE from the get go. BioWare have had half a decade to get things playable.


    The only Padowans doing the real crying are the ones watching their EA shares lose value every month. Seeing as gamers in general hate EA with a passion, this is some compensation at least.

  16. How long did it take you to write that shyte that no one will read?


    I read it. I think most people in this thread read it.


    How long did it take you to come up with your best troll response? There are troll courses and plenty of good trolls to learn from. I know everyone has to start trolling somewhere but you need quite a lot of help and practice before you can become entertaining.


    Never mind, son. Keep your chin up.

  17. I'm afraid so. Got a load of kills at first and was pretty upbeat about BioWare's response. Then the counter failed again and I had to start letting myself be killed by the imps to unbug/bug the system to get the rewards going again.


    Not realy pleased that the guys who pretend to be Devs are now forcing me to trade kills in order to work round the bug they implemented.

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