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Everything posted by Xtrema

  1. They gradually open areas where Republic and Empire characters overlap, probably cuz they didn't want to throw newbies into the fire. In Nar Shaddaa, even though lots of areas are 'Contested' most of the time only Empire or Republic will have quests there, if your Republic friend really wanted to, he could technically go to your area and find you, but he'll most likely be the only Republic there vs all the Empire. As you move onto latter planets like someone said before, Hoth, spaces become much much larger and you will see many more Republic forces questing in the same area where you can fight at any time. Bottom line - keep going, it's BioWare's way of easing you into full PvP zones. You'll get what you're looking for soon enough. I saw decent amount of action starting in Alderaan, small group of Republics cut off bunch of us while we were heading over to take on the world boss.
  2. wow...had no idea it was THAT bad. Guess I'll be taking my time then, thanks for the info
  3. This is the case for me too, I'm not too high level only 33 but a few chars of friends are 10-20ish. I'd like to help out but dont know if I'm hurting their XP by grouping with them. Hopefully what you say is true. Sorry MMO newb, what is PL?
  4. Playing my first MMO so need some advice, if ur char is waiting for something in PvP, say building rage, you use your auto attack (or I've also heard it called filler) right? What do people have this bound to? I've left mine at 1 and i feel its very hard for my Jugg to run around while hitting 1 consistently. I'm thinking of binding it to the left button on the side of the mouse, wont interfere with my W,A,S,D movement, or the rotation of camera used on my mouse. Not sure though, have yet to give it a run, will probably try it out tonight. What have you been using?
  5. So I've been going about 70/30 split between a lvl33 jugg and a 15 sniper, obviously I'm gonna hit 50 a lot slower than if I were to just focus on one character, and with more and more 50s running around now I'm wondering - what's going on up at 50? Everything you do at the endgame worth it and/or fun? Am I missing out by going two chars and delaying my 50s by so much, should I focus on reaching 50 with one char, or is it not a big deal..no rush?
  6. Have Cybertech atm, I've noticed I'm not getting points every time my companion finishes crafting something. Sometimes I get 0, sometimes I get up to 2. Roughly at 100 now and have been crafting the purple Advanced armor/mods, along with some ship mods and implants, but not everything comes back with an increase in my cybertech skills. Is this just how it is? Or am i not crafting correctly, perhaps the wrong items?
  7. are the reusable stuff sellable? or are they BoP?
  8. awww, there goes like 40-60% of the reason I chose this profession, thought it'd be cool to craft speeders for guildies/friends. Oh well, shouldve read the fine print and no, i didnt play wow or any other mmo before this. I saw WoW consume my roomate so I avoided all MMO's...but this was star wars and I couldnt help it lol.
  9. wait...seriously?? We can't share or sell the speeders we make?! Why? I'm not following...can someone please explain why the arguably and seemingly coolest thing you can make in this profession is restricted this way? But I noticed on the GTN there's a tab for Mounts, doesn't that imply we can sell speeders?
  10. Lvl 31 Jugg at the moment with just 3 points in rage tree, 0 in immortal and everything else in vengeance. I feel like I'm kind of a tank with skills like saber ward, defensive stance and endure pain, but I can also dish out some decent damage too. So am I some kind of hybrid? Is it even worth it continuing down this tree? I've read about DPS jugg, or full immortal jugg, does this type of Jugg work at endgame and PvP? Am I wasting my time being a hybrid, are they even viable? I'm not rly struggling in the story, I do have to heal after every fight, so am I okay or should I respec?
  11. I have a 31 Warrior that just finished Act 1 and I'm lovin the story so far, but I also have a lvl 15 IA now that I'm starting to really like playing as well. Now I can't decide! Should I finish up my SW story first or try to do a 50/50 between the two? What'd you guys recommend? Is there end game content that I should try to get to sooner rather than later with my SW? I've only heard about the raids but being an MMO newb I'm not entirely sure if those are worth it.
  12. This specific case was Hammer Station. I had previously ran it 3x with randoms, my friend just got online and was gonna be his first time entering. I'm assuming the difficulty is jacked up everytime you beat it? He didnt even have the option to join my convo when I tried to initiate the FP at the console, so I'm guessing you can't play at the 'higher' level until you've beaten it the same time...this true at all?
  13. Most likely this has already been asked, but since there's no search function I'm gonna ask it again! So I tried doing a Flashpoint earlier with a buddy, but after we group'd up and clicked on the console it didnt give him an option to join my convo. We thought it a bug and had him invite me to his group, then it tells me that my level of FP is higher than his? Did i miss some tutorial or codex? Didn't know there are different level FPs, what level is mine and what affect does it have if I join a lower level one? It also looks like u can't join a higher level one? Wont this restrict how you can party with randoms
  14. Thanks, but I guess that's the part I'm not understanding. How exactly do I learn to make better stuff? You mention it's not RE 10 more things that I find as drops, and it's not just RE the things I craft. Then what is it?
  15. I think I'm not getting synthweaving, at about 100 now and have yet to craft anything I can/plan to use or even sell. I have one purple recipe, which I'm assuming is part of the issue, and I've RE'd everything I can. I've heard people talking about crafting high end items that they sell or use for a while, what am I missing here?
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