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Everything posted by SynapseX

  1. Surge starts giving you diminishing returns at 1.
  2. True, but I was also #1 in objective points with 142k protection. I play to win first, and all medals I earn come as a result of that. At no point do I medal farm or do ridiculous things like standing in slime to heal etc.
  3. SynapseX


    Why dont you screenshot their DPS and highest hit from the WZ scoreboard at the end? Then we'd have something more than anecdotal evidence.
  4. I dont know who kassi is, but I usually queue up with a merc healer that recently hit 50, geared in centurion and some champ gear. edit: ah, its a random on my team in the screenshot. Yes, im sure a random healer was completely responsible for my dps, high hit, 16 medals, self healing, and protection points. I have 100 other screens of 13+ medal games without kassi if you want to be bored for a few hours looking through them.
  5. I went from 89% surge to 77%, and to 75% as I change out a couple mods.
  6. Uh, I havent ever tried frapsing really, plus I play on an eyefinity setup so I dont know if the 5760x1080 format would complicate things for recording a movie.
  7. You guys know the absorb shield procs off very few things in pvp right, so an offhand shield is pretty much just gimping your damage. If they ever change the way that works in pvp I'll definitely give it a try. As for getting death field, thats up to you, I personally hate the talent in pvp, it seems so very situational... im not big into aoe'ing just to pad your damage numbers either.
  8. I also went from 89 to 77, and I also swapped out two mods for accuracy/power to bring me to 75%. Havent had a chance to test it yet.
  9. I only have surge on my enhancement slots and there is nothing else you can substitute in besides accuracy, which is still bad. Find me an end+power+crit enhancement and we'll talk.
  10. Honestly, I didnt see the 5k hit and it was my first time getting a 5k hit medal... it had to have been an assassinate since I dont use maul.. I have seen shocks crit for 4200-4300 though.
  11. I dont use a shield gen, but there really isnt much better to put it into, and I do use it for pve.
  12. dps stats (+15% crit to thrash bonus), I have 0 tanking stats on gear anywhere.
  13. 27/2/12 4 piece tier 2 pve gear, rest is stalker battlemaster, all accuracy mods taken out and replaced with power/crit/surge. 500 expertise, 390 melee bonus, 30% crit, 90% surge, self buffed.
  14. Broke my 15 medal record last night, the only two medals I didnt get were 3k defender points and 300k total healing. 27/2/12 Inb4 "shockfrozen water" and also I think its total BS that someone heals for nearly half a million and gets only 4 medals, that needs changing asap.
  15. I dunno, if a sorc isnt guarded I will absolutely wreck them. As in, no chance at all ever. Shock for 2-4k, thrash for 3k, thrash for 3k, kicks+stuns has them on the ropes in no time. Best part is when you force lighting them as darkness and it hits way harder than theirs hits you. I even got a whisper from a sorc asking how my force lightning does so much more damage than his. I should mention I run with around ~400 melee damage bonus, 55% thrash crit, and 140% thrash surge.
  16. Ive been buying champion IA gloves/helm to grab the end/power/surge enhancement from them. Sadly there are no battlemaster sets for any classes that give a level 58 version of that mod.
  17. I got 4 set pieces of tiered pve gear in a single nightmare raid. I havent yet got 4 pieces of battlemaster gear and im valor 68. Which is fine, the pve gear is better for pvp anyway.
  18. a better darkness spec assassin
  19. Because we can get the 300k damage medal beating on an unkillable operative for 10 minutes.
  20. Valor rank 67 here (dont farm ilum for valor either, its all warzones) and ive gotten 8 bm bag tokens since v60, doing the daily and weeklies every single day since I hit 50.
  21. What if half the time when you leveled, you didnt level? That's how it feels, I had 6 wins in a row not count for me. I just logged off, the entire night being a total waste. Close friend of mine has already cancelled his account over this issue.
  22. I've already made a post about 27/2/12 being awesome, been using it for almost 2 weeks now. I dont put points in maul proc, but in dark embrace instead.
  23. So lets gimp every single aspect of your character to do 10% better against a semi-long cooldown that only a couple of classes have. Good idea. I've got 0+ accuracy and get 400k+ damage most warzones with 13-15 medals. I cannot be beaten 1v1 by anyone. I've never even seen an assassinate get dodged or parried or missed. Justify it all you want but those +accuracy mods are gimping you, plain and simple. I still dont understand the big deal over assassinate either, its nice but for me it crits for like 3500-4500 at a 39% critrate of which usually 1000-2000 is overkill? My thrash hits for 1500x2 when it crits (60% of the time) and my shocks crit for 2-4k with a 45% chance for another 50% damage. Even if an assassinate failed a thrash or a shock will do nearly the same amount of actual damage.
  24. I dunno about anyone else, but I'm not going to build my gear around landing assassinate on someone with a melee defensive cooldown up.
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