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Posts posted by Izini

  1. How else do you progress? The whole genre is based on trying to get the next level, next ability, next peice of gear and building a character. They put a level cap in b/c it is easier to control gear progression. If after 4 months at 50 the gap was too big then they start making the lower gear easier. If they add 20 levels it is harder to catch up the lower level people and the beginer sees a huge hurdle in front of him.


    If they give champ away but add a tier after Battlemaster it will be fine. But taking away progression is not smart. As I said many times, make the gap smaller but leave the progression. Make War Hero gear and make it 2% better.


    Also, if someone has no life and puts in 10 hours a day I am fine giving them an advantage, I can deal with that. There are not that many who can do that and if a few people are superduper, well, so what.


    There are plenty other creative ideas to progression besides better gear. Like the PvP ranking system and the legacy system, there can be much more. To some players its all about leveling and getting all the loot but to others its about having fun with friends. So, its just your opinion that progression is everything. Some people just want good enough gear and then go out having fun doing pve or pvp and don't care about getting stuff. oh and no way should someone who plays 10 hours a day have an advantage over others who can't, just like you said very few people can do that so why give them an advantage.

  2. Really people WoW is obviously , hell no joke , obviously the most successful MMO , there is NOT even how to argue with that.


    Now , yeah maybe this game will be a success by doing this free everything for everyone and their mothers , MUCH MORE than even WoW does , but there is no argue that it will never beat WoW when it is just a face book game in SW pants.


    I dont plan in playing WoW again , but really ,this game is simple 0 difficulty so the brainless can play and 0 time so the *very busy* can play, they make these changes and many will really quit , people play for the apple at the end of the stick , if they give it to you and then say go get the stick ... dont think anyone is that stupid.



    Well, you didn't provide any arguement to what I said about WoW. All you're saying is "WoW is the most successful MMO", which doesn't mean anything. Justin Bieber was the most successful person in music last year, are you saying that he was the best?


    WoW was successful becuase its easy to play, runs well on very low-end systems, becuase of these it had a lot of people playing, then its a gear based game and the gear grind is a time sink so people stay around to get the mad lewts. It was very good for business but as a game it was crap. It was never designed for PvP and they never came close to getting it right and even they admit to wishing they put more into PvP. WoW was designed so that the person who had no life at all was the best and someone who had work/school or both and friends or girl/boyfriend was at a disadvangtage because they couldn't waste their life away on the computer. WoW was lame, I had a lot more fun in many other mmos.

  3. It's all about progression. The entire MMO game is based around progression. Didn't you enjoy leveling up. It's a way to keep that factor in the game. They should have just shrunk the gear gap instead of removing it.


    I understand what progression is and that its what mmo's are about, but gear doesn't have to be part of the progression otherwise the people who have absolutely no life at all have the advantage. I see what you're saying though, Cent is so easy to get they should've just made that better.

  4. I like the fact that they are making it easier to gear up... gear should not be a very big factor in any game nor does it make a bad pvp'er a good pvp'er.


    I agree! I believe getting good gear shouldn't be a time sink.


    Games like WoW make a very gear based game then as a sorry excuse for adding content they put in better gear and another pve dungeon that you have to grind for a while to get that gear. I will not fall for a game like that which is designed to keep you around longer to take your money, new content should be something fun to do not more mad loots to get.

  5. Just wanting to get some thoughts and a good discussion for once. This forum is filled with BS 90% of the time and QQ for another 9%.


    What do you think will be a good class makeup for 8 man premade.


    How many tanks, heals, dps?


    Which Classes for tanks, for heals and for DPS?


    Is it warzone dependant? Would u change the makeup for a different warzone?


    Lets just get some good chatter and theory going on.


    Have fun in SWTOR guys. Im Sith Assassin Darkness spec on Deadweight server. Mayhem guild.


    I think its simple 2 different types of healers, 2 different types of tanks and a variety of 4 dps.

  6. OP is just wrong. And the whole topic is just wrong.


    Everyone knows it's even easier to do daily and weekly now and that was what BW intended.


    werd. This OP is absolutely wrong. More Valor and 3 kills counted towards the ilum daily/weekly for completing Warzones does not mean less people will be doing Warzones and has nothing to do with burst damage. This must be a troll...

  7. People are still crying about grav/tracer... if you can't stop a grav/tracer spammer then you need to look at what you're doing becuase they are cake. I have a commando and the dps does not come from grav round, it comes from Demo Round, HIB, and Full Auto. A few Gravs just make those moves stronger.
  8. um... Jugs and Guards are way better carrying the ball. Why hate on Sorcs and Sages? Force run is only for 2 seconds and they still go in areas that anyone else can by just taking a little more time, it not like force leap that can get you up and over things. The Pull only does what anybody who knows how to pass can do.
  9. On the second day after hitting 50 I had 2 champ relics, 1 champ off hand, 4 armor pieces of Cent, 2 Cent implants and a earpiece. I've been top dmg on amlost every WZ I'm in and I don't have trouble with anyone in BM gear... so, maybe skill does matter and the gear you need to compete is very easy to get.
  10. Wound in the Force is very competitive, has very skilled players on both sides. Queue times are very short and Ilum is always packed.
  11. OP made some great points.


    I have to say something positive about the PvP. I normally don't like WarZone style PvP as much as world PvP, but I love WarZones in TOR! The class balance is great for an mmo and the maps are very objective based, even though there should be more maps. If the WarZone PvP wasn't so much fun I'd be gone because the world PvP is absolute crap, and this coming from someone that loves open world PvP. Ilum is laggy, it shows you how imbalanced the population is, and the objectives are pointless and not fun. Its funny how they made the WZ's very objective based but open world just about kills.

  12. I love the way the engine looks and there is a multi-thread release coming soon.


    However, I'm not going to stop playing just because of some issues. I really, really like this game and its been a long time since I had this much "fun" in an MMO.


    I am confident in Bioware. I don't have the same faith in other companies...


    werd, this is the most fun I've had in any mmo.

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