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Everything posted by SonicSpectre

  1. Ok so, I assume if they actually have an in-game shot of this armor set, that it actually exists somewhere in the game world, and and is therefore attainable and wearable by players... Does anyone know where I can find the armor being worn by the Sith Warrior in the lower-most picture (The last one) on this page? http://www.swtor.com/holonet/guilds I really want it for my Jugg. Lol. I want that whole Darth Vader look. Thanks in advance!
  2. Did you actually read the post? I know the lyrics from Duel of the Fates were in Sanskrit... I was asking if anyone knew what language the lyrics from the choral pieces in the TOR soundtrack were written in...
  3. I was listening to "The Occupation of Balmorra" on my mp3 player, which I've heard probably 50 times, and suddenly a burning question formed in my mind. I remembered reading that the lyrics in the Choral piece "Duel of the Fates," in Episode 1 were sung in Sanskrit, which John Williams apparently chose for it's beautiful sound. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Duel_of_the_Fates But does anyone here know what the Lyrics from the Choral sections of TOR's score are written in? I would venture Latin, but haven't heard it sung, or sung it enough myself, or even heard it much obviously to actually determine that. I love that piece specifically, and the TOR score in general is brilliant. If you haven't grabbed it, I encourage you to download it. If anyone knows the answer to this mystery, I would be in your debt. (Really, it will probably start driving me crazy at some point soon. Lol.) How about it? Any peeps willing to engage in a healthy, constructive dialogue concerning The music of Star Wars, Choral music, Latin, or music in general? And by constructive I mean - no flaming of fellow forum members, or the devs, or the game itself. Let's keep it positive and polite, ok? Thanks! May the Force be with you all...
  4. Thanks for the quick replies, peeps! This certainly clarifies it for me... (Again, I'm a sub, but I have a friend who isn't...) May the Force be with you all.
  5. So here's the deal... My friends and I were having a conversation about 2.0 and all the changes therein, and I mentioned that I thought I had seen somewhere that everybody gets the level cap, even if you didn't buy the ROTHC expansion. I believe this was also mentioned in a video somewhere - that all players will get the increased level cap, but will only have access to Makeb if you purchased it. This due to the fact that 2.0 itself includes the cap. Because technically, Makeb is extra. They're releasing it WITH 2.0. I thought for sure that everyone gets the new cap. So... Am I wrong? Was I seeing things? I'm a sub, so I know I'M getting it... but... I could have sworn that the devs said this, both in writing, AND in a vid somewhere... It's kinda crappy to leave out the non subs and preferred players here, if that's the case. Say it ain't so, BioWare.
  6. I have this problem most of the time as well. Especially when I play for more than a couple hours or so. I hate to say this, but I think the problem may be our computer builds... Two things: Are you running a dual-core or quad core? Secondly, how much ram do you have? I was looking at reviews for a proc on newegg.com, and the reviewer noted that he got much faster and smoother performance - especially FPS - from the game when he upgraded to a quad core. From that, I extrapolated, and surmised that upgrading the CPU would most likely increase performance across the board. Now, technically, shutting down an application probably isn't a performance issue - and therefore a proc issue. I'll be honest, I'm not an IT geek here. I only know what I know because I've gleaned it from friends. Picked up bits here and there, giving me a rudimentary understanding. It's more likely that the processes of loading the game, shutting down the application, loading the instances and "Levels" and all that would be helped along more by an SSD. Again, this is just my two credits, and I could be WAY off base here. But, for what it's worth, I plan on making some upgrades to my PC this summer, and you might want to consider saving something from those summer paychecks and seeing if a few upgrades, i.e., CPU, SSD, Ram, ect., help any. May The Force be with you all.
  7. Anybody here use punctuation much? Lol. This isn't your iphone... seriously. Regardless, I think we're missing the point here. Heroics may be solo-able, but it's much more fun to run them with a friend, or at least another player. I'm truly sorry if you can never find a group to run them with, and therefore have to ask - what server are you playing on? It must be a truly unsociable group of people if that is truly your plight. And contrary to popular opinion, I would argue that heroics are not useless in the least. Comms are quite useful themselves, this is true, however, as I mentioned, running with a group is quite fun - especially if you have a guild to play with... have you tried finding one? Teamwork is it's own reward. And as with all of TOR, I believe story is paramount, and the devs have bothered to write some sort of interesting story for things like Heroics, and even side quests. This, for me, keeps it interesting. Again, I am truly sorry if you find yourself on an unsociable server or haven't been able to find a guild... but, to each their own - if you prefer not to, that is your prerogative. I do not mean to offend, or insult in the least. May the Force be with you all.
  8. I picked up the first volume a while back - it's solid. If you like the Agent storyline in TOR, you'll like this. I think the art in Dawn of the Jedi is better, personally, but It's still enjoyable. The writing is decent over all, both story and characters... And it has a fun little Cameo which I won't spoil for people. Check it out.
  9. This is a good idea, OP! Personally, I have quite enjoyed the double XP weekends, and chances are, given the response of the community, BioWare will bring it back at some point in the future. Though, whether or not they choose to commemorate International Star Wars day in any way, let alone bringing back the double xp, remains to be seen. (Though, if you're reading this, Bioware - can we have another one? Please? Lol, I have alts I would like to level up more!) They didn't celebrate May 4th in-game last year, but since they will have released 2.0 by then and will be focusing on QOL improvements, maybe they'll have some kind of shindig. That would be shiny! That is all.
  10. Just so ya know, it *is* "Gree." Not Bree. But yes, I approve of this concept. I loved the speeder racing in the original KOTOR, and would love to see it return in some fashion. Realistically, however, it would most likely need to be part of a larger event, design-wise, or it wouldn't otherwise draw the number of people they would like to make the event a success. It could be part of some underworld, outer-rim planet event of some kind that involves some main quests, like the Gree event, and then some additional activities, like Pazaak, and Speeder racing. That's my two credits, anyways.
  11. That would be pretty Epic. (In response to above post.) But you (Meaning THEM - the writers and studios execs) will in the end have to relate it to the star wars that even the most ignorant off the street ditz knows about because THAT'S the cultural "Phenomenon," that has most worked its way into society and our cultural history. As has been said, as much as we really all don't want to see Fisher and Hamill on the silver screen again, and as much as they might dread donning those costumes and characters, for the sake of making money, and making it recognizable as STAR WARS to the general public, you'll have to do just that. Continue those character's stories. Granted, I don't mind that, but IMHO, no will ever do it better than good ol' Tim Zahn in his "Heir to the Empire" Cycle. For most of us here, I'm assuming, that WAS the next trilogy. But of course, as I said, for most people who don't know or don't care, all of this thousands of years of history of the star wars universe that has been so richly brought to life through the dozens of books and comics, (From which SW:TOR is in part based upon, as we all know) isn't considered CANON for the most part ( Yes I know this has been hashed and rehashed, suffice to say, I DO consider things like Zahn and TOR cannon, in my own mind) and won't be accepted as part of the "Phenomenon" or the cultural "Modern Mythos" That Star Wars and "The Big Three" (Luke, Han, Leia - NOT the actors) have become. Oh, and it will probably be explosion heavy. My dear fellow SWTOR players, yes, you should go see this movie. We should all go to the Theaters and then come back to our TOR immediately after that. Don't expect deep, rich story and character exposition like some of the better SW authors and the creators at BioWare have given us. You say "Holocron" and you'll start losing people. Anyways, my two cents. May the Force be with you all.
  12. Thanks so much for posting the link - I've been looking for this and hoped someone would! Props! May the Force be with you...
  13. Greetings all, I am not new to the forums, but this is my first post. I am posting this question here because it didn't seem to fit anywhere else. It is simply this - Has anybody noticed anything that I may have missed - or perhaps misunderstood? Bioware has said that we are getting a new playable race (Cathar) in this update, and a level cap, a new planet which continues class missions and such, but on their livestream page (I missed the actual stream) it only says this update includes enhanced customization and an operation and enhanced social features. So, are we going to have wait another 6 weeks beyond THIS update for all the really cool stuff like the new level cap and planet and species and stuff? What if they split up the new features across 2 or 3 updates? Now, patience is a virtue, but come on, I really don't want to wait THAT long for stuff they've been teasing ALL summer. (Granted, I am looking very forward to the new operation.) But why do I feel like I'm getting mixed messages here? Have I simply been misreading, assuming, reading into statements? AM I THE ONE THAT IS OFF? Lol. Anyways, perhaps this is just me being clueless and ranting, so forgive me, but it does seem like they're being a bit non-committal here... Ok. I'm done. Thanks for tolerating me. Lol. May the Force be with you all
  14. So, I read the announcement about F2P and Cartel Coins and all that Jazz... I just have one question. Would someone please tell me where these cartel coins are, and where do I go to spend them? Inquiring minds want to know. Lol. But seriously - are they in my inventory automatically, or do I have to redeem them separately? Anybody know the trick here? Thanks for the Help!
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