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  • Interests
    Playing SWTOR, Mass Effect, reading, writing, and swimming.
  1. My current laptop runs the game fairly well, but I need a new laptop that will be solely for gaming. (No, I am not interested in getting a desktop) Right now, I am seriously considering the Alienware M14 with Intel Core i5 and 8GB RAM. I personally think it is what I might buy, but I'd like to have some opinions before I commit to it considering it's expensive. Anyone have this gaming laptop? If so, how does it run? If not, what would you recommend?
  2. Yeah, I thought the Dark Lords one was most popular. But despite being absolutely obsessed with Star Wars, I wanted to make sure before I got it tattooed (which will be soon). Someone who isn't as knowledgeable of Star Wars might not notice the difference, but more hardcore fans likely will.
  3. I had absolutely no idea where to post this, so I figured "General Discussion" was the best. I'm going to be getting another tattoo soon on my wrist, but am stuck between two symbols. Both symbols represent the Sith, and I'd like to get the one that would be more recognizable by fans, so take a look at the pics and let me know which one you would say is the most popular symbol. Keep in mind that whichever one I get will be either completely black, or it will have a black outline and be red. This is listed as being the symbol of the "Sith Empire" http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/c/c8/Sith_Quad-Sun.svg This one is listed as the "Dark Lords of the Sith" http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/1/16/Sith_Emblem.svg I'm eventually going to get all of the most significant symbols from Star Wars tattooed (I already have the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire symbols)
  4. Andronikos is pretty cool and fits well with my SI, but Torian is by far my favorite. He's sweet and...well, he's just awesome lol. At first I was so looking forward to romancing Corso because I got him before lvl 10, but so help me I wish my smuggler could slap him, and I stopped trying to romance him. He acts like my smuggler is some damsel or something and he is far too naive to be cute. Not to mention his stereotype-like nature towards women is just insulting. Shoot, I like the sleaze-ball known as Doc more than I like him. At least Doc doesn't compare the JK to a Hutts dancer. Quinn... yeah, I loved him until he betrayed me. Top favorites: Torian > Andronikos Least favorites: Quinn > Doc > Corso (yep, the farm boy is my absolute least favorite)
  5. About Doc... You took the words right out of my mouth lol. Aric Jorgan might be my favorite, but Doc is cute and so far a fun romance.
  6. I'm surprised no one has mention him, but my favorite romance is Aric Jorgan for my female trooper. I think he's more... realistic (if that makes any sense). At the beginning he's all stuff and crabby, and I really didn't like him all that much, but his character actually evolves and has definitely gained my troopers attention. Plus it's hilarious when he gets jealous lol. I'm not saying he's the best looking 'cause he really isn't, but his personality really fits with my trooper. My least favorite romance is Corso. I don't know why, but he just bugs me. There have been a few times where I wish one of the reply options could be *slap sense into him* lol. He's cute, just annoying. But yeah, the Aric Jorgan romance gets 5 stars in my book and I'm eager to see where it goes.
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