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Everything posted by DarthSylar

  1. what server r u guys on? If it's Pot5 and you r still stuck, let me know
  2. Isn't that kinda where she is? For me she doesn't have to be psychotic like Jasea, but I'd settle for her wanting to over throw me, like a propper apprentice. Also wouldn't mind some kind of conflict between her and Xalek
  3. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Thana or what ever her name is from the SI story will not become a companion. Why? Because SI had the option of killing her. So what you are asking Bioware to do is either throw a huge **** you to anyone who killed her, or create an alternative companion for those who killed her (waste of time/$$$ creating 2 companions as opposed to 1). And even if she did survive the fight and escaped the exploding spaceport, she would be hell bent on killing you, not joining you. I'm not saying anyone out there cannot create a fan fiction where she joins up, but what I'm saying is it would go against everything her character was. Not to mention any DS Sith who attempted to kill her would never trust her. Now she is very popular among SI players so what i see Bioware doing is creating a character similar to her (although she is a Jasea Willsam that doesn't like you or tries hard to make you believe she doesn't), and making her a companion.
  4. He could be a madness assassin, but they haven't changed much, and his tone definately suggest a change in his past experiences. Some of the tier one skills changed, skills that a madness assassin would have access to, but deception had the biggest changes.
  5. I don't think it's top. Damage over Time specs typically top Burst damage, so I call shenanagins unless he's better geared or just a superior player. FWIW, to me the problem with pre 1.4 deception assassins was always the damage vs survivability element. They did okay damage but they died way to easily, so -Most of the end game armorings had more endurance that willpower (which lowers damage) -Some players felt the need to forgoe damage skills for utility skills than increase survivability So after 1.4, Assassins pretty much have a rolling 6% damage reduction (2% per crit, stacks 3 times) and they have a 25% damage reduction when dark embrace is active (not to mention a lower cooldown on Force Cloak). Also a big change was Crackling Blast was a 5 point skill (added 10% crit damage to discharge/shock) and is now a two point skill, so there's room to take a skill like Insulation (armor rating increases by 30%), without forgoing a damage skill. So overall the damage is the same, but survivability is way up
  6. Yea, as been said, join a guild. They will likely be more patient and will help you learn mechanics
  7. Some people are fooling themselves. If you don't group you will not be able to do HM Foundry/Malestrom and HM False Emperor. They are not in any way soloable. Maybe after Bioware raises the level cap (assuming they don't tweak HM difficulty) and they have enough tiers of end game gear (which a solo player would not have), then it can be done. Right now, it can't be, least of all by a solo player. If you want HK-51 bad enough, you'll just have to suck it up and group. The biggest shame by far is Republic players have to go to empire territory on Hoth to get one part, but empire players never have to go to republic territory. That sucks, but both Foundray/Malestrom and False Emperor are easy enough, especially if you are only a DPS.
  8. Yea, pretty sure you're not fighting him yet Are u in chapter 3 yet?
  9. I think I want to run EC HM, but have never done it before and am an Deception Assassin. Right now my gear is Tionese/Columi Main Hand hilt (color crystal, Mod and Enhancement are Columi)+22 resolve augment Columi Gloves+22 resolve augment Boots Belt Rakata Off hand Implant x2 Motivators Bracers Black Hole Chest+22 resolve augment Helm+22 resolve augment Pants+22 resolve augment Main Stat is 1641 buffed with no stim Endurance is like 1800 maybe, don't know off the top of my head, but it's 19.5k hp unbuffed crit is 32% unbuffed surge is 73% and power is 129 (i know i need more)
  10. 1.) 'Greed' roll'd gear binds on Legacy I've got 5 toons, if no one "needs" the gear, what is the harm in sending it to one of my alts? It's tough gearing more than 1 or 2 at a time, so I think this would help. 2.) More BH coms AFTER the near tiers of gear come out. Add a few Daily's that award BH coms on Ilum or Makeb that makes it easier to get ready for the newer ops. 3.) More stories with your companions I liked having to actually go with certain companions in Mass Effect to complete missions in order to gain their loyalty. Add a few missions that require you to travel with your companions that give you massive affection or other companion related rewards, so those who do not care don't feel left out.
  11. While I should find them, this makes me want to do it even less.
  12. I use Khem almost exclusively. He'll die, but not usually before a Gold is down to <30% Health and I can start using assassinate. But alot of people use Talos, outside of them no one is worth using if you r DPS (unless you have operation level gear). Xalek's shield rating is broken, and the DPS companions won't grab enough agro for you to survive, but I am deception maybe madness is different.
  13. Go with Mods. If you do heroics you'll sometimes get a purple armoring/mod/enhancement/hilt/barrell to use.
  14. I haven't done the Jedi Knight story yet, but to a certain extent they need Scourage to defeat the emperor. He has knowledge that is usefull and he.... However none of this is the case with Ashara. You use her, get what you want and she becomes expendable. If you aren't a light side sith, you would've killed her once it became obvious she wouldn't turn.
  15. I had to do that with my Sith Assassin. Got help with the last few bosses.
  16. I was an immortal Juggernaut as well, but really only died the first time cause he was able to almost kill my healer before i could click on him. If Quinn has on up to date gear, this is a long but easy fight. He has a ton of HP and it slowly ticks, but I think I had 3/4 health or so when he dropped. I really don't remember the mechanics of that particular fight but remember to interupt any heals or high damage attacks. That makes a huge difference in most boss fights.
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