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Everything posted by Zacaris

  1. Hey everybody! I'm looking to get involved with a Medium RP guild that focuses primarily on PvE, social runs, Ops and end game content. I would consider myself a very experienced MMO player but because of my work schedule my playtime is very casual. I work 3rd shift Mondays-Fridays and have hit the end of the Content with my level 60 Sith Marauder. I typically play a little during the day on the weekends if I am not falling asleep but mainly in the early AM hours Eastern Time. I am not much of a PvPer. I have not even been able to run an OPS yet because of my time availability and well the PUGs are typically not that great and unorganized as most are with any MMO. If there is any guild out there that wouldn't mind taking me in I would be very grateful and would do what I could to help. My Character name is Fionashards Thank You
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