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Everything posted by Xenaul

  1. Did the truth sting a little? It's good if it did, Alex did get reformed you know once he grew up a little and got a doze of his own medicine from his old "droogs" So there might hope for you yet. Oh and we all know it is not "world pvp" as much as you like to call it like that. You don't do it to the people who are fighting back or having fun, you are doing it to people who have want nothing to do with it and just civily trying to do the quest. That about as much "World PvP" as driving a destruction derby truck intentionally through the vehicles of people who happened to be near you. Once again, just because something is legal, doesn't make it right.
  2. I will tell you why people are getting upset. And it has nothing to do with "PvP" or Bioware. Decent people are upset because they see great injustice. Because they see pathologically anti-social emotionally crippled people destroy innocents. You will see people with common decency and tact queue up and wait for their turn filling up 4 men group to make it go nice and orderly. Than a group of sociopaths from Clockwork orange will roll in in their bowling hats and impenetrable slang and destroy, maim and sadistically mutilate, while singing "trolol" in the rain. "But Bioware flagged that quest as PvP!" is not excuse. Just because something is not against the rules, doesn't make it right. It wasn't against the rules to throw people out from "whites only" carriages. I am sure there was bunch of apologists back than too. If the quest actually said "Kill X players carrying bubbles" or something along these lines, than fine. But it doesn't. So when you choose to attack someone merely because they happened to be there, doing their own thing, it is you being anti-social creep. My only hope you grow out of that phase, but my great fear you are the type of person who would always just ever look for "Number 1" Type of person who would hog all the food on disabled cruis ship fot themselves, with no consideration ever for your fellow men. Well, they aren't really your fellow men either, are they? They are merely undermenchen, "carebears" to be tortured and destroyed without much of a care, isn't it right?
  3. 1) OP question was completely reasonable 2) Answer to OP questions is "No" 3) They did not introduced any sort of "alternative" system that is "better" and to say that they did is disingenuous. 4) Subscribers, after hefty initial investment can buy on per character basis ability to reset talents. Reset itself is free to subscribers only. 5) What is needed to make it passable is ability to store quickbars layouts the same ways the UI interface layouts already stored. Reason why it is not done is because UI interface layouts are stored client side in XML files but quickbar assignments are actually stored server side. 6) It's a quality of life improvement that is expected of modern MMORPG. It will conceivably also help with healer and tank shortage for group finder flashpoints and such. There is no logical reason to argue against it.
  4. That is not "fixing" the situation that improving it. This "solutions" is about half way to where it should be. The other half is not having to reconfigure 30 buttons whenever you change the spec, but having the game remember them, just like it remembers Interface profiles. It is not unreasonable request.
  5. I've came back to see how the game changed, and while seeing "rockin'" servers where you can actually complete H4 without bugging cabalmates is nice .... What about DUAL / MULTI spec? Please say it is in the works somewhere! Classes have WAY WAY too many buttons to push, respeccing than having to rearrange all the buttons again, hoping you didn't forget anything is tedious and whatever is opposite of fun is! Please work on adding DUAL specs as a priority! Also question about Digital Expansion: I wasn't it clear, but does it include continuation of CLASS storylines? Or just generic Faction storylines?
  6. It's all true. But this isn't 2005. So the game was released in Late 2011 set to complete and surpass the game released 6 years prior? They cribbed very, very heavily from WoW. That point cannot be argued against. Heck just compare Sith Warrior class with World of Warcraft Warrior. So if you are going to "borrow", why "borrow" from 6 year old design? Heck, even 6 months later we now have to do "move over to me when ready!" because somehow the idea of ready check or /random did not enter their minds? I am frustrated. I am trying really, really hard to understand how design mistakes like that could've been made, How no body said "hey stop, this is not right, players will hate it" or "we really need to have LFG available at launch, other after brief initial rush people will miserable." WoW gets this excuse, because they were trail blazers where it came to "theme park" MMOs. A game that came 6 years later does not.
  7. There is a data pad hidden in a planter at Promenade on Nar Shaddaa. Coordinates: X:-976, Y: -816, Z: 518
  8. Thank you for trying to help. It's Kaliyo.
  9. It matters because my character does not wish to be involved in "romantic" relation with a homicidal uncouth maniac.
  10. So does no one know a way to terminate relationship?? There has to be a way! There are quests that do that, what triggers them?
  11. I've researched certain data mining sites, and there are mini-quests that specifically seem to trigger relationship termination, but it is not clear to me what actually triggers those quests! Assistance greatly appreciated!
  12. Help needed! 1. How the heck do I search these forums? 2. How do I force break up with companions? E.g. end "romantic" relationship which I didn't know began? Thank you.
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