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10 Good
  1. Nor Jaesa or other crew members. Best of luck Doozer, and thank you.
  2. Ah very good point, thank you for clearing it up. I was just curious. Heh, reminded me of Quinn's response when one of the later warrior class quests sent us back to Hoth. Keep 'em coming!
  3. Woo more goodness! "The men were all sneaking glances and commenting about the Jedi being here, what did she think she could do here, why would anyone want to be a Jedi. " Is it normal for the ordinary republic citizens to be wary of Jedi? I thought Jedi are respected, if not revered.
  4. Ooh, finally a story on Iresso. Great writing, would love for more! I actually enjoyed his calm personality and their somewhat awkward but cute romance. Zenith would be a great romance choice too, but I can't stand that self-centered Tharan.
  5. Good point. Guess it's just bad memory, when your alt gets followed and camped by some jerk for hours when you just want to peacefully quest in Stranglethorn Vale. I much prefer to pvp in a controlled environment (aka, battlegrounds/warzones) than in the world with the "if it's red, it's dead" mentality.
  6. Absolutely the best fanfic I've ever read. Keep up the good work please! Perhaps a gunslinger story in the future? I promise my girl will smuggle some beer for the Wrath. And why o why is Wrath on a pvp server...*mutters*
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