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Posts posted by Surter

  1. HM Kaon drops rakata weapons, the rakghoul behemoth drops them


    Had a Blaster Rifle drop ''Guile'' same stats as the rakata weapons, same bug (good +41 power crystal but 51 mods including barrel for a rating of 126)


    Fix it bioware


    This is, in fact, not a Rakata weapon; Rakata gear does not drop from hard modes. This is an actual T1 Tionese weapon.


    Back on topic, there have been 15,000 views of this page, but no official response. Come on, guys. We just want acknowledgement.



    And a fix.

  2. BUMP. Honestly this is such an easy fix, I really don't see how someone on their lunch break couldn't just correct it out of boredom. Also does this effect offhands? (force focuses, shield generator) because I got a rakata force focus and it only had 16 more force power than my columi force focus and 5 more willpower. Meanwhile when I went from tionese to columi I gained 50 more force power.


    The bug with the Rakata weapons is not that they're only slightly better than Columi - this would mean they were working - but that they're significantly worse. Offhand weapons are affected, but offhand items like a focus or generator are not.


    Rakata gear has a rating of 140, only 4 higher than columi gear, which has a rating of 136. The Rakata weapons, by comparsion, have a rating of 126 - 14 lower than they should have, and significantly worse than the columi weapons.

  3. dear bioware, nobody care that republic are getting stomped on ilum, all we want is for our raiding weapons to be better then the champion one you can get like 2 minutes into level 50 . k thanks



    This is a fix that should take no time to code. We're ************ because of how ridiculously easy this is, and how little critical thinking is involved. While many potential solutions to the Ilum problem have been suggested, it's a complex issue requiring much more thought and time.


    TL;DR: Troll elsewhere, jerk.

  4. It's absolutely amazing that Bioware refuses to acknowledge this issue. I've seen threads closed, moved and redirected to completely unrelated discussions about armor modification, and they'll even point people to THIS THREAD, but not a single statement that they're aware of and working on the issue.


    This is completely unacceptable. There should have been an official statement by now that says in no uncertain terms that these weapons will be fixed soon.

  5. LOL, clearing a raid with the instance barely being a day old does not make it hard, AT ALL. Same thing goes with EV, only reason guilds coulnd't kill was because of over-tuning. No one cares for easy content, progression won't matter till Bioware gives us encounters that requires hundreds of attempts (or close to it) like Blizzard did with WoW plenty of times.


    This is a game. The idea that progression ever 'matters' is, honestly, a statement that should make you rethink your life.

  6. There's only so much they can do about the faction balance issue.


    On HoG - typically 100-120 Republic players at any given moment on the Republic fleet. Whenever I log over to my Imperial alt - 200-250.



    Suck it up, play Republic and adapt to overcome. Or, switch sides and run with Team Easy Valor.


    This is false, and a cop out. There are ABSOLUTELY ways to fix faction imbalance, the first being ratio-contolled Ilum instances. This wouldn't be very difficult to implement, and would - gasp - encourage people to ROLL CHARACTERS ON THE LESS POPULATED SIDE RATHER THAN THE MORE POPULATED SIDE!


    The second possible fix, if this is too hard, is a population-based buff to allow republic players to take on more sith at a time.


    If things stay the way they are now, your "adapt or give up" attitude will lead to exactly that: giving up. There is no "adapting" to Imperials camping both sides of your base. There is no "adapting" to 3:1 faction imbalances on Ilum. There is no adapting to the simple fact that Bioware has, with the recent changes to Ilum, made joining the more populous faction MORE attractive, rather than less. That's bad modeling, and it's bad business, and if it isn't fixed, I won't swap to empire - I simply won't renew.

  7. So show us an 'honest' SS of your TOR toon.


    Also, why is this worthy of a new thread?



    You're comparing the best levelling armor you can find in WoW to some of the worst you can find in ToR.


    Half the level 15-30 Troopers look like wrecking machines. Have you seen the gear from flashpoints? And Sith characters? Don't even get me started. Most of them can - if they want - look absurdly cool all the way from 10-50.


    There is incredibly ugly gear in wow. *Hideously* ugly. But that's not the comparison you've made. That's not what you're doing. You're taking the best of one game, the worst of another, and pretending it's apples and apples. It's not. This is dishonest and you know it.

  8. Hi guys,


    There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


    First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


    Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


    • Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.
    • DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.

    Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel.


    In regards to PvE balance, any place in the game where our data shows significant issues with the balance tuning for one or more classes or specs are of course also being looked at.


    For example, Jedi Knights will be pleased to hear that we are working on tuning the final mission in their class chain to provide a better, more fun and more reliably solvable challenge (see a post from another member of my team here). Currently a large percentage of players bring a friend to solve this mission, which, while social and often more fun, is not in line with our stated goal of allowing players to progress solo through their class arc if they desire to do so. We're also looking at some companions with a critical eye to improve their viability for certain role/companion combinations.


    I would also like to give you some general understanding about approach to class balancing and how you can aid us with your feedback:


    • Now that we're out of the first few weeks of launch madness, you will see class and combat balance issues addressed with increased frequency. Larger scale gameplay changes and features are more likely to coincide with major content releases, but smaller scale changes and improvements can be expected to become part of our regular update schedule.
    • Statements that we hate a specific class or faction, or that we intentionally underbalance certain classes to make it less popular are conspiracy theory territory. We have nothing to gain from such an approach – we want players to pick the class and faction they want to play and have confidence that they are able to perform their chosen role in the game. Anything that comes in the way of that goal is considered a balance issue for us.
    • We make our balancing decisions based on a combination of internal and external testing and metrics. We don't make decisions based on who is the loudest on the forums. Community feedback is valuable in bringing issues to our attention and even to highlight possible solutions, which means that well written, constructive posts are the most effective way to communicate your wishes and feedback to us, rather than petitions and calls to nerf specific classes.
    • Please understand that balance issues during the leveling process are different than issues at level 50 and are handled in different ways. If you feel your class has issues during your journey to 50, especially communicate the level range and area of the game where you are experiencing issues to aid our investigations. Player versus Player situations in during the leveling process are not always balanced at every level (a mathematical impossibility), but we are always willing to investigate.
    • Just because we haven't mentioned the specific issue close to your heart in a post (such as the one above) doesn't mean we are unaware of it or that we don't want to address it. It would be impractical for us to comment on all investigations currently in the pipeline. That said, we definitely want to take a more open approach in regards to upcoming class changes.


    Finally, I'd like to acknowledge, again, that we do understand that there is a desire for players to get more detailed information what happens to their character in combat. We agree with those requests and are working on various ways to, optionally, get more detailed data on your combat performance.


    Thanks for your feedback!


    -- Georg



    No address of the difficulty sentinels have staying in melee range, no address of the unchargeable Soa issue, no discussion of the fact that we are the only class without either a knockback or a pull. Just "your rotation is complex, we're looking into that."


    Thanks, but I as much as I want my class simplified, I care much more about having it work. Give us a pull, or even a ranged root. That alone would solve many sentinel issues.

  9. This is, really, a very serious oversight.


    Force Leap and similar abilities, in pve, serve a very specific purpose: to minimize downtime for melee on running/target swapping fights. If leap isn't an option, the boss Making a boss immune to being charged is a *major* problem, and on a fight like Hard Mode Soa, makes the penalty simply for being melee absurd.


    In normal mode, this is a minor issue; I can afford to run while we wait for him to go vulnerable, and get pretty high dps uptime, since the fight isn't really that bad. But, in hard modes, as a sentinel, I'm likely looking at simply sitting out Soa - that's how serious the issue is. My gear is good, my damage output is (normally) fine, but the boss is unchargeable, and with lightning running around, my DPS uptime on the boss is, if I'm lucky, half that of a ranged class - maybe less, in phase 3.


    Bioware: first and foremost, fix this. Let me charge Soa, or you're going to have a lot of VERY unhappy melee. Second (And perhaps more important in the long run), STOP DESIGNING MECHANICS THAT PENALIZE MELEE ONE EVERY FIGHT.


    All of the single-enemy boss fights in the instance have a mechanic that basically makes melee worse in every way. On the droid, there's an AoE stun; on Gharj, there's both Pounce *and* frenzy.


    Stop it. There are plenty of ideas for bosses that don't involve "Hey, let's knock the melee back again, they love that!"


    This game needs to change with regards to how bosses treat melee, or I'll just be another one of the fallen sentinel, forced to reroll gunslinger/sage to go to raids.

  10. This game rewards RNG, not time invested. Just accept it.



    Btw, opened 41 bags, got 4 items. (2 Relics, implant, and chest)


    No, screw that. This system is fundamentally broken, and I won't accept it. I'll give them time to fix it, but if this system persists as it is, it's enough to make me quit. I don't want to play a game where hard work is simply ignored. That's not the key to good pvp.


    I'm grinding with my friends and getting nothing, while they're all gearing out, and I'm being left behind.

  11. The random nature of the PvP bags is awful. PvP gear shouldn't be purely luck based; that's a terrible way to run an MMO. I've opened about 10 bags and gotten one piece of gear, while people I know who've opened the same amount have full sets. If this isn't changed, it's honestly enough to make me quit your game - I shouldn't be left behind my friends while grinding the same PVP matches they are.
  12. You just named the two most balanced MMOs ever made. I agree they both have problems, but they're still the most balanced.


    So I don't think you made the point you tried to make.


    This must be a joke. This game is so far from balanced it's not even funny.


    The lack of balance is to be expected; the sheer number of bugs and issues are not. This game was nowhere near ready to ship, polished as the storyline is.

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