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10 Good
  1. Well if cyborg should be a different species i want it to be more cyborged up, not just some iron parts in your face. For example it'd be cool if you stripped the armor of your cyborg trooper and his arms where machines, or his legs, or both! Although i still wish every race could get the cyborg slider. Then my sith pureblood would have a fancy cybernetic eye instead of the ugly golden bling they are stuck with.
  2. Been leveling my powertech on and off when i get to depressed from the ilum lagfest, and i have to admit, i don't think Mako gets what being a bounty hunter means. She is in this to get revenge and hunt bounty's yet she gets her knickers in a twist when i do things that is COMPLETELY within my rights to do according to the rules of the great hunt, and doing the "nicer" option would be plain out stupid. I don't kill people needlessly either, it just feels a little weird that Mako is in this line of work and gets all silly over having to kill someone. While i have already started on bashing Mako: I kinda dislike Mako, and her affection points for me ain't all that high, might be because i like telling her to shut up.
  3. I've had a similar bug with Vette, after killing one pack she suddenly starts to spray and pray another pack. This happened so rarely it didn't cause me any problems though, i just went: "Oh Vette, watchu doin'?" and slapped some faces.
  4. I finished my class-quest at lvl 46, and i've never used a healing companion, or had problems with anything really. But i play as a Immortal with Cybertech so my gear is constanly being updated. I just tanked everything, doing OK-damage, while i geared Vette to do the real killing while i controll things. As immortal i spent fairly little downtime aswell, of course you'll have to channel here and there, but if you need a boost you have 2 awesome defensive cooldowns and 2 stuns. You still gotta want to play tank and not dps if this is to work though I just can't stomach Quinn at all, he's been stuck in the ship since the second i got him. I wish i could freeze him into a carbonite statue, for all the good he does me.
  5. What sound-effect does it make at the moment? I am wearing the super-silly grinning-calculator-mask for it's awesome cyborg-voice
  6. I don't have this problem at all. Just so you know!
  7. i don't agree on that, it is OK, but i HATE Lord Sazh, she just rubs me the wrong way, and her lips are the sice of my thighs
  8. I like how everyone plays the same story but has extremely different ideas as to what is going on with the main character(your character). The person over me plays his sith like, and i am venturing out on a guess here, dark-sided killingmachine. While for example, i play my Sith Warrior as a ruthless, but more lightsided roamer, she doesn't give a crap about political power or any of that scheming nonsense! Heck she doesn't even mind being Darth Chubbyface's errand boy, it got her a ship and when he finally becomes to annoying to put up with, she'll just do a Malgus and roam around, conquering planets and chilling out. My personal wish though is that in the inevitable expansion pack, we get to hang out with Malgus as our new BFF
  9. haha yeah I figure even if you play as a light side sith, you aren't all that of a good guy anyway. Most LS sith are "good", as in "i don't kill people for no reason", but they are still quite ruthless
  10. I personally, don't see the whole big deal with Jaesa, i don't like her And i get that some might feel a little less awesome, being Darth Baras' errand-boy, but i just imagine Darth Chubbyface as sort of an enabler. He enables my Sith to fly around the galaxy doing all kinds of stuff on all kinds of planets, so what if i have to punch some people for him every now and then. That's my opinion anyway.
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