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Posts posted by jtype_sw

  1. I support this thread. It's a very serious issue and i'm glad to hear they're working on a fix.


    BioWare claims to be "investigating the issue", but I for one, do not have much confidence in their ability to address this matter.


    This issue of ability delay has been present ever since SWTOR's inception, and honestly, how these gamebreaking bugs making it past internal testing is BEYOND ME, let alone open beta...


    I will give them till the end of my free month.


    That, and Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller should be fired.

  2. Here is a video of ability jamming. Starting at 0:07.


    This occurs on all of my characters, most noticeably on melee characters, and even more noticeably on melee characters with positioning requirement attacks (such as backstab and maul).


    Mists of Pandaria may be lame with Pandas and Pokemon, but its gameplay and combat system is exceeding fluid than SWTOR, and that to many people, makes or breaks a game.


    If this doesn't get addressed by the end of my free month, I'm out of here.



  3. So what you're saying is that there is a pop-up text error? Since he's full health how can you know if the heal landed or not or its a visual text error?


    Now you're just trying too hard and clearly giving yourself away my friend :p

    If you want to learn the art of trolling, you need to learn to be subtle and discrete ^^


    Anyways, hopefully the problems get addressed soon Xcore and thanks for adding my video!

  4. Is that a joke? You can see that you AREN'T even pushing a button to activate the ability until a full second after the last one landed. The icon would flash if you were spamming it....


    No no no. That is not what is wrong with it - did you even watch the whole thing or pay any attention to the end delay before writing your comment, lest you be a troll?


    #1. After the cast FINISHES, there is a 0.5 second delay before the heal is applied.

    #2. Fast forward to 0:10, and notice how the ability fails to execute multiple times, displaying how it not only jams/locksout for melee, but for ranged and casting as well.

  5. It is part of the overall issue of "Responsiveness" to input. Believe me this is also widely understood and I am sure Georg is very aware.


    Excellent to hear.


    I myself have created a few threads in Open Beta regarding these issues. but was alas shot down by the provincially-minded individuals who can see no criticism of this game.


    I am truly thankful that this is now a widely recognized issue, which must be fixed ASAP if BioWare wants to draw in, as well as keep many of their subscribers such as me, my friends and my guildmates.


    Again Xcore, thank you for your time, effort, and energy invested into identifying these crucial and gamebreaking issues. Your vanguard will truly have a immense influence on this game's success, or if neglected, failure.


  6. @Xcore


    Firstly, great job on identifying a key and crucial issue which NEEDS to be addressed.


    However, I ask of you to please edit your OP to put emphasis on the abilities jamming up as shown in

    You have posted it under "Ability Delay", but it is in actuality not delay, but rather incessant jamming and resetting that occurs when multiple buttons are pressed in a rapid frequency. THIS NEEDS TO BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED AND ADDRESSED.


    I can deal with animations being delayed and whatnot, but I CANNOT deal with animations jamming like such.

  7. Damage outside of stealth is reliable and very strong, what's with people saying it's not? I'm only in 2pc champ and everything's 2-3500.


    Operatives do low damage outside of their opener, compared to Shadow/Assassins that execute insane burst damage outside of stealth.


    Just look up Lina/Innverse on twitch.tv. Consistent 4-6k crits on Shock/Project not to mention they have a knockback and a sprint on a 20 second cd.

  8. I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about. The combat is very responsive from my perspective, you always cast a skill when you're supposed to. Sure the animations

    might lag behind, but I'd rather be able to see that my character is running around, or that he's getting knocked back over seeing the combat animation I've seen a thousand times before.


    I don't think this is an issue with the game, just the way you're trying to play it.


    Could be wrong though. Maybe I've just never experienced this bug before.


    I completely agree with you!

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