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Everything posted by Chancellare

  1. I didn't know the Pubs even pvp'ed outside of The Core premades.
  2. Character Name - Chan'ce (Juggernaut) Guild - <Project Mayhem> Category - 8V8 Overall Protection Number - 939,349 Warzone Code - VS Screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/O1qkiXh.jpg and Character Name - Chan'ce (Juggernaut) Guild - <Project Mayhem> Category - 8V8 Highest Protection in a Single Life Number - 939,349 Warzone Code - VS Screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/O1qkiXh.jpg
  3. Character Name - Chaance Guild - <Project Mayhem> Category - 8V8 Biggest hit Number - 17968 Warzone Code - CW Screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/VavVXss.jpg
  4. 1 Chaance 2. Project Mayhem 3. Sniper 4. Huttball 5. Biggest Hit (10,555) 6. http://imgur.com/lqtwh4V
  5. How not to suck at PvP… I am a Valor 74 Sniper, and I spend the majority of my time in pug warzones. I constantly am losing games because of people on my team who are just plain bad when it comes to the common sense factors of warzones. SWTOR is a good game in the fact that 1 person cannot win a match for entire team, but unfortunately it means you are dependent upon people who 90% of the time suck. So I thought I would make this quick guide with just some common sense tips for not sucking in warzones. Huttball. The objective of the game is to take the ball and score points. The objective of the game is not to stand in the middle, or if the ball is running up the left side to stand on the right side, and try to kill as many as you can. Help or kill the ball carrier! If you are trying to kill the ball carrier and he has 5 other people beating on him, and his health is not going down, STOP, find the damned healer and stop him from healing! Knock him down! Interrupt him, send him flying, I don’t care, just stop the damn heals! For the love of god, when the enemy has the ball in the pit on your end, DO NOT stand on the flippin edge! There is NOTHING you can do on the edge to the ball carrier that you cannot do IN the pit itself! Standing on the edge allows Knights, Warriors, Vanguards, Powertechs to jump to you!!!! GET OFF THE EDGE OF THE PIT YOU DUMB SOB!!!! If the enemy has the ball on your end of the court and there is a member of his team standing on the edge of the pit….KNOCK HIM DOWN!!!! Don’t though get to where you can be seen by the ball carrier! Knock the jerk down, then back up and GET INTO THE FLIPPIN PIT FAR AWAY FROM THE CARRIER!!! (See tip 3) If someone from the enemy team is running towards one of the healing power ups, STOP HIM, and STEAL it. Even if you are at full health! Chances are great that if you are dumb enough not to stop this person charging to the healing power up, you are not smart enough to beat him in a fight! So don’t let him get it! Voidstar Again simple….defend the doors, or try to open the doors…..it’s not fight in the gosh darned spawn area! KILL THE HEALERS! Doesn’t matter if you are attacking or defending the healers need to die. WATCH THE FLIPPIN DOOR AT ALL TIMES!! I don’t give one rat’s *** if you are fighting someone and his health is at 1%, if there is a person on the door, STOP ATTACKING THE GUY YOU ARE FIGHTING AND HIT THE DUDE ON THE DOOR!!! For the love of Allah pay attention if you are attacking. If you see one or two enemies that are CC’d and someone from your team is opening the door, DO NOT BREAK THE CC!!!! Wait til the CC breaks and immediately CC them again! If you are defending, and the enemy team opens a door, immediately stop fighting in the room or hallway you are in and run directly to the next checkpoint. By fighting in the room that you were just in, you are giving the enemies time to get to the next checkpoint, open it, and rinse and repeat! GET OUT OF THE ROOM THAT WAS JUST BEAT! COMMUNICATE! If you are defending the east side, and you are alone, and you see 6 people coming! Say something THEN!!! Not after you get destroyed! Civil War Don’t attack the same target again and again and again. Chances are good if you didn’t get it the first 25 times, you aren’t going to get it the 26th time. MOVE ON!!!! BUT, do it intelligently…..have 2 or 3 people attack a different turret, pulling defenders off the one, and then attack it again. Confusion is key! PAY ATTENTION TO THE TURRET! The turret isn’t at the entrance to the tunnel, its not on the trail on the way to the turret, its on the raised platform! FIGHT THERE *******! And watch the turret, if someone is turning it, stop whatever you are doing and attack them! Communicate! See 6 in voidstar…. Just some basic common sense hints….hopefully this becomes viral and people add more, so these idiots who just plain suck at PVP can get better!!!!
  6. Rubat Crystal being a RP-PVE server should have nothing to do with this, go away troll. I agree completely this server's pvp is dead. I am one of the Empire BM's and I have stopped PvPing on this server due to the imbalance. Also because empires's team is generally filled with 2 or 3 players who are bots, and nothing has been done to fix this. Hell one of these bots is almost a Battlemaster. I am sorry but any valor lvl 58 sniper who only does 50k damage constantly in games, and never talks or replies to tells is a bot plain and simple. Bioware needs to fix it, cross server queues needed ASAP.
  7. Let me first preface this post by making clear that this is in no way meant to be a whiner thread or a QQ thread. This is an honest thread I am posting in hopes that maybe a developer will see this, and take what is mentioned in it into consideration. I currently have a level 50 valor 63 Sniper, and just recently finished leveling a 50 Assassin. So my experience in the game I would like to think is very high. I do enjoy this game, and there are many positive aspects to it, but unfortunately there are becoming more and more glaring holes in it as well. The leveling in this game is amazing, it is enjoyable, and never feels like a grind. Yes not having sprint early on is a PITA, and the overall size of some of the land masses feels way too big, there is no game by far that has a more enjoyable and fast paced leveling feel. The quests are fun, the fact that you can keep a piece of orange gear from lvl 10 all the way to 50 as long as you upgrade it is great. One of the glaring bugs is PVP, my sniper got into the PVP game early enough that gear balance was never really an issue, everyone was gearing together on an even curve, gear wasn't easy to come by but it wasn't hard either. Today though PVP has become a nightmare, yes I understand gear is easier to obtain now in PVP as long as you have a winning team AND can actually get a warzone to pop. I do hope ranked WZ's will help this, but cross server queues are needed ASAP. People pay to play this game, and when you log on to PVP it should not take 30 to 45 minutes to have a WZ pop. ( I play on a high pop RP server.) Ilum has become absolutely horrible, don't get me wrong it has it's moments when there are the 16 v 16 or more fights but those are so few it is generally the NASCAR race around the center point. When this "fix" was put it they made it so now not only do you have to compete occasionally with the opposite faction you now have to compete with your own faction to get a simple armament. Usually on my server there are 16 or so other people trying to get loot from the small number of spawn spots. Usually it takes close to an hour or more to gain the 30 needed. This is ridiculous. Please Bioware do something to address this horrible design. Speaking of horrible design, Bioware has stated the Reverse Engineering is not working as intended on high level items. FIX IT. If you know it is broke, then issue a fix as soon as one is complete. Also please make something other than Biochem worth it at 50, my Sniper has Biochem so I thought I would take something else, well that was pointless. I simply took Synthweaving made my two Rakata pieces then dropped it for Biochem because it is the only tradeskill with utility at 50. Honestly everything you read and hear about this game states that "everything" is coming in patch 1.2. Honestly, I feel 1.2 is the make and break patch for this game. If this patch comes out and doesnt address many of the glaring holes, or introduces a ton of new bugs I think this game will lose at least half it's population. Please Bioware, I understand the game is still in its infancy stage but it has been around now long enough to make it so it is not a waste of the money spent every month.
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