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Everything posted by TheShootist

  1. This day will be remember as one of the smoothest pre-launches in Bioware history
  2. website showing servers full could possibly mean that there are reserved spots for guild members that are assigned to a particular one. This way they can actually add more servers online and have the slots open once a player is able to join. If they actually filled the servers, then added more servers for new players, the guild mates would have to wait for a slot to open on their assigned server to join their friends instead of going to the added server that is empty.
  3. equal grounds???? what about the player that doesn't have a job and simply plays 24/7 vs the one who only gets 2 hours a night? Names? think of a unique name that nobody else will use, why take one that was already created from another source. BTW many names are banned like "Skywalker" The dynamics of this game doesn't give someone an advantage for starting a few days earlier than the rest. I for one will be taking my time leveling up slowly and enjoying the story line.
  4. I'll probably be able to play in a few days, however my son got in on the second wave. Watching him play without all the congestion looks nice and smooth, can't wait til I get a chance to do the same and no worries as well. This by far has to be the smoothest lauch yet, yes there will be a few bugs and glitches that are going to be exploited, but I'm sure they'll be fixed quite fast.
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