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Everything posted by KBSIP

  1. sniper kicks PT and mara ***. people who are FOTM rerolling should be going sniper, its god in the current meta-game. anyone who does otherwise is dumb.
  2. given the nightmare of the kick system, and the fact that it is highly likely you'd have to kick more than one person at the start after a set of wipes, means the G finder simply can't be trusted for this type of content. It isn't in need of a nerf, its there for people with brains. Denova isn't particularly hard on story mode, there are tricks and short cuts to make it easier, but it isn't going to let you fail through like EV and KP.
  3. sniper's already there, godly in the current meta.
  4. ^ for a guy who "knows" this class you have a lot of mistakes. namely, the sniper bubble offers a FLAT 20% damage reduction bonus to all within it. its not an absorption. you're thinking of shield probe, an ADDITIONAL defensive cooldown besides evasion.
  5. classes always get the most pissed the first time they get the OP complaints, let the cycle begin! MWAHAHAHAHA
  6. learn the class before you comment, PPA isn't available until level 27, anyone without it is going to overheat unless 1/2 of their attacks are rapid shots or unused GCD's. flame burst spam is never effective for pyro on its own, only AP gets away with that with no heat issues.
  7. KBSIP

    I was just in...

    I once saw a group of 8 level 50 marauders. they got their asses handed to them in RWZ, it was hilarious. I then joined a team of 6 powertechs and 2 snipers, we too got our asses kicked in RWZ. little to no class synergy for objective play. the composition of your PVP groups is primarily determined by your server, and nothing else.
  8. I'll go ahead and call you a liar. class composition on rated teams is a function of your server and nothing else, on corellian run top team runs 3-4 scoundrels, and a mix of other classes, usually no vanguards, though when they bring one its a tank. they're currently 70-2, including running against teams trying to stack extra marauders and powertechs.
  9. I've vote kicked someone once because they were AFK just outside the spawn zone to avoid deserter detection, and it only worked once I co-ordinated with the entire group in ops chat.
  10. it clears all DoTs and perdiodic effects, which means you can't set-up your railshot (railshot REQUIRES a periodic effect on target). thus, no railshot.
  11. there's only an AFK kick, and it cancels on engaging combat. I don't think we're getting the full story here.
  12. says the gunslinger who made a QQ nerf powertechs thread based on trying to 2v1 a pair of burst DPS at the end of a warzone without paying full attention... you're bad skolops
  13. working as intended. if something that serious crops up that its going to occupy you for longer than the deserter debuff, you should leave the WZ anyway.
  14. the scoundrel loaded team leading the rankings on corellian run that doesn't use more than 1 sentinel or vanguard at any given time says you're wrong, there is not a uniform winning composition across all servers.
  15. I'd like it, that griefing would be hilarious
  16. since opening parts of the fights are rarely the most hectic, I burn all my cooldowns and rack up my highest burst rotation. the tank gives me about 3 seconds past pull to wrap up my burst then taunts, with this amount of threat buffed by 30% from the taunt, there's never a threat issue again.
  17. depending on the power of the snare applied, back pedaling can be important throttle control to keep enemies in the sweet spot between melee range and gap closer range.
  18. most successful teams I've seen still stack scoundrels(at least 3-4) and then have a mix of shadows and guardians, because they can co-ordinate AOE mezes. pretty sure IT on corellian run is sitting at 80 and 2 for their RWZ record with that composition. the obsession with marauders and powertechs is ENTIRELY dependent on what server you are on.
  19. love it, don't agree, but anything that spreads the nerf QQ around I'm all for. maybe if we get simultaneous nerf requests for every class the PVP developer's heads will fizzle out
  20. that shadow tank kicked some serious protection ***.
  21. anyone can 2v1 with the right circumstances.
  22. with same-faction PVP, there's no reason to side with the pubs over imperials for character selection other than that smaller populations tend to have a bit higher caliber of players as the lower caliber players tend to hop to the bandwagon faction.
  23. to reply to your standardization of statistics at maximum level, this is a design change that can only happen before launch without adversely affecting the player base. The idea of everyone having the same stats is good from a balancing standpoint, but undermines the RPG part of MMORPG. the only path of development in SWTOR at level 50 right now is stat development through gear upgrades and changes. If you remove this function, you improve the appeal of the game for a minority and kill the appeal for the majority, as well as piss off every person who's been enjoying the process of gear upgrades, or those bitter about the time invested into developing their optimizations.
  24. Making gear purchasable with real world money cheapens the gaming experience as a whole for every player. The reason "Buy to win" is a failing model is because it further accentuates the imbalance between people of different economic statuses in the game. To be fair, this disparity already exists, specifically in PVP content, which is solely time investment to gain access to upper gear tiers in a timely fashion. The original design of operations was such that it was easy for a group of 8-16 people, all with limited time, to simply set aside 1-3 hours a week and have a reasonable chance of 1) clearing the content and 2) gaining access to beginning tier gear the shift in difficulty with patch 1.2 made it less accessible, as the time demands to learn the mechanics of a fight and the severe buff of trash mob numbers and difficulty made anything less than a 3+ hour investment into learning the new instance a failing endeavor. this was rectified in patch 1.3 with the increase in access to black hole commendations for all players, with a paltry 20-30 minute time investment a nice a player could gain 35 extra black hole commendations a week, not including extra benefits for clearing advanced content. In the current meta-game, I see no need for cash purchase of gear. If you desperately need to find a manner to access high end gear, or high end benefits, you can go to a third party site (against the ToS) and buy credits, or farm them yourselves, to get high level augmentations and kits. the baseline gear (columi) that is readily accessible to all players at level 50, with augments, is more than viable to allow an experienced group to begin trying out the new operation and gain access to rakata and blackhole level gear. the only gear at the current moment not available to those with limited time constraints would have to be campaign (except for the boots). the amount of time invested in a full HM E C run, including trash clearing, is a multi-hour endeavor, and is not condusive to 1 hour window attempts. I seem to have digressed a great deal, let me get back to why direct purchase of gear is a negative for both the game and the players. MMORPG's exist solely for character development. you invest the time or effort into getting access to upper gear levels because it either 1) helps you min/max your gear or 2) unlocks unique appearance options (a-la war hero) that are cut off from those that don't invest the time to unlock them. For the cosmetic options, I feel it offers an incentive to long-term players that the appearances and titles require significant time investments to attain. Without grind, you don't have an MMO, because grind is what gives the game its longevity. As far as min/maxing with top end gear, this is another area where its a long term grind to keep people interested in playing the game for extended durations. If you offer shortcuts to people with buying gear, hard core players will take them. It is basic psychology, if you have a crutch you will use it. The faster these people max their gear, the sooner they run out of things to do and stop playing. for the casual player, offering a purchase path to gear removes any sense of accomplishment from clearing a boss or winning that one specific item you've been hunting. Overall it kills the massive appeal of the game, as it takes a struggling end-game scenario and makes the entire endeavor seem all the more pointless.
  25. I'm not one for calling out any game as a killer for another, but let me go ahead and stop you here. every class in star wars boils down to the following - 2-5 core abilities cooldowns to be used when available situational abilities (AOE, taunts, ranged attacks for melee and melee attacks for ranged). anyone who says keybinds necessary is exaggerating a big, anyone who supports macros is provably wrong. star wars is easy, regardless of class and specialization. the only thing you'll get approaching complexity is playing 2 characters at once (micro-managing companions), or trying PVP with a sub par class (healing sorcerer, concealment operative).
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