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Posts posted by SundialX

  1. "We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware
  2. BioWare promised us good World PvP...


    World PvP is a colossal failure in every aspect possible. It's like RIFT all over again. If they somehow manage to sort things out I'll resub, but until then I'll stick to EVE.


    Except even Rift did it much better... I quit Rift because lack of world PvP at the endgame, but it at least had it while leveling :p

  3. Cancelled.


    "PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum;"


    Biggest load of bull **** ever.

  4. Perpetuum is really not a good example of meaningful PvP. There is nothing to fight for that is worthwhile besides epeen and expensive ship modules. Once you have so many of them there is not much else to do.


    It suffers from the same problems as many other games where PvP is an afterthought: there is no purpose to the fighting and nothing to fight over.

  5. And with the latest patch they have increased rewards for winning Warzones.... and nothing for open world pvp


    And for those of you saying "PvP for simply the joy of killing other players" then why bother having rewards for warzones? Either have NO rewards for warzones and open world PvP or make them equal in reward.


    Given the choice, people will always do what rewards them the most. There is simply no priority for open world PvP, the MMO model just doesn't support it outside of the one zone, Illum, and even then the rewards in warzones are better. As with Rift, SWTOR will be another MMO that could have had great open world PvP, instead they went with the cookie cutter business model that probably will generate more subscriptions.


    Still waiting for a new MMO game that puts PvP first, PvE second.




    Great post.

  6. Guys who are saying your reward should simple be the PvP itself:


    I am all for this, however the fact is there is gear based PvP progression in this game. Currently you must do warzones to get any meaningful kind of progression.


    So you could say the same thing about warzones: people should not get any reward outside of the PvP itself for doing them... do you know how much QQ that would cause?


    All we are asking for is to be rewarded slightly.


    I hate being forced to grind warzones to "progress".

  7. Obviously you aren't a "tru Xcore pvPer". You didn't get anything from engaging in world pvp, which means there is no reason to world pvp, which means that you physically -can't- engage in world pvp, which means that bioware has failed at implementing world pvp.


    Were you truly hardcore, the realization that your valor didn't increment should have immediately sent you to the forums to author a rage-quit post.




    The issue is not not being rewarded for world pvp.


    The issue is that Warzone PvP is rewarded and World PvP is not in any signifigant way.

  8. So let me get this straight .. the fact that you get nothing for open world pvp physically keeps you from participating in open world pvp? Am I missing something? Why not do open world pvp for the sake of .. pvp?


    I am fine with no rewards, however PvP progression in this game is gear based and warzones are currently the only real way to progress...


    I would agree if warzones did not progress your char and you did it just for the sake of PvP.

  9. no risk involved? lol


    I find that funny coming from pvp'ers, since majority of them tend to kill lower level players just to make sure they win...it happens, maybe not you personally, but it happens ALOT.



    Why not wait until max level, then do warzones....problem solved.


    world pvp in the end, ruins the experience for everyone and as you said, you get nothing out of it, so why do it? :)


    You are making an extreme generalization here.


    I have played many world PvP games in the past and there were always people doing this, but they were the minority not the majority.

  10. Slicing is too powerful end of story. If you took it, good for you, if you have time to make an alt and slice, good for you.


    None of the above, you screwed xD.


    Every time I level, I have to sit in front of the trainer and do WZ until I can afford my skills ;S.


    AND you can't really GATHER in this game, you have to pay to GATHER which makes crafting a huge money sink!!!!


    Not true. I get the majority of my mats from running around zones.

  11. SWTOR has very minimal risk doing anything.


    All we are asking for is for world pvp to be rewarded in an intelligent manner (scaled to level/gear/number of players) similar to how warzones are rewarded.


    Less world PvP happens, so it should be rewarded more (but have diminishing returns killing the same people over and over)




    How about a random chance for a PvP gear bag drop doing world PvP?

  12. TLDR:

    We can fix world pvp by creating meaningful systems that don't break the existing game but expand our choice as players:

    1) Create game mechanics that give the ability for guilds to make impact on the world (setting their footprint), such as buildable or attainable world structures

    2) Give players reasons to go to the other side of the map, such as PvP incentivizing quests and heroics


    These problems seem to plague most new MMOs at launch and even far down the road.


    PvP to most players/devs nowdays is just pressing a queue button while sitting in your capital city perfectly safe.


    Sad but true...

  13. Anyone else waiting till they are 50 to pvp?


    I am simply so I don't outlevel my pve questing zones.




    The only PvP I do until 50 will be world PvP with people around my level.


    Warzones are kindof fun, but I plan on living in Outlaws Den at 50 :p

  14. Operative... cloak... Sorry, but cloaked professions always have been bad for pvp. It is just so easy to do things when you can cloak. Cloaked professions have pretty much all reward and zero risk.


    Cloaking is usually good for solo roaming / PKing but has a niche roll in objective based PvP.


    That said, I cloak / gank when I am alone and heal when I am with a group.

  15. Once other areas of PvP are ballanced (such as brackets) then I think we can realistically take a look at healing.


    To be honest though, I would say its too early to make a call yet.


    Fix raid frames... that alone is huge.

  16. This also.


    I feel like I put more time into my character and work, I should have an obvious advantage over someone that just started...


    I mean, I have way more abilities but that isn't to say that I can't be beaten. I should beat them no matter what because of the work I put into my character.


    I just think it's weird the way bolster is and kind of dumb.




    Attitudes like this have been ruining PvP in triple A mmos for sometime now.


    The "no life to victory" PvPers.


    Some advice: Go play a Pay2Win F2P game, it would suit you much more.

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