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Posts posted by IMWylde

  1. grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. i hear the same complaints from both factions



    With as much out and out whining about class balance and blah blah blah I find it hilarious I hear this on both sides daily.


    If you find yourself loosing a large percentage of war zones look for the common denominator. If it is you (likely) L2P

  2. Why are people so entitled? Take the 15min and reinstall and patch up.


    I have been patching since my first post. That's 2+ hours so far and I'm about half way there. I take home about 20$ an hour, 60$ of which I gave to BioWare and another 15$ a month. That is not entitlement its a transaction.


    I PAY them to not screw up my play time. I would gladly pay YOU to ****

  3. Hardcore?


    Absolutely the worst label to use when trying to put a point across. everyone thinks their hardcore, I like to PvP I would say I am a hard core Pvp'r as it dominates my game time (or would if it had a little more variety).


    SWTOR is a raid centric game. The endgame content reflects it. Unfortunately it has some of the worst grouping mechanics I have ever seen. I trust they will fix that, hopefully before they've whittled their server list to 10.


    That being said I will not be a long time subscriber because doing the same 4 dungeons over and over and over simply does not do it for me. Dailies, Weeklies, Hardmodes? Hardmodes seem to me to be the very laziest form of level content.


    Everyone looks the same, everyone has the same build. You can tell what your dealing with by looking at their weapon. the eight base stories are OK for gaming but once their done its just pure dee white milk. PvP is fun until you spend an entire evening playing huttball. Illum might have been a good idea but it was so badly designed.


    SWTOR like so many titles that have come before was made for people with fifty bucks. That's who they made it for, its a wide demographic and contains everyone whose ever heard of a lightsaber.

  4. Smash/Sweep is fine. Only 1 spec does it and it takes time to get that burst built up.


    Rail shot is ok, PTs die quickly enough that I don't care. Besides, they're proc dependent.


    TM/Grav round? Sorry, I guess you have no idea where your interrupt is.


    Sorc/Sage DoTs don't do **** for damage. And they CAN be cleansed.






  5. The simple truth is that in most cases a nerf will not balance the field. Sorc/Sages problems are in the numbers of players choosing those classes, The number of those classes available for groups and PvP. Sorcs are only a problem when there are 4-5 of them on a team. At which point every nub in town is going to alt-tab over to the forums to whine.


    Think of it this way, We've already canned the Nerf on GS/OPS. We are now working on Sage/Sorc at the same time there are major tunings of TR/BH coming down the pike. What happens when every class is "balanced"? Well then they will be whining about their ineffectiveness in PVE.


    This is a big reason why SWTOR is not a revolutionary new MMO, they are still working the balance angle from the wrong end of the stick. Want to improve class numbers? Bump them up, find their weakness's and address them. Do not knock everyone else on the field down.


    How to make Elara useful:

    Turn off Carbonized Stream. Even if it turns back on, turn it off. It's a channeled attack that she auto-attacks right afterwards (Thus breaking the channel 1.5 seconds in)... And then targets the next monster in the pull and starts channeling carbonized stream (and then auto-attacks that target)


    Edit: Reminds of the thing with Stargate and how badly they wanted O'Neal and Carter to join up but the Air Military adviser said "It would be a cold day in hell before that happens."


    I completely disagree with this. I've had her keep mobs frozen for most of a fight. And when she cryos the one I'm eating I get to blitz. Any time a mob isn't beating on me is a good time. Course I play a tank build.


    Ive used Dorne to solo even leveled heroic content with nothing but a little extra time spent on the bosses. I do turn off all of her DPS attacks. She still shoots once in a while though.

  7. I love how every person who says the word pvp all "finish top 3, 10 medals pwnage everybody", you wonder whether the other 6 or 7 spots exist or bioware just uses bots since all pvpers ara top 3. Whats even more hysterical is the class doesnt matter, (insert build and class) always tops damage, kills, medals......


    People aren't going to come on here and say "I score in the lowest 10%" well not unless their calling for the waaaambulance of course. I in fact often finish in the top 3. In my case its all about making a shield buddy that wants to heal. If I do that then I'm golden and for that matter so is he.

  8. This is ridiculous. I would have thought a dev team of such size and scope as Bioware's would have their act together a little better then this. So many glaring faults the least of which is a bunch of item drops that wont work for the class designed to receive them.


    + cunning on assault cannons? Anyone want to explain this?

  9. This isn't about Biochem at all. Its about min-maxers running this game and about BioWare coddling them. "You cant raid unless you have this build this gear and this crew skill" bull-crap. The simplest solution? Let everyone craft what ever they want. Crafting does not effect the general economy because as has been mentioned there are better items dropping and available with commendations. There is no reason that each of your subjects (companions) could not be trained in a separate crafting skill. It adds a good time / money sink and renders irrelevant these kinds of issues.
  10. The original poster makes a valid point. And he gave more then one alternative solution, you need to cut him a little slack on the whole QQ thing. Something should be done to make the republic more appealing is all he's saying and I fully agree.


    Faction imbalance leads to arena type PVP problems as well class/armor/ability imbalances favor the higher population and if this game is ever to have meaningful world pvp there will be a need to address this as well.

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