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Everything posted by Jalakins

  1. I hope I don't get in trouble for reviving a dead topic, but I just wanted to put in my two cents. Being a girl gamer and all. At first, I had the same feeling about Vector. Creepy bug guy. But I followed the storyline with him (which hasn't been easy, since I went Operative DPS) and just finished his romance. I actually kind of enjoyed it. The way he talks is interesting - nice for a change. And the poetry was actually romantic. The song of the universe, etc, I thought was really nice for a change. The first romance I did was Corso, which I thought was a lot of fun. I loved the smuggler, the way she talked, and Corso's personality is like "my type." Then I did Sith Inquisitor and I did not like Andronikos at all. What a stiff. Very cliche and I felt wasn't very well written. Maybe that's why I like Vector - not cliche! Sometimes I didn't like my agent's responses actually. She seemed...sarcastic and unfeeling at times toward him. But personally, I loved to try to see the conversation through his (their?) point of view, being a Joiner and how different it must be to try and understand his human feelings while at the same time having a whole colony inside your head. I found it very intriguing and I'm glad I tried it out. I enjoyed it a lot.
  2. Two words: Hayden Christensen. Emo, whiny, and just an awful actor. Oh, and the prequel movies were just bad. The plot and story was fine, but the actual production was boring.
  3. I am in love with Corso! I rush through the side quests just to see more of my class quests with him. So much fun!
  4. Early access is a gift from EA to you. Technically, they didn't have to give people ANYTHING at all. So demanding compensation for something that was FREE to begin with is ********.
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