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Everything posted by Grendel_Prime

  1. Cool, thanks My current plan is to let my sub lapse and then in a year or so there might be new content and it'll all be fresh and new and exciting again In the meantime, there's other games.
  2. I've decided that I'm going to let my sub lapse in April. There's simply nothing currently that holds my attention and makes me want to play and have fun (though I am very hopeful that there will be at some point). While my account is on Preferred Status, does anyone know if I would still get the 100 Cartel Coins for the Security Key? Planning ahead how best to "budget" things. Thanks
  3. Wildstar doesn't appeal to me from what I've seen although EQNext looks interesting. I'd be very curious as to what you dislike do much about ESO. Feel free to message me, since I'm pretty sure our NDA prevents us from discussin openly.
  4. I'm not familiar with the Legacy of Kain (so to wikipedia I go!!). I'm curious about the (eventual) World of Darkness MMO as well. I was initially debating asking people's opinions on FTP vs. Sub because I didn't want to come off as "TOR Sucks I'm quitting!!!". I am currently ambivalent about it, which may be worse. I don't doubt I'll resub when there's new content. New Planets, new class stories (or new classes!!). A meaty expansion pack would be amazing! Even if I had to pay "standard" expansion prices. By this time in LOTRO's cycle they had two "real" expansions (Mines of Moria and Siege of Mirkwood) and perhaps this lack of forward movement on TOR is what's weighing on my mind more than anything else.
  5. As I mentioned early, playing the beta for ESO is exactly why I'm debating dropping my sub to TOR. I found it highly enjoyable in ways that TOR simply isn't for me anymore. Each MMO is going to have it's detractors and it's champions. I know people who love, love, love WoW or LOTRO or DCU Online or Tera or Guild Wars or whatever. I know just as many people who will swear up and and down that this game or that game should never have been released and will bring out the apocalypse. I guess my bottom line is that any new MMO will offer me more for my sub that TOR does right now. Note - right now. I can play ESO for a year or whatever and if, in that time, there's actually new content for TOR I can switch back if I feel ESO isn't offering me fun for my entertainment dollars. In the two years I've been subbing there's been precious little to extend the life of TOR for me and I think that's what it comes down to. The input here has been great though. I completely forgot about the "Preferred" status and I've got 4 months to stockpile my "free" CC in case there is something I want since I'll continue subbing up until then. Thanks all
  6. I was in the last beta and that's why I'm excited for it. Given that there's an NDA I know we can't go into details as to what I enjoyed or what you disliked so much but to each their own. The bottom line though was that it feels like an Elder Scrolls game (with allowances for MMO-ness) and that's enough for me.
  7. I understand that, but I've done all that (sub since launch). I'm just wondering since my interest has dropped way off to the point where I play an hour or so a week, if FTP is better for me or not.
  8. Here's the thing. I've been a sub for 2 years + (since the beta leading in to release) and I enjoyed the game quite a bit. Two years down the road though and there's nothing on the horizon to make me want to keep playing once ESO hits in April. So I'm just wondering, has anyone here gone sub to FTP (and back) and if it's okay for casual play. I don't plan on quitting but I'd rather pay a sub for a game that will give me at least a year if not more of new things to do, new places to explore and new methods of playing.
  9. My assassin http://www.flickr.com/photos/105384018@N06/10268567033/
  10. I think there's a few things that could make the space aspects of the game more interesting. 1) Actual pilot your ship, both on Space Missions and while traveling in a system. It certainly doesn't have to be "real time" but if you want to go from one planet to another in the same system then you fly there. Just like riding your speeder from location to location on world. 2) Along with the above...space "mobs". Pirates, enemy blockades etc. So travel from planet to planet has things to encounter. This relegates Space Missions to, essentially, instances. 3) Heroic space areas where you group into small fleets to obtain objectives. 4) Ship Modification. Not just guns and missiles, but better hyperdrives, sublight drives and nav computers to make travel faster. Sublights work like the different level of speeder piloting, hyperdrives could increase the number of system you could jump at once (thus speeding up overall travel time) and navcomputers could reduce the cost because you're more effective. That's just off the top of my head. I think a real Star Wars space game needs to have options for both hyperdrive and sublight travel.
  11. Space Combat...even something along the lines of X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter (now almost 15 years old) would be better than the on the rails shooter I can't bring myself to play. Two new classes, one for each faction. No idea what, but I'm sure other people can think of things. A few new races on each faction. Continuation of the existing class/companion quests. Not just planetary quests like Makeb, but honest to goodness class and companion quests.
  12. It depends on how you look at. I don't see it as a strawman argument at all. Many of us work within a certain budget and part of any budget you can keep to has to allow for "entertainment" and the like or you simply have a much harder time sticking to it. So, in my case at least, I have to factor in the fact that my SWTOR sub not only represents my support of the game but also a chunk of my entertainment budget each month, along with movies, new game purchases etc. The value I get from my sub has to take into account "is this money that would better serve me elsewhere?". Nothing exists in a vacuum.
  13. I can certainly see that and wouldn't call someone a jerk over they're choice of subbing or not subbing. I dislike the feeling of entitlement some sub people have. I've played my share of FTP games and the limits I've experienced in them (or using in game currency to unlock things subs get for free) isn't something I'd care to experience in SWTOR. I like that my CC stipend doesn't have to be used for things like character slots or inventory space or having a cap on my credits. The fact that they gave me 500 more CC "just because" is awesome from my point of view. I wasn't expecting it, didn't ask for it and certainly wouldn't say "that's not sufficient". I may be in the minority but I feel like dollar for dollar I get my money's worth from my sub.
  14. I agree. I got the game for a Christmas present at launch and have been a sub since. As far as my entertainment dollar goes I look at it this way as part of an entertainment budget. If I go to a movie, it costs me $25 for 2 hours. So $12.50/hour for entertainment. So if I play SWTOR for 1.2 hours I'm on par with seeing a movie. If I play for an hour a week I'm at $3.48/hour. If I play an hour a day I'm at $.49/hour. I'm okay with this because it's entertainment that I enjoy immensely. The Subscriber Appreciation is nice and all, but really I'm quite happy to be a sub because I like the game. I'm not hardcore, I don't look for "end game". I just play. Not sure what happened to people like me, maybe we're just generally really quiet:)
  15. Exactly. I get what I agreed to pay $15/month for way back when I first subbed. More stuff has been added and I get access to more now then I did and there's been no inflation in my cost. They are giving me what I agreed to when I signed on. No sense of entitlement, no "but...but I'm a sub". Both sides are upholding the agreement we made. They don't need to make me feel valued, to validate my existence and my time. They need to give me what they agreed to for my $15 and that's the end of it. It's a business transaction, not an emotional one.
  16. Funny my Cathar unlock didn't cost me a dime beyond my subscription. I get 600CC a month. I knew the Cathar were coming and would cost 600 (logical since that's what other race unlocks cost) so for the last month I didn't buy useless crap and voila...free Cathar unlock. Seems pretty easy and logical to me. Maybe I'm missing something?
  17. I was also faced with the budget issue (and sometimes when someone says $110 is my budget, suggesting a card that's even just a bit outside that isn't feasible) and managed to pick up a HD 7750 within my limited budget. I run on high at around 50-60 fps, even in WZ.
  18. I'd be right up there with you volunteering to answer what questions I can. I never understood why people feel the need to be an *** to someone just because they asked a question. Lord knows I've asked my fair share (and still do when trying a new class).
  19. I like my HD 7750. Works fine for the budget I work with. If you can afford it then just upgrade it to the 7850.
  20. I've never done a healer until SW:TOR, usually dps and it was initially hard to get out of that mindset:) Personally, if I'm there to heal then that's what I do. Force Armor, Force Lift etc...sure but I don't go looking for the chance to toss out some DPS. I'd rather a fight take a little longer without my DPS contributing, then have a wipe because I miscalculated on resources or something. That being said, I don't try to keep everyone at full. That's not my job. My job is to keep everyone standing. Don't ***** at me if your health drops to 50% or less, especially if your AOE broke my CC and you got reamed. Don't ***** at me because you're jumping all over the place breaking LOS. Don't make healing harder than it has to be or I won't go out of my way. Unless you're the tank, in which case I always follow your lead.
  21. Everything is fine, getting 50-70 fps and then as soon as combat starts, with even a single enemy, my fps drops to 5.6-7.0. Everything was fine up until last week. AMD Phenom II 960T 6 core 3.0 Ghz Sapphire 7750HD 4gb ram Windows 7 Drivers are up to date I know I could use more RAM but I get these rate drop even if I drop the graphics to medium or low. Any suggestions?
  22. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their advice. My wife picked me up a 7750 as an early Christmas present and now I can run on very high at 40-50FPS:) I forgot what the game actually looked like:) So thanks everyone for your advice, happy whatever holiday you celebrate.
  23. I've found some good advice here so I was far more knowledgeable when I talked to my local parts shop. I've got a few cards earmarked, pending some more research. I'm not interested in upgrading my computer. I primarily play console games, but love SW:TOR and Civ V so as long as I can run those decently I'm content. Thanks to everyone who had some insight:) ETA - I think I can swing a GT640 thanks to a Christmas sale:)
  24. Thanks:) The article was quite helpful:) What are the thoughts on a Radeon HD 6670 DDR3? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161421
  25. CPU - Phemom II x4 960T ~ 3.0Ghz 4GB DDR 3 Ram Windows 7 Ultimate 550W PSU I found a GeForce GTX 650 1GB for $99.99 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130827) which is pretty much my budget line. Worth it?
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