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Posts posted by Liokae

  1. On 6/15/2023 at 8:33 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I'm sure some changes will be made so that people can give things to other players without their paying an exorbitant tax.

    Don't know why you're sure of that when it was a blatant and glaringly obvious issue from even floating the concept, and is being defended by a bunch of people as being Good Actually.

  2. 10 hours ago, Balameb said:

    Thare are several armor sets that have a market value beyond 1 billion, so 80 mill fee seems ok on those cases. If the set has no were near that value, then be specific and report un the bug area.


    Now, you never got more than 20 mill....and you have been around since 2011......


    Word of advice. Instead of posting complaining, why don't you ask for advice on how to stop 12 years of playing without paying attention on how things work?


    How to make my first 100 millions if i'm too lazy (pick one or combine):

    • Sell 5000 crafting mats averaging 20k+ price each. Good candidates: Grade 11 Blues from slicing, underworld trading, and investigation. Grade 11 purples from biochem, worth a lot more.
    • Sell legendary embers (you get those for 'free' from seasons, you also get those from gold you surely had plenty with 4 seasons)
    • Exchange purple jawa junk for SRMs --> sell SRMs. Since you don't craft, you should already have enough of those to get hundreads of millions.
    • All those repeated decos we get from seasons packs....well they are worth quite a lot for some people.
    • What about all the things from Cartel Packs from seasons? You use it all? Then play a little and pay the fee. Or don't use all and sell somethig on GTN. I made hundreads of millions on new legacies where i don't have end game crafters selling decos and the ocasional CM dye from those packs.


    In retrospect, i think i should have call that how to make my first billion for...



    Or, and here's a wild and crazy idea: Don't make me do a bunch of extra work to *GIVE AWAY* things I paid money for. You wanna tax *sales* of stuff? Sure! Fine! Whatever! But when you've got a solution of literally just.... not taxing non-monetary gifts, this is ludicrous. How about we just go with the easy, simple solution of "I buy something, I give something away".

    And this is just for a single, bronze set of armor. I recently gave away a portion of my backlog storage of item sets, some platinum, to friends, most of which would cost way more in their fees than a single set of bronze. You cannot POSSIBLY think it would be reasonable to have to farm up something like fifty BILLION to just.... *give* stuff away. Not buy stuff, not sell it, just *give it away*. It's beyond ridiculous to expect me to spend more time earning credits to hand stuff out than I do actually, I dunno... playing the actual game?

    The entire *point* is that I *don't have* the time to farm up tens to hundreds of millions of credits EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to give a friend a gift, and I shouldn't have to when the gift isn't having any impact on the economy. You're demanding I subsidize other people screwing up the market, and I'm not going to suddenly shift the bulk of my online time into working markets just for that.

    But hey, if paying sales tax on non sales sounds like a perfectly legit idea to you, feel free to shoot a few dozen billion over my way. Not like you're buying anything, so losing it's totally fine.

  3. 4 hours ago, SithLikeTraps said:

    Technically it can still be abused, I "gift" you an item, 1 minute later you "gift" me the credits. It requires a lot of trust from both sides, naturally, so it still could be a solution.

    They could just make it so that any trade with credits, even ones without items, are taxed.  Having a big chunk of credit gifts stolen ("taxed") would still suck, but at least it would make it POSSIBLE to gift items. Right now I've got a set of cosmetic armor in my inventory that I already have in my own collections that'd cost me 81 *million* to give to my friend as intended.


    The most money I've had at once across *every character on my account* totaled about 20 million.


    As it stands right now, it's not even being taxed- I just straight up CAN'T give friends gifts, and I never will be able to again unless they do something like make 0-credit trades "tax"-free.

  4. apparently legacy content has just been utterly abandoned from upkeep; had a door that's supposed to open after a conversation not open, then after dropping the mission to pick it up and retry... mission can't be picked up again. Put in a ticket to CS, got a reply that there's nothing they can do, so the entire planetary questline is locked off thanks to a bug that google says has been happening for something like four years now.

  5. City of Heroes has a unique spot since it's the only decent Superhero mmo (the other 2 both sucked). And they had to go f2p since they were bleeding subs with their aging engine. You seriously want to compare the business model of a small superhero mmo to the incredible failure of the most valueable franchise in existence ?


    'Bleeding subs'? The playerbase of CoX had been extremely steady with a slight downwards trend for pretty much its entire lifetime after Issue 6. Their swap over wasn't a desperation move to stave off closing, it was a shift to what they determined to be better business- and it has been.


    A F2P move is not a cause of death, in any game, or even a mark of it. This game, and others, will live or die independent of their payment mode; hybrid F2P will just let them last longer, because it works better. If it's dying, it'll die with or without it. If it's not, it'll live with or without it. Hybrid F2P is not going to either save *or* kill the game.

  6. So why didn't they start with it? Why use a substandard model for 8 months is F2P hybrid is better? Is that why EA stock has tumbled so far in the past year?


    Because everybody likes to *think* their game can keep its entire userbase as subscriptions, which is more profitable when you can pull it off. Only problem is that you can't really pull that off anymore, but publishers haven't quite caught up to that way of thinking yet.

  7. No it's not - it shows that your product is so bad that it cannot sustain a community that wants to pay a small monthly fee for it. P2p is the refuge of failed mmos.


    Also this is neither Lotro nor DDO - they were not bad but niche games - and their devs were smart enough not to open their complete core game to free players but charge for "modules". No one is gonna pay Bioware for their crappy ops and bad pvp.


    City of Heroes would like a word with your asinine theory.

  8. The game came out 8 months ago and we are already seeing F2P. It is very clear that Bioware had no idea what they were getting into with MMO's.


    From bad PvP to linear planets to horrid endgame, they just should have stuck with what they were good at, singleplayer.


    Heck, the singleplayer in this game was not even that good, sure its better than any other mmo, it still is really bad. You only get 1-3 class story quests per level which means the grind is still on in this game. And with boring planets that dont engage you one bit that seem to start in the middle of things instead of having a beginning, middle and end.


    I hoped this game would be great but it just did not work out...


    Hybrid F2P is not a failure. It's just a flat out better business model

  9. I said within 12-18 months. Failed faster then i thought. I am a paying subscriber and do enjoy 50% of the aspect of this game. I would have left already but the wife loves it and we spend some time here. At least now with the influx of all the free kiddies that will destroy the server community my wife will want to leave this game now.


    You know, that 'destroy the server community' was trotted out over on the CoX boards when they were rolling out the hybrid model, and it didn't hold water then either. Community is doing just fine; having more people available to work with has done nothing but improve it.


    Seriously. You want a model of how this move will change the game? Just look over at CoX. They method they're using is almost identical, and the hybrid model over there has done nothing except good for the game.

  10. Hybrid model, in the likes of LotRO and CoX... both of those games took a very noticeable upwards turn in quality afterwards. I'm not sure whether I'll keep *subscribed* afterwards, but I'll certainly be playing. And the only reason I'm undecided on an actual sub is because I've got lots of games I'm running through, and I don't need to keep multiple subscriptions up at once. I do love TOR, but if only 1 game gets monthly money from me, it's CoX without question. :)
  11. This game was designed for Starwars people, and young kids like yourself wouldn't understand that. Your only 14 you know absolutely nothing about Starwars. You really show your age when you start babbling about "how Runescape is a better game" blah blah blah . People were playing KOTOR while you were still learning how to use a toilet. You need to learn how to wright constructive criticism without sounding like a disrespectful spoiled brat. I would never in a million years wright garbage like this at age 14, what the hell is wrong with you?



    ...you know, unless you're in your mid-forties, you don't have any room to call someone out for being too young to "get" Star Wars.

  12. That's not to say that it isn't impossible that F2P is happening; but cm'on. How convenient is it that some 'annoymous' (on the Internet, no less) can call themselves a Bioware Insider and post a poorly worded article that just about confirms all the fears of the community?


    Their "source" is a comment from another site's article. Because just reporting on somebody else's report wasn't quite pathetic enough for gaming "journalism" anymore.

  13. Thanks mom... for the link of the rules. I'm so glad I have YOU to show me this...


    After I named him during beta...

    Then played for 5 months...

    Then changed it...

    then two months later...





    Its like getting a speeding ticket and getting to work and there's that one guy who always sounds like his nose is plugged "Well the sign did say 80km an hour"


    As opposed to the guy at work who gets pissed off over getting written up for cussing at a customer, even though he's "been cursing at customers for months and nothing happened before now".


    Quit being a prissy little baby and stop crying over having the rules enforced.

  14. ArenaNet has put the MMO space under a microscope and looked at all the things that prevented players from grouping or made players not want to group and fixed them.


    Things that allowed players to negatively impact another players experience have been removed or revised


    -No Kill Sealing, No Camping Quest Nodes, No Camping Boss fights

    -The story happens to the players instead of being read to them.

    -Open world player interaction

    -The first truly Massive MMO since UO, with open world event systems that get players working together

    ….Hold a fort ….Save a Village …. Take over an Enemy Camp, Kill a giant Boss with dozens of other players.

    -Encourages spontaneous grouping with open world Dynamic event questing

    -Giant boss fights in the open world

    -World vs World vs World PvP …. And fight with siege weapons

    -No factions …play with anyone

    -No Trinity – Make a Guild all of one class if you want

    -All players can rez a downed player

    -Crafting has an experimentation mechanic

    -Skills that change up based on the weapon you have equipped

    -Races that aren’t just human with a different color skin.

    -Player Skill based reactive combat

    -No endgame gear grind

    -Start PvPing from Level 1

    -The sidekick system means all content stays relevant

    -Easy server transfer systom

    -Free to Play…..


    The list keeps going but the nuts and bolts of it is ArenaNet didn’t start with “LETS MAKE WOW but it going to be in the Star Wars universe

    I will be leaving swtor for GW2 and here is why

    GW2 Features:

    1. Expansive Achievement system with rewards

    2. Fully fleshed out Guild system with guild rewards and achievements, guild emblems you can put on your armor, guild bank, etc... (guild halls to come shortly after release)

    3. Dynamics Events that scale to the number of players participating in them. Events that span entire areas, events that actually change the game world around you

    4. No traditional quests, "renown hearts" instead, gives you many different activities. Once I had to turn into a pig and dig up truffles, once I had to equip this bomb throwing contraption to knock things out of trees, no more just kill/gather quests like in TOR.


    5. No Trinity, you can just grab 4 players and do the dungeons, no more waiting 2 hours in a queue for a tank.

    6. Different combat style. No more of the WoW/SWTOR just standing there and being beat on. Dodging, movement, ability combos, and skill are the name of the game.


    7. No kill stealing, everyone that participates gets credit

    8. Loot for everyone, you don't have to roll for loot against your friends, everyone gets their own assigned loot.

    9. Flat leveling curve, each level after 30 takes as much experience as the previous, so you don't have levels that just drag on forever

    10. Scaled zones. If you go back to a lower level zone you get down-scaled to the level of that zone so it is still a challenge. You also still get xp (slightly reduced, like 10%) and loot appropriate for your level. This has the effect that you always have MORE options with every level you gain on where to go next. In TOR if you are level 27 then you HAVE to level on tatooine, in GW2 there are over 10 places you could effectively level by the same time.


    11. Hidden puzzles all over the world, including complex jumping puzzles with cool rewards at the ends)

    12. MASSIVE OPEN worlds. You never feel like you are on a path, you can literally go anywhere unlike the path planets of TOR

    13. No long loading times. You can load into a zone in 10-15 seconds, not the 3-4 minutes it takes in TOR


    14. WvWvW (Server vs Server v Server) MASSIVE PvP, fights of 100+ people, sieging castles, using siege weapons, defending keeps, guarding supply lines, best open world PvP i've ever played.

    15. No Factions, so no faction imbalance.

    16. Small scale PvP like Warzones in TOR, with multiple maps (Including an underwater one!)

    17. PvP tournaments, with rewards

    18. Fully ranked PvP system on release

    19. Can PvP at level 2, as a full level 80 with full gear (that's right no gear grind, just skill)

    20. Can still progress in PvP by earning better cosmetic looks for your gear


    Well that's just a few of the reasons, but i'd say try and get a beta key and play this weekend (they are giving out like 500,000 of them)



    So how large a commission does AN pay you for each convert that mentions your name? And do you get a base rate for the advertising as well?

  15. Yea I know that as well, but it wasn't the 'standard' Orbital Strike I have been seen them use. And as I mentions above, I only see this very rarely. Maybe it's some kinda wicked bug telling me it's the Legacy one while it isn't- And no I am not trolling.


    So how exactly are you determining that it's the legacy version to begin with, then? They're visually identical.

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