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Posts posted by cub-lover

  1. I had some issues with my last couple of fights during my Assassin story. Took a break, looked at them a different way, or swapped out companions, or tossed a foe off the geometry to instadeath, and it went much smoother.


    I'm currently worried because I was reading something that made it seem like my knight will have to take T7 into my final missions. I've done nothing with T7 previously. I tank and Kira kills. *shrug* I'll see when I get there.


    T7 is mandatory through a fair bit of the story wich is stupid all his beeps and squeels annoy me, i mean they can make droids talk, so why not make the little trash cans talk too?

  2. COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


    why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?.


    just my little idea to make mando healers suck less

  3. COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


    why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?

  4. COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


    why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?

  5. COMPLETELY redesign their healing mechanic that way their are 3 unique healing styles and may even help out in pvp. let me explain the **** of a scoundrel/opertive healer focus on heals over time mostly. The sage/sorc are more of a casting healer with a couple of HOTS. Now the merc/mando is the best single target healer but maybe if they were less single target and more of a reactive based healer for example kolto shell/trauma probe react to damage


    why not base the entire merc/mando healing tree around reactive healing? for example med scan/healing scan could apply three-four charge of reactive healing, that stack up to a maximum of three or four times, yet can be used in conjunction with kolto shell/trauma probe, also using support cylinder's effect with kolto bomb/missile could consume all the reactive charges on the affected targets and heal them for their combined amount, also you could let us use kolto shell/trauma probe on more than one person but lessen the effect per person it is applied to, could be applied to a maximum of three people?

  6. you'vem ay noticed a recently created guild we either pre-made or solo que, well im one of the memebrs of said guild


    often seen on either my sage in the heartless merc set off the CM or my zbraki slinger.


    anyway just letting you know, or you may of noticed in a cord (not string but ******* suspension cord) of bad games, my slinger will never enter cover and will only spam flurry of bolts or quick shot, and maybe use quick draw a couple of times.


    my sage will not cast anything (not liek a TK sage gets to much these days) but merely spam, saber strike, any way, have fun seeing a body type 3 cathar sage swinging a charred-orange crystal and not using any other ability

  7. Given the numerous and repeated points made about Scoundrels lack of survivability in PVP that these forums have seen and pleas to Bioware to address this issue what I find worrying about the Bioware Dev notes for this upcoming change is the comment...


    "......and used cover to become more survivable than we had intended for them to be."


    So obviously this is why the pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Because Bioware seem to think we are already doing well enough already (in fact too well) when it comes to survivability


    if sawbones spec your are, since all your heals are instant nearly and requires upper hand only mostly

  8. You don't even know how to spell the classes names, chances are you don't know a single thing about how they are played and how to beat them.


    my spelling isnt in question here, also i know how the scoundrel and opertive are played, their use of kolto probe,/slow release medpack, is what gives them their constant supply of tactical advantage/upper hand the only time they need to cast anything is when using diognostic scan for energy, or the big heal cant remember it's name, for a TA/UH everything else is instant and hoping to have a CC when and if you are lucky enough to get hte little ******* down to 30% health or below they just use stun breaker flash bang and laugh while they heal infront of you

  9. i was in a match with my guild, and blimey , we decided to troll stacking 4 watchman sentinels and any time we got the little ***** clsoe enough to death, flash grenade and heal to full it's like we were made to pay for trying to kill it
  10. i hate them with a passion they just don't die (heal spec) DPS scropterives are easy they go down like a ton of bricks but heal spec **** any time i see them on both my own and opposing team i just leave the warzone since i know it wont go any where
  11. If they dont know what is wrong, they couldnt even begin to estimate any ETA's with any accuracy. It sounds like you want a guy picking a number arbitrarily out of a hat and then announcing that as fact.


    It could be 5 minutes, it could be 2 hours, it could be 5 hours. All we can do as customers is wait, im sure they'll give us an update as soon as they have something.


    yeah and not fix the original problem for the servers to be so problematic,

  12. i mean at levels 21-39 theirs nothing to spend war zone commendations on. So what i normally do is pvp till i have 1200 coms trade em in for 30 planetary coms and then visit the vendors on the fleet, i have four characters that have never left the fleet since getting their, their just no reason to.
  13. I understand where you're coming from. I've been around on-and-off since closed beta and back before we had adaptive armor choices I found the Jedi Consular costumes too ornate for my taste (I prefer the simple brown/tan Jedi look from the movies: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Yoda, etc.).


    Just try to think of the flared leg armor as a hakama (the pleated lower covering seen in Japanese martial arts like aikido and kendo).


    There is a benefit to having each class defined with a distinctive look (although, with adaptive armor, it's less common). It still throws me when I see a trooper's helm on a Jedi's profile picture in my party list, for example, especially when I'm healing a PUG.


    Ah Kendo, an art form in it self, as for a diffinitive look, my trooper uses the erdaicator set for DPS and heartless set plus something i got from hammer station for tanking

  14. I loved City Of Heroes for allowing you to change the colour of powers it didn't change any of the animations just the colours. I loved shooting neon blue fire. or bright pink radiation blasts.


    It's not much but it'd spice the game up a little for example an inquisitor's lightning could be turned from the boring purple/blue to bright red or dark red or something you wouldn't have to change anything animation wise only inputting custom colour schemes, it'd be cool to shoot a giant neon green disturbance/TK wave

  15. seriously, jsut because the sage/sorc class is your typical mage/priest kind of thing does NOT mean they have to wear a freaking dress.


    my sage is a cathar with body type 3 using the heartless armour from the cartel market makes me laugh in pvp when the other team mistakes me for a trooper. It's funny seeing them pause for a moment to see me take out my lightsaber and put force armour on myself.

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