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Everything posted by DarthHendo

  1. That's funny, I see 1v1 battles everywhere... Like in Huttball when theres an objective, yet half my team is under the ramps trying to rack up their kill count. Or in Alderan when your were supposed to be guarding that turret, yet instead you run off to chase that red name tag. And I love it when I see 1v1 PvP in Void star. Tunneling that 1 guy, and paying no attention to the other guy(s) planting the bomb. I know how difficult it is to click on the other guy, and hit whatever insta cast spell it is that will interupt him......
  2. You couldnt really play the game effectively with a controller. I know I personally keybind the whole left side of my keyboard, with shifts as well, to be able to play effectively. Couldnt really do it with even 8 buttons. Best of luck tho =)
  3. I will take some time to get my DPS medals as well. Usually its in between heals, or when moving I'll throw DOTs, or when no one in range needs heals, but I always try to make sure I get a few of the DPS medals since they are a portion of valor/comm recieved. As for healing needing a buff, maybe. I'm fairly happy with it, and will probably be more happy once i get full PvP gear, but operative/scoundrels and assassins/JS really do a number on me burst wise.
  4. How about you go back and continue to be bad, then whine about "elitists" that call you out for being bad. How dare they expect you to perform to a certain level to achieve a team goal that may require some level of mental aptitude and knowledge or skill. I dont really play any single player games anymore, but do they have a insta win difficulty setting? If so, what is the fun in that? I would get no satisfaction from having stuff handed to me that I put absolutely zero effort into earning. Then again, everyone isn't me.
  5. /sign Even more so with the change to comms and valor for the losing team. I love the fact that team work is required to win WZ's, but being short a person or 2 is guaranteed loss, reduced valor/comms, and ultimately a waste of my time cause some jerk wants to afk level. Does need to have a change implemented.
  6. I will agree with this thread. I am currently playing a 50 Sorcerer heal spec. It is impossible for me to heal through the damage they can output solo. They wont even interrupt my casts, simply stun and power through all my bubbles and heals. I don't think that healers should be immortal at all, but at least give me a fighting chance. I may be able to get away with a electrocute, force speed away, but if those arent up, and I try to stand my ground, I will die at the hands of an operative/scoundrel. From my point of view, which is limited to this class atm, they either need to tone down the damage, or give a slight buff to healers. I should be able to keep up single targets against other single targets with no cc or interupts on me. Just sayin.
  7. The rediculousness in this post is astounding. Everyone saying respeccing is bad has obviously never rolled a hybrid, or been in a raiding guild, or probably ever gotten very far end game in an MMO. And I'd be willing to bet, almost all of them rolled some form of DPS class in TOR, because if they did roll and try to level as a tank or healer, they would understand the pain involved with solo questiong as a NECESSARY class. Probably also the ones standing around waiting and complaining about not being able to find a good tank or healer for flash points. TL;DR: Respecs are necessary, and shouldnt break the bank.
  8. Thats why I'm playing Sith, because I got my EGA (7NOV), and AM STUCK AT WORK! Leads to much anger...
  9. 7 NOV and I'm in.... Stuck at work for a few more hours though...
  10. The beta made my GPU run extremely hot. Gotta remember to do the little things like update your drivers, BIOS, and remove dust from your heat sinks. I play on an ASUS g73. After updates and some house cleaning, I'm back down to a normal temp.
  11. so they decided to cry until the droid rusted, and then...
  12. What worries me is the 96 server that are online, and 90% of them say FULL.... Hope this isn't a preview of things to come.
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