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Posts posted by DragonAgeOrgins

  1. The commendations you get are always near your level. I don't know what you're getting, but I always get stuff I can use from the dailies.


    That's my pont. Let's say it cost 10 tokens from that planet. You get 2-4 from a flash point a day. If you go in operation at level 20 and you get maybe 8 of them and then you're 30. You're going for completely different reward and you have re-collect.


    Does no one see this?


    you level faster then rewards they give you for doing the daily

  2. You really don't understand the benefits of doing the dailies under 50?


    No. I dislike flash points. Staying for an hour and half. Spending maybe an hour to find a group. The reward they give you is incorrect and sometimes yes the gear is a good plus but why give rewards just as a certain planet when you're usually going out level that.

  3. To quote Burt Reynolds, "For the money, for the glory, and for the fun...mostly for the money."


    The experience gain is nice too - especially if your running behind on a toon.


    That's it? PVP offers credits too and it only takes 15 minutes and it's a ton more quicker. Doesn't anyone understand the the way it goes. Let's say at most you get ONE item of gear. You'd have level very slowly to get the rest of it and do enough flash points.


    It defy s logic.

  4. I noticed they give you tokens for doing flash points. The problem is those tokens are only good for a certain planet and if you out leveled that planet by the time you get enough of them. The gear isn't as good when it started. On Average and this with me on groups.


    It takes one and half hours usually to complete one if people go a bit slow. Let's say someone did that once a day but by the end of the week when they finally have enough tokens the daily gives out different tokens based on your level. So please explain this to me

  5. When I complained about death rez should just let you rez in place or wipe out the timer. Seriously 10 minutes. Who's going sit there and wait that long while looking at their screen. I peeked in Cartel shop and they're selling death rezes but current subs have to buy.


    Is that fair. I'm a little worried they are more focused on making content to buy then actually expanding it for paid subs.

  6. Thanks for the above post. I do find missions that aren't just fighting and actually solving some problems are interesting. Perhaps I will give it a try. I guess the only way to know for sure is to play it. I'm finishing my Trooper as we speak and as soon as that is complete I can start on this storyline.
  7. This is by far one far most of the most foolish things. I have ever read. Companions add a unique style to the game. They help in combat but not as much as you think. Just enough to give you a better edge. People are not playing in groups not because of companions because they're is no big rewards.


    For example. If there was a 25 increase when you joined a group on you're XP that it will go up in a flash point etc. Many people would join groups. They're is no reward and it's more fun to go at you're own pace then someone with completely different who likes to rush.


    Finally. They had a sense you're not alone on your mission. You slowly recruit them up which is exciting. They provide valued entertainment and compelling emotions that make your class quest more exciting then solo. With each gift you give them in affection. They open up new things to talk about doing they're quests is content too.


    I know. I enjoy it and finally they do the other stuff like crafting etc that we don't want to do. It's not fun to craft something 300 times over. Sending you're companion to do for you. Is a great a system.

  8. ^^^


    Seriously... So, I guess we all know who the single men are lol


    I still can't wrap my head around how anyone, regardless of income, would even spend $40 bucks on pretend video game gear... Especially since you don't actually own anything you spent your money on. EA owns everything, including your toon (as well as your $240 lol) and can terminate services at will.


    I just don't get it /smh


    I'd spend 40 bucks to get those legacy perks. You know the ones they promised would encourage ALT leveling. Those now cost coins or if you want to spend the extra cash. Some people seem really hooked that they will get an epic item which leads them to buy more hoping for that one rare item.


    I only want to unlock legacy perks. I can't believe someone would spend more then that on a video game. Even if it's just packs.

  9. The prices are not so great for five bucks a pack. No one is making the person buy them but isn't is the game gambling that people who play at the casino feel when they're rolling dice. That's what you're doing when you buy the game taking a risk of a random reward.


    They really need to offer more in they're packs. I was interested in it at first but seeing how people complained on not getting anything good only confirms my thoughts it would be a complete waste of money. I think I will use my legacy perks to get a few boosts.

  10. That is not very encouraging words considering after this I would have completed every class there is in TOR. I keep hearing the twisted reviews. I read an old post how a guy was level 48 wondering if the story would ever pick up. I'm tempted to spend Cartel Coins unlocking the legacy perks.


    But if it's not worth it, why try it.

  11. they removed revan's hood cause the proc was bugged. and I know its your money but what a waste.


    In the free to play anytime we created a person the money was re-set. They're was no actual money trading hands on test servers. Those boxes I didn't buy with my credit card. I heard some people thrilled at what they got in the boxes. Others are more upset.

  12. I'm trying keep track if anyone get's anything "SUPER RARE" I mean the stuff that's almost virtually impossible to get. I know


    1.The boxes contain a random companion gift rank 5

    2. One speed increase of 25 percent


    A few other things. I see that some people sell the stuff in their boxes right as soon as they can. Have you been happy what you got with you're box?


    Keep in mind each random box is equal to five bucks spent.




    Here's an old video of myself on the free to play. I picked randomly five boxes and started opening it. Only ONE had Revan's hoodie which is a relic that I heard they removed.

  13. This free to play is weird from the rest. Like Guild Wars 2 when you buy the game once. That's it you own it. I honestly thought when we were going free to play. Everything that we're used to buying with credits would be replaced and no more monthly sub.


    What they did is. Is allow people play for free but give some of the harshest limits to make max profit. There's even a "Hide head slot" option you can buy if you're not a sub. They take away an action bar. They Nerf XP. They are making it less fun and whole point of free to play...is it being free to play.


    I'm a sub and I get frustrated at how amazingly slow I level sometimes. I think they should taken entire game free to play and not charged a sub any longer. No other company's makes it so differently to play the game I'm aware of.

  14. I heard mixed reactions, some saying it's a class about lore and explorer and other people say it was boring. I am finishing virtually every class quest. This class is only one I haven't started. Without spoilers what am I looking for, what am I exciting to see in terms of excitement and what not
  15. It's not pay2win and Bioware is not the first one to do this, in GW2 you can buy gold with real money and use that gold to deck yourself out with damn well.


    There's a difference. In GW2 it was purely for looks. It had no stats or anything. Most of it was goofy stuff you could dress up as. But nothing that gave you more in combat. They sold credits or diamonds when you could exchange for credits and buy off the market.


    I'm just saying we're buying gear now. It won't be good at 50 but it's gear. Better then anything else they're offering us right now. It's just a little odd how I didn't know actual gear and weapons we're being sold. I thought it was XP packs etc.

  16. I noticed on Cartel Market you could buy a new "look" I thought it was just looks. Turned out you could buy a decked out, super complete set starting at age 31 with all the mods and everything in it. They are also selling a weapon with force power 51 on it.


    In other games its purely for looks. When does this cross the line in "Pay to Win" we're already buying gear and weapons. How can it get anymore unfair then that.

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