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  • Location
    Eastern Washington
  • Interests
    Gaming (Table-top RPGs, Wargames etc), MMOs, Miniature collecting & painting
  • Occupation
    Freelance Author
  1. My favorite game in terms of mobs ignoring you once you get to higher levels is Everquest 2. I run my high level ranger through groups of orcs and they actually cower away from her. Good times.
  2. I apologize for posting this here, but I figured it would be a good place to get a solid answer. So I'm looking to level up a new character, and am trying to decide between the Assassin and BH. I have had issues with both my Sniper and Sentinel (one at 50, the other at 55) with survivability in some of the harder fights during the course of leveling up (to point I HAVE to have my healer companion out or I can't do anything it seems). Will I have the same issues with the assassin or should I go with a different class? Yes I'm aware I probably suck at the game, but that doesn't mean I don't have fun playing it. Thanks for any advice.
  3. Didn't read the entire thread, just stopped on the first page with everyone claiming GW2 was 'trinity-less'. Um. No it isn't. Whatever you guys are smoking I want some, because it must be good. The trinity is alive and well in GW2 and anyone who has done any of the dungeons knows this.
  4. I think he wants to know half of the total amount of xp (and the resultant level) it takes to get from 1-50. That's not level 25, I personally don't know what level it would be though.
  5. Actually it wasn't Obsidian's first game if you consider that a lot of Obsidian's staff were old Black Isle staff. Also in regards to KotOR 2, there is a tie back to it in SWToR -
  6. I seriously, seriously hope that's not the case. IF it is, that's completely lame and I would have NEVER made one to begin with. My Imperial character shouldn't have the same last name as my Republic characters. They should not have any relation to each other whatsoever, and I shouldn't be forced to have any of my characters connected if I don't want them to be.
  7. The wife and I are in for 6 months at the very least. Good chances are we'll resub then too. This will most likely be our next long-term MMO.
  8. Wrong. The Mercenary has a heal tree (Bodyguard). Edit - give the female IA a whirl. She has a sexy voice . If you've played Dragon Age 2 and played a female character in that, it's the same voice actress.
  9. Hmm actually yes, there are Dark Jedi/Sith who used purple. Exar Kun had a double-bladed that was first blue, and later was purple. Mara Jade also had a purple(ish) saber. A lot of Jedi actually used red in the NJO stuff, including Leia, mainly because it was just easier for them to synthisize the crystals. Seriously, I never understood the restrictions to begin with, especially for people like me who play non Force users. Why am I restricted form a blue or green blaster bolt because I'm Dark 2? They cite cannon, yet there are plenty of dark lords, Darths, dark Jedi, Sith and whatnot that used colors other than red, and plenty Jedi that used red. Hell even in the movies there is a member of the freakin Jedi Council that used a red saber! Yes, yes. There is the whole 'Well the Jedi/Sith were using different colors to confuse people in the WZs." Well guess what? I can still play a Jedi, go full dark side choices (or Sith and full lightside), just so I can have a red (or blue/green) saber to confuse my PvP opponents. If all I care about is PvP, then I won't give a damn about the story anyway. Also, making colors other than red, green, blue, yellow, and orange a bit more prevalent would be nice. I hav eyet to run across a crystal that wasn't those colors, and yet I have read that there are way more colors out there. Please BW, make them more available. Thanks.
  10. Not a problem . As for the guy telling you that you could get there, he obviously didn't know what he was talking about, or he was just being an ***.
  11. Some of the sectors are Republic or Empire only.
  12. For the IA, yeah it does come into play. I'll elaborate a bit below. Warning, there are some spoilers to the IA story below.
  13. The Empire isn't evil, the Sith may be, but they are actually a seperate entity in a similar way as the Jedi are with the Republic. If you play the Imperial side with multiple characters, you will begin to see just how seperate they really are. On another note, the average Imperial citizen is the same as the average Republic citizen, they may just see things slightly different, but in the end they are the same. They are trying to make a living as best they can in the galaxy doing their average everyday job. You only catch a small glimpse of the average person in the game though, but if you see it enough on both sides you start to realize that there is no real difference. By the way, claiming your reason for playing Imperial is because you don't like the Jedi Code is weak. You can always play a Trooper or a Smuggler on Republic side, and they have absolutely nothing to do with that code. As I said above, the Jedi are a seperate organiztion from the Republic. The Republic doesn't follow the Jedi Code. Just like the Imperials don't follow the Sith code.
  14. I agree as well, but you did knwo that you can sit in the chairs aboard your ship right? I would think that's a good sign that it'll get implemented game wide at some point. Edit - NVM, you did know, but I'm not having any problems in the X-70 Phantom, all my seats work.
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