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Everything posted by testpatter

  1. I recently phoned CS as I was having some difficulty getting the authenticator to work on my new phone. He was friendly and fixed my problem in 3 minutes. I've even had Operations loot delivered to my mailbox in a timely manner with no follow-up from me, just /ticket.
  2. I like Underlurker the way that it is, minus the cross bug that is fixed by jumping. I enjoy the challenge. My character and my skills need some improving for HM so I'm happy that I have this fight to practice on. If they decide to change the fight so more people can complete it that's fine as well because then I can finish getting my set pieces and give HM a try Win-Win for me.
  3. I'm looking forward to 12x XP. I usually stick to 1 main character get him to the current level cap, do all the raids and fps leave and play another game for awhile. I've done this several times with SW:ToR but for the first time I think I might stick around for a while longer because I can do all the class stories that I want to see and hopefully by the time I am done, there will be more endgame content for me to run.
  4. I prefer no rules on the forums at all. Let chaos reign!
  5. A practical guide to dealing with Credit Spammers: 1. Report spammer (optional) 2. /ignore spammer (also optional) 3. Play game. (Optional, but then what are you doing reading this??)
  6. I'd settle for 2 free tickets to see Ep.VII in the Imax theatre
  7. You would think with a name like LoverNoFighter that he would be ok with stuns. Nothing stops fighting like a stun
  8. I just realized I never really put my 2 cents in .... as I stated before I have rinsed and repeated the game starting fresh about 4 times since beta and I have enjoyed the stories and even walking around and doing all the quests over again. For me it was never rushed and played how I felt . I found starting over again to be very rewarding. I would even be excited to raid again It gave me a new perspective on the class I chose and improved my skills in some cases. Anyways, hope you get to log in some hours soon... maybe you could even stream some video.
  9. It's unfortunate we are on different servers, otherwise I would definitely have joined you. Since coming back and creating new chars I have 1 that is 60 and a few lowbies and have found a fun guild to play with. I'm looking forward to your updates and maybe a funny story or 2 from your first FP's Have fun!
  10. I have left and returned to this game on several occasions and I did the same thing you are doing except that I would delete all of my characters. I never saved any gear from them, the only thing I had once I started playing again would be a small sum of credits from one of my characters. It truly is like starting all over because I couldn't hop toons to do a raid or an fp, I had to level up to do them. Maybe I'm a masochist or what I believe to be true is that I don't have an attachment to characters or items. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the experience!
  11. Yup, no boss arrived to attack the room was empty.
  12. Hmmm, maybe it was called Heirloom? I thought it said legacy when I bought it. Oh well, it had a cool looking hilt legacy or no
  13. I was doing Directive 7 HM and I got to the last boss but the fight wouldn't start. I tried /stuck; it did nothing. I exited and reentered the instance, nothing. I exited again and reset all active phases and tried again still no luck. I am lvl 60 and was just doing it with my companion to get a vehicle achievement. Any suggestion folks? I sent in a /bug report.
  14. I bought a legacy sabre off the CM which has a decent looking hilt. 500cc I think.
  15. I'm glad that you have been able to find the fun in the game again Kill some imps/pubs for me. I understand where you're coming from even though I have no issues with SWTOR. It is what it is and when I stop having fun I'll stop playing. P.S. I like your new signature it made me giggle.
  16. I wont comment on what companion you should use as I always use Treek or HK; but as far as gearing goes I go to the commendation vendor on each new planet and buy the 2 or 3 pieces of gear for myself and my comp from commendations I saved up from the previous planet. I supplement that with drops. Sometimes I spend credits to get a new weapon from the weapons vendor on the planet as well if it is much better than what I am using. You will be fine leveling up with these upgrades.
  17. I guess even a gaming legend needs to have some anonymity.
  18. I think one of us in this thread IS Sir Marty and it's definitely not me
  19. Great, now they are both missing. You'd thnk a gaming legend would be easy to find.....
  20. I always look forward to reading his posts. Is he on hiatus? Gamers are going to start believing their achievements mean something without him showing that their efforts to catch up to him are futile.
  21. It's the healer's fault if someone dies when standing in the big red circle. Lazy healers
  22. I think this is just their setup for an April Fools joke and there will be vendors on fleet that will make everyone that clicks on them into Treek
  23. I would like the fleet +10 datacron to be soloable, other than that one I really enjoy getting all of them
  24. I actually find getting the datacrons to be one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game even though I have gotten Datacron Master before. I can imagine it being tedious for someone that does not enjoy it but I think the issue would be when do you give the rewards? I wouldn't want my level 10 character having all the endurance and main stat bonus's as the leveling is too easy as it is.
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