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Posts posted by Kellour

  1. I'm frankly disappointed that it took this long to get a fire lit, and it's one of the main reasons why I've decided to play less, or none at all. To me it has honestly felt all along like the Developers looked down their noses at their playerbase.


    I attended PAX East and the Meet n Greet and listened the the Devs condescend to entire rooms of their players, and when I had the chance to actually ask them my own personal question (with regard to PVP Healing just before 1.2 came out) the answer I got was a more democratic version of "Too bad, so sad." You can't give your players the middle finger and then expect to engender a positive, healthy relationship with those players.


    You can't make promises and then never deliver. Well, you can, but you can't expect players to stick around - and clearly, whether you love the idea of F2P or hate it, the game is suffering from dwindling subscriptions/players.


    It just all feels to me like "too little, too late" and while I think it's great that there are players who can get past it all and will continue to play well into F2P and beyond, I'm just not one of those people. I don't wish the game any ill-will, but I DO wish the game hit more "high notes" for me personally. I wish I didn't get angry when I hear words like "Soon" and "Metrics." Most of all, I wish I were still having fun with the game.. but between a whole barrel full of "Soons" and a serious lack of actual information, I'm just not.


    I'd love to have confidence in the game, but tell me this, if you couldn't manage to accomplish all the things you're promising here in this thread in the first 8 months of the game's release, why should I be confident you'll be able to do so now that the company has been gutted of so many employees and have shifted the focus to F2P? How many months do you expect your customers to wait before they bail?

  2. It does kind of seem like Bioware cares more about the people who haven't started playing yet, and not so much about their current subscribers. I mean, if they had fixed many of the glaring problems the game shipped with (Ilum, I'm looking at you amongst many others..) they might not have lost the number of subscribers that they did to begin with.


    Now it seems like, between the layoffs and F2P the few people left employed at Bioware are spending all their time not trying to stop the subscriptions from bleeding out by fixing/tweaking/adding content, but by trying to fill the holes left by paying subscribers, with F2P players.


    Wouldn't it behoove you to make the game better so you can actually hold onto those F2P members you hope you're going to get in the fall? I mean, a piece of coal is still a piece of coal even if you paint it gold.

  3. So I have read a many posts and never in my many years of MMO gaming ever been inclined to post on a forum about a deficient game... unfortunately until now. I have been playing SWTOR since closed beta and wasn't this excited for a drop since WoW vanilla but the more i play the more depressed I get.

    Let me just state that I play a Jedi Guardian in full War Hero augmented with a 4/5/31(only viable spec right now). I am a decent player, no where near the best but i average 300k-400k damage output in WZ's, dependent on the match of course.

    Here is my beef, and before I dive in let me state that this is solely my opinion and nothing more.


    Bioware has killed the usefulness of JG/SJ in PvP and therefore killed a whole class for ranked matches!


    Every successful MMO has certain mechanics. These mechanics dictate how NPC's react, how raid bosses react, and how other players interact. SWTOR has movement mitigation on every class i.e. slows, stuns, roots, lifts, pushes, pulls, freezes, etc. these allow one person to impair the movement of the other. With the addition of the resolve bar mechanic, which is extremely buggy and mediocre at best, it prevents to much impairment to players preventing the "perma-stun". I could go off in a rant about how terrible this works in PvP but that's not the issue i want to touch on. SWTOR also has damage mitigation on every class i.e. shields, bubbles, taunts, threat reduction, etc. these allow players to mitigate the damage income or presented to another player.

    Now that i've told you what you already know... WHERE THE HELL IS HEALING MITIGATION?!?!?! Its one of the big three and it is missing from this game! As stated above i am well geared and put out great damage but can't solo kill most healers. Why? Because I have 1 uninhibited interup (kick) on a rediculous CD and they can out heal the DPS! I call BULLSH*T BIOWARE! If you want tanks to be viable in PvP, which you F***ing should!, give us the ability to mitigate healing whether it be a spec to or learned ability. The fact that healers go uninhibited though WZ's makes me realize how much they are favored. Sure we can slow them, stun them maybe twice till the resolve is full, but most decent ones can heal through that.

    You talk on here about class changes, nerfs and buffs, but what about the basic mechanics! I want to continue to play this game as i love the total idea of it, but at the same time if I not viable in most PvP situations I'll just be another dropped subscriber for GW2... at least they can write a game where PvP isn;t missing one of the most important mechanics. Thanks for reading my gripes :)


    Two Words that have been said already: Trauma. Debuff.



  4. So basically you want to be able to go 1 v 3 and expect to win? You against at LEAST 2 healers (to achieve cross healing) and a tank. Yes, that seems perfectly reasonable to me, 1 person should be AT LEAST as good as THREE....:rolleyes:
  5. You DO realize that this game is designed to favor a balanced team set up right?


    Bioware's intentions are for the CLASSES working together. Not JUST players. Do you read any of the information they release or just spam forums about how you should be able to beat everyone and BW needs to fix that.


    It's funny but your comment is pretty redundant. You managed to mention all of the classes in 2 lines but somehow fail to recognize that all of these classes are necessary for success. The irony is amusing.


    The inherent flaw in your argument is that it assumes you have the correct classes to even TRY to work together. It has been said MANY times, and clearly you miss the point repeatedly - A DPS can solo queue for a Warzone and still attempt to play effectively, a healer cannot because they rely on a class they have no garauntee will even be in the Warzone.


    If Bioware intended for PVP to be balanced around classes working together, then they would implement some sort of matchmaking even for Solo, Non-Ranked WZs that ensures at least 1 healer and 1 tank, if not more. They don't do this. Their logic is flawed, and so is yours.


    1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Spec: Seer (Healer, w/ Salvation)



    1. Capable healer with great AoE Healing, though with the least desirable Force Management mechanics for the HMFP/Ops environment (Health for Force = Liability)


    2. SLOW. Also, Force Management can become an issue when you don't have the luxury of spending Health for Force on AoE heavy fights, or when you don't have the luxury of standing in your own Salvation on Movement heavy fights, making me sometimes feel like a detriment to my fellow Ops members.



    1. Weak, Squishy and a Free Kill. Not as desirable for Rated teams compared to other Healer classes, though with minor utility in Huttball with Rescue.


    2. WEAK and SLOW... Aren't I a Jedi?? I honestly feel Powerless in PvP - I can still heal yes, but I don't feel like a Jedi. I feel like a walking Target in Warzones, having to spend much time Kiting/Self Healing/LOS'ing rather than actually contributing to the Warzone, partly because I'm honestly as weak as I feel. Sometimes it is more practical to Suicide than to bother with our Force Recovery Mechanic, Noble Sacrifice, even with the set bonus. It's like asking to be killed anyway.


    PS - Wish a Sage's Lightsaber was not a stat-stick.

  7. Everyone, it's important to remember that we are not done announcing origin and destination servers. We'll be monitoring the process and adding more, and our goal is to have very healthy destination servers. In some cases, several origin servers will go to the same destination server, and we'll open more as necessary. We know you have been waiting for character transfers, but please do remember that this is a process!


    Perhaps if there was a bit more transparency with regard to the "process" people wouldnt be left wondering why their destination server is lighter than their origin server. Secrecy is great and all.. for covert ops.. but all you guys are doing is opening your "process" up to speculation and conjecture.

  8. My Armortech at 400 on crits is always getting synthweaving schamatics, I have never got even one schmatic for Armortech ....is this a known issue?


    It's not a known issue, nor really an issue at all. It isn't your Armormech that is returning Synthweaving Schematics, it's your Underworld Trading. Mission Skills and Crafting Skills aren't the same thing, and in a handful of the Crafting skills' cases, they share a Mission Skill. Both Armormech and Synthweaving utilize the same Mission Skill, Underworld Trading, to obtain Metals (and Fabrics) to create their armor, and those Missions can also return Schematics - namely, Armormech and Synthweaving Schematics.


    What you are experiencing is not a bug, it's just simply bad luck from the RNG (Random Number Generator) in that you're on a streak of Synthweaving schematics rather than Armormech. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a Heavy-Armor wearing Synthweaver, and I'm constantly getting Armormech schematics OR Synthweaving schematics for Light or Medium gear. It's all just luck of the draw really. But it's helpful to remember that each Skill, be it Crafting, Gathering or Mission are all separate. Just because they work well with one another doesn't necessarily make them exclusive to that Craft.

  9. I guess what I just cannot get my head around is the idea that there is no more information on this they can share. On many servers the "community" is near non-existant, & it seems like all either Community Management or the Devs have to say is "Thank you for your patience.."


    Clearly many people have already lost their patience, & if thats the only kind of PR they can do when the communities are in free-fall I would have to imagine many more will lose theirs..I realize sometimes theres nothing concrete to say, but that doesn't mean staying silent is the right or best option. You cant thank people for patience when all the patience is gone.

  10. We have already released several fixes for abilities that weren't precisely mirrored, and have more coming (such as an upcoming change for Project to bring it in line with Shock)! As I mentioned, please make sure you report any of these you notice with the in-game tool. Keep in mind that bugs are never intentional, and we actively work to address them!


    Project has been like that since Launch and there have been copious threads in regards to it. While I think the OP took the tweet he based this thread off of far too literally, you can't expect to engender a sense of fairness and balance when it takes you half a year to address it.

  11. It is unfortunate that there is so much vitriol in this thread, & I hope it doesn't seem like I'm adding to it, but I can't help but feel like some of the respectful anger/complaints are nothing but warranted. On many servers it feels like the game is in complete free-fall with nary a safety net in sight. While I think it is great that we are all of a sudden getting some Community Management it would appear to me that much of that vitriol is stemming from the idea/feeling that if you cannot get the Server Merges off the ground lile..two weeks ago.. that you won't have much of a community left to manage, & you can't honestly say that is not a valid concern.
  12. Best advice when it comes to picking your Crew Skills is, do a little research first. Its actually pretty good advice for MMOs in general. If you open your Codex (L, to open your Log, then hit the Codex tab at the bottom) & look under Crew Skills, so long as you have spoken with all the trainers on the Fleet (& you should talk to all of them at least once when you first get to Level 10 for the experience & information) each Crew Skill Codex entry will list what Crew Skills pair well with each other, making your decision an informed one.


    The whole design and implementation of the Crew Skills was that they are meant to work together towards your Crafting Crew Skill. You certainly CAN mix and match, but it isnt necessarily going to be an efficient or effective combination.

  13. Honestly, having attended PAX East, I cannot say I'm surprised. The one true take away I got from meeting the Devs and CMs was "..man these guys seem smug.." Hopefully they can turn things around, but I think it will take a lot more transparency and far better communication to accomplish that. Don't just tell us you're listening, show us you actually understood what we said.


    Good luck!

  14. Having just recently leveled a Scoundrel to 50, I'm now setting about gearing him for Ops and I noticed recently while doing a couple HMs that Stealth seemed a bit...odd? So, not having played a Stealth class before I wasn't sure if this was intended or not. I mean, I get that its a Hardmode, I do. At the same time, without Stealth, the only non-Droid CC I have access to, Tranquilizer, isn't useable.


    My group makeup in Taral V HM might have been a tad unconventional (a Vanguard, 2 Commandos, and myself a Scoundrel) but with our limited ability to CC, and the ability of the Vinecats to detect my stealth from over 30m away, it left us unable to adequately complete the first mini-boss, Handler Gatten.


    Is it just a matter of us needing a more class-balanced group? Can most mobs detect your Stealth at 30+ meters? It honestly left me feeling a tad useless...

  15. I was told lockboxs but I did try a few Sliced tech parts


    Lockboxes do not yield Augment Schematics OR Augment parts. You need to specifically run Sliced Tech Parts missions to get either. Non-Crits will yield just the parts used to make Augments, Crits will return both Parts and a Schematic or 2, along with Prototype and Artifact quality parts.

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