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Everything posted by Paintaker

  1. I am enjoying SWTOR and credit the game with many creative ideas. The player community too seems much stronger than most other games. But the lack of challenge in PVE is a bit discouraging. I enjoy the stories and cinematics, but the content is so easy it discourages planning, strategy or player discussion. I can't speak about ops - I assume there is challenge there, but as a casual player to find challenge in PVE content does that mean I have to try and schedule ops in my game time to see a challenge? I'm an average player at best - this is not an ego post. Most of you reading this are far better players than I will ever be. I was looking forward to hard modes - only to find they are so damn easy I actually spend time in PVP since there is more challenge there (and I really suck at PVP). If the content is not a bit challenging it really removes any need for players to discuss and plan. As tank, this is what I notice about "hard modes": - No pulling. Why bother. - Kill order/ marking. Why bother. - No crowd control. Why bother - just gather them up and destroy them as a group. - Boss fights - no interrupts. Every boss seems immune to interrupts, which as a tank means you have less to do, are less engaged, and less responsible for boss actions. - Mechanics. If I read nothing about a hard mode and I just avoid anything that glows on the ground and not stand in it - seems I can tank pretty much anything in hard mode despite the fact I have never done the boss fight before - ever - in SWTOR. What I am asking for is some challenging PVE content that does not have to be an OP (again not done OPs yet). As a casual player it is hard to set aside the time for raiding but surely there must be other challenges. I realize in other games like WoW heroics are easy mode in current expansions - that's part of the reason why my friends and I left. I miss thoughtful gameplay. SWTOR is a great game that could be much more.
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