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10 Good
  1. You could assign the above macro to a button so you could bubble Qyzen with one button press. ~J
  2. When I am out doing my general leveling, my usual sequence before attacking a group is to A. Figure out which one Qyzen should tank. B. Target Qyzen C. Cast Force Shield on Qyzen D. Target the chosen mob E. Send Qyzen in. It would be great to have a way to create a macro such as /cast [target=companion] Force Shield so you could cast a spell on Qyzen without having to target him. It would save several steps. I did try making him the focus and holding the End key while casting but apparently that only works on enemy mobs. ~J
  3. We definitely need something better than what we have. We got a group together for Cademimu the other night and the tank I invited (from my friends list) said he would come soon as he finished what he was doing. Well 20 minutes later he says that it has taken him longer that he thought and bails. There is a severe shortage of tanks in the game right now and it is no fun to hang around the fleet hoping to nab a tank passing through. I know some people are vehemently against having an actual LFG queue, but there needs to be a way for you to continue questing while waiting on a group to get formed. Another problem is having to wait for that last person to get there. A way to summon people would be a great help too. My personal preference is a WOW style queue. I know that there are horror stories from pugs (and I have my own), but there are also many stories of success and fun times.
  4. I pre-registered so I could be in the guild with my friends from WOW. I nonchallantly clicked the "I would be willing to beta test" box. I got invited to test that first beta weekend. It was so fun I registered shortly thereafter. 11/17. Hopefully it will come soon.
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