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Posts posted by Shadowseve

  1. Hello. So I raided in WoW as a holy pally for nearly 4 years but have quit due to low interest in the new xpac. I've tried each of each class up to 10 (27 trooper - assume it's similar to BH) and I find the assassin to be the most fun. I tanked in the second raid group as a DK and from some of the things i've read off of MMOChamp sith assassin tanking is somewhat similar. Is this true? And are they good tanks at L50? I already found appropriate builds and rotations via http://www.noxxic.com and all that. I just would like to know if I should switch to Darkness and learn how to tank properly and if it will be worth it at 50. Any help is appreciated, thanks :)


    I'm also leveling a tankasin as well. From my reading and understanding they're great tanks end game. They start off slow due to not having access to a lot of their mitigation, but once you get it you are one of the stronger tanks. Coming from a dk you'll have a heads up on active mitigation so you should fit right in.

  2. So I've been back for about a week after taking a very long break. I have been leveling alts and finally decided to get back on my old main. I use to be an officer in a fairly active guild, around 100 people. I expected that I would be removed when I left however, when I logged in, I found myself the guild master of a dead guild. No one active at all. Just names of 100+ characters that are never on. Should I try to "revive" the guild, recruit and give it some direction and life again, or find a way to let it die?
  3. You can tank them that early, but it's going to suck terribly: you simply take more damage (since gear sub-30 doesn't have appreciable secondary stats on it and that's what Shadows live off of; at low levels, mitigation has more to do with your armor rating/DR than anything else, and Shadow DR is going to have you taking a *lot* more damage than heavy armor will), require more healing (since you don't get appreciable self heals to counteract your higher damage taken til you hit your late-30s), and can't generate threat effectively (since your only AoE is Force Breach/Discharge on a 15 sec CD and it deals terrible damage). I tanked that early on both my Shadow and my Sin while I was leveling, but it was definitely rougher than it was for the other two tank classes I leveled. You can do it, but expect the pain to come rolling in.


    Thanks for the tips Kitru. that confirms what I was thinking.


    If I could ask you a question Kitru what are the defense stats, and stat weights I should be looking for?

  4. Ok so that armor from that video was awesome. Is there anything like that close in the game? I'm looking for a orange armor set that is metallic like that. I'm not really into the crap color green and browns that I keep seeing and I love the style of that armor.
  5. /facepalm....


    The jedi consular was never ment to be epic.

    It was ment to show you everything being a jedi is about.

    I could return the face palm. If you don't think Jedi like Yoda were epic then.......

    Yoda kicked *** and would probably be considered a consular by tor standards. Satele Shan is a bad ***. So to say there are no epic consulars is pretty fail.

  6. Ok so I have been primarily imperial since day one and I thought I'd try the republic side. I remembered watching the video of Satele Shan taking it to Malgus during the Alderaan invasion. Anyone who has watched that video knows how awesome that was. So I really wanted to try the consular since I love my sin. I was hoping to see some really cool animations and force abilities. Figured it would be a good break from all the lightning. What I got was the pebble storm of doom. Slow moving tiny pebbles. I'm sorry this does NOT feel epic. Are the rest of the animations like force breach, slow time this lack luster? Project looked ok and force wave was decent. This is kinda sad considering I liked the lore behind the consular.
  7. I would say in order to complete the most amount of stuff on your own I would go tank then if you're wanting to be a PT. Excellent damage reduction, decent damage and of course with your first companion being a healer you can rofl stomp stuff. They are great in groups at all levels as a tank and they get some cool moves.
  8. I am back playing the game after a break.Want to level a sin and was wondering what spec could take me from 20-50 the fastest and allow me to solo some 2man quest.I used the search but only got threads from a few months back.Any information would help.


    Starting at 20 I plan on going tank.

  9. I'm wanting to either level up a Jedi shadow tank or assassin tank, I've leveled a sorc so I know the inquisitor story line and really like it. I figured I'd take a break from being a totally demented, sadistic, masochistic little you know what female sith and make a Jedi. that way if I want to be mean I can go on my sith, and if I want to save people I can go jedi. How is the consular story? I've heard mixed reviews. Seems to be a love or hate thing.
  10. Hello ,


    Welcome back to the game :) The assassin tank is still one of the best tanks in the game (Depends on the WZ , for hutball Jugger tank hybrids are better in my opinion) , i would recommend checking out deception , they buffed its survivability and dps , also a bit of a fix on our force management issues (dps on the maul proc more than the rest ). My main is a deception assassin and i haven't played this spec for pvp since February this year , but with 1.4 i started to enjoy my little sin again :)

    Regarding sorcs , i don't play one , but dps ones are food for just about every class in the damn game ( well maybe except mercs) , but if u go hybrid Heal/lightning (until u get the bubble stun talent) ur good to go even for rated WZs :)

    Of course , this is my point of view , if i am wrong , someone , please feel free to correct me ;)


    Thanks for the reply. I'm leveling up an assassin right now. Looks like it'll be a lot of fun.

  11. So I left after a few months after the game launched. At the time there was a hilarious bug where Kira's light saber still stay lit when she sheaths her weapon, thus impaling her head in the process. I log on to my sentinel to see the bug is still there. Anyone else have this issue? It shocks me on the amount of glaring bugs that are still in the game after it's been out this long.
  12. Which faction is stronger for PVE endgame? That should probably be the deciding factor.


    From a looks perspective, lightning > little rocks. Conversely, nearly all endgame Assassin PVE and PVP gear looks awful. Luckily, however, you can get 4 piece set bonus without using body slot (and put something better looking on), hide headslot, and then you're left with inoffensive hands/feet and a silly skirt until you're at a point where you can customize your look however you see fit.


    Consular gear isn't any better, IMHO if anything it's worse O.o. Since I'm just now coming back to the game and I was moved to a new server by Bioware, I have no idea the difference in progression on either factions, I can tell you that both sides see about the same amount of people on the main fleet at any given time.

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