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Posts posted by Shadowseve

  1. Basically: not really at all. This guide is somewhat outdated in that it doesn't cover the 3.0 changes, which served to destabilize the rotation considerably, but nothing changed between 3.0 and 4.0 aside from slightly (though noticeably) lower resource generation due to lower mitigation.


    So I've been a way for a long time what changed in the rotation between 2.5 and now since this guide is outdated?

  2. I am actually thinking of gearing Ashara up and kicking Xalek to the curb. He can't hold aggro for **** off of me even after giving him 5 second leeway (yes his aoe abilities are turn on.) He also dies more than khem did and I've pimped him out far more than I've ever had khem.


    sorry for thread hijack. Just wanted to vent...

  3. dude the old animation made it look like you were taking a huge dump. I hated it. Always bent over. I MUCH prefer it like it is.



    The only thing I don't like about my merc is the storyline, the sounds of some of the missles sound week, and I can't seem to find a decent outfit I like. The abilities as they are now are fun. I love blowing **** up.

  4. you guys who claim shadows/assassins are in a good place right now must not read the math provided on the tanking forums. Some of the best tanks out there are re-rolling, or thinking about it. The recent nerfs made them nonviable for end game content.
  5. Overhealing does not generate threat. Putting healing probes before the pull is a standard tactics of any good operative and with current costs it greatly improves survivability.


    This ^ I have always thrown up my healing probes on the tank pre-pull. No one has ever complained.

  6. Clearly our dark ward animation has to be brighter to balance this issue!


    This... And we need more Jedi holocrons to fly around us. This will effectively add at least 8% to our total dr. Mobs will be simply to busy laughing at us to hit us.

  7. I'm leveling a shadow atm and still enjoy it. I'm also leveling a jugg though and it's a crap load of fun as well. I would still level the toon just to see the story, which unlike others I'm enjoying. So imho level several characters. It's the nature of MMORPG's to have classes go from King to wimp and back through out the life of the game as the devs attempt to balance the classes. It's just part of the experience :-D. Keep that in mind before giving in on the shadow/assassin. There is some incredible theory-crafting going on and I'm sure the dev's will eventually notice it. It just may take a while.
  8. Jugg Guard

    Saber Throw - - - - - Saber Throw

    Force Charge - - - - -Force Leap

    Crushing Blow- - - - -Guardian Slash

    Force Scream- - - - -Blade Storm

    Sundering Assault- - - - -Sundering Strike

    Backhand- - - - -Hilt Strike

    Smash- - - - -Force Sweep

    Retaliation- - - - -Riposte

    Force Scream- - - - -Blade Storm

    Smash- - - - -Force Sweep

    Sundering Assault- - - - -Sundering Strike

    Crushing Blow- - - - -Guardian Slash

    Force Scream- - - - -Blade Storm

    Smash- - - - -Force Sweep

    Backhand- - - - -Hilt Strike

    Vicious Throw- - - - -Dispatch

    Enrage- - - - -Combat Focus

    Force Choke- - - - -Force Stasis

    Assault- - - - -Strike

    Invincible- - - - -Warding Call

    Endure Pain- - - - -Enure

    Saber Ward- - - - -Saber Ward

    Intercede- - - - -Guardian Leap

    Unleash- - - - -Resolute

    Saber Reflect- - - - - Saber Reflect



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