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Posts posted by Pekish

  1. World PVP divide into two main branches:

    1) Both parties are aware and ready to fight

    2) One party is hunting un-aware people (solo or even worst in-group vs single person)


    Option 2 will never work (it "may" work for a 5% of the population that is a little masochist) it will never be healthy or have great success to justify devs attention no matter how devs code it (and they won't anyway such a waste of time).


    Option 1 in this game is limited by the engine not working properly and by the fact that Devs never really cared to waste time and money to develop it (most probably because they are aware of the limitation of the engine and they know it will never properly work)


    to bring it back the only realistic option is for the players to step up and create the event (in other words do what the devs won't waste time doing). It is not impossible to do world PVP, but it needs a lot of time/effort invested by players.


    At first, I thought to have a community manager (employ Bioware/EA) that create the event and set rules and follow it up in real-time. The problem I bet is that, once this event gets a real thing and advertised, players will join it in mass (at first), and it will be overcrowded, it will bring out the worst of a very small group of few people that will anyway be ruining it for everybody!


    THIS is why I go back to my basic belief that the only real healthy world PVP is the one organized by us for us (Not too crowded as is not publicized to "Everybody") RP-PVP guild based is the only one that could have a sense where there is no reward, and people play it for the fun of fighting they resect the lore (some rule always make it better) and respect other players, but this is a dream in the online community as we are not that mature.

  2. world pvp fail because of players mentality most of the time

    they won't do things for fun they will only do them for rewards

    they won't play to create the community they play to win and insult the loser to feel superior


    there is no amount of programming that will fix world PVP unless it can fix people first


    Obviously, they could make it better no doubt but what really world pvp need is people willing to organize it

    no reward no superiority/inferiority complex just player having fun


    I believe that a couple of well organized and educated and respectful guild could produce some good world PVP but one or two silly people could ruin the effort of 20 this is usually the problem


    and it can't be fixed by devs too many ways for people to ruin honest effort

  3. can you point out a game for pvpers?


    gw2? ffXIV? WS? partially the problem is people they just can't play without ruining everything and partially is DEVs that once again didn't understand that players are idiot and let them free to be jerk is not a good idea because they will be jerk if you let it "possible"


    devs wake up people are jerks please make a game jerk-proof and yes that means limiting people freedom but we dont really deserve freedom too many people abuse it. (and then people wonder why sandbox fail quick let people free and they will freely **** it up in no time!)

  4. you see a problem "gear imbalance" and you give a solution that actually ruin the game for yourself


    the beauty of MMO is advancing your character thanks to your in game effort, i understand that is frustrating face enemy much more organized/geared with close to zero chance to win


    but the solution is not like a 2y/o kid i want it all nownownwonwownwowno take my money a mature person would see the problem and find a better solution


    maybe create a war zone or 2 where gear are equalized but reduce the reward in that one or something smarter then paying for gear that is a very very very bad idea that open to many horrible consequences

  5. you cannot force people to became decent person with a videogame year and year of education didnt help i doubt a videogame will


    but you shouldn't allow it on your forum i am surprise that people think the 2 position are the same


    player are scum and that's a given but you dev/moderator shouldn't approve it. You cannot ban all the "bad players" you would end up with 10K subs only... but you should try to make life difficult to them not help them breaking the game.

  6. and that was the main point of my post... SWTOR may have his problem but at least moderator that sign themselves WS TEAM (So they supposedly speak for the all team) are not APPROVING THIS ****


    this is where you should draw a line and say **** it. If the game "team" allow cheating openly posting in the thread of a cheater asking for help to cheat and doing nothing but approving it.

  7. you have no idea how bad it gets when **** hit the fan...


    person A) 1800 rating pvp gear is BIS for pve until 40 mans???



    person B) It shouldn't be too much of an issue! Just join the rest of the crowd who are wintrading ranked arenas to get the 1800-rated gear. It has become the new meta! You surely don't want to lack behind in progression now do you? Exploiting was never easier!


    Persona C) Buying 1800 Arena Carry for Platinum - Exile NA



    Community Moderator) players are allowed to advertise for in-game services for plat. It does not violate any of our code of conduct rules. Other types of currency would be another matter.


    Whether or not you personally are alright with the moral implications of this is not up for debate in this particular thread. Please refrain from insults and other flaming. I am going to move this to the server-specific forums as the OP would need to find a seller for this service on their server.


    Thank you

    - Team WildStar



    Person D) Wildstar: Pay to Win = Money buys credd, credd sells for plat, plat buys you 1800 carry. The moderators even assist in the transaction. We pay a subscription to a pay to win game.



    Pathetic... when moderator cannot see the moral problem as a game problem the game will fail so quick... that is not even funny


    *hint hint for BW and dealing with Trolls*


    To recap the story it seems in WS that pvp gear has an edge over PVE gear in a particular condition at a particular level so all the "HONEST" pver, the never chear only pvper cheat is well reknown, started.... CHEATING the hell out of PVP to get those gear organizing fake match etc etc to the point to be willing to pay in-game money to organize fake pvp... and the moderators say is all right...


    NEVER EVER give stuff in PVP that PVER need you will then see the worst ****/exploiter ever... true is overall PVPer are noobs exploiter compared to pvers!

  8. PVP is better then many will admit but is always been a part of the game for more mature people, and best would be to try to have fun and avoid the min/max crowd


    I always though pvp fail almost in any game because devs still don't get they have to separate people with different thinking they make useless separation PVE server PVP server... (when they u see pve server pvping as much as pvp server) but they don't separate people by skill and mentality.


    there are veteran that are willing to help and accept new player and let them discover built for themselves there are veteran that tell you what to do how to dress and what to roll otherwise u are useless.


    This is what devs should devide call min/max(ranked) server and casual server maybe PVP would flourish if the right people would be matched together.

  9. btw the same happen at lvl 31-54


    at lvl 31 u get a massive HP boost compared to the same boost at lvl 40-50


    i posted some screenshot about it u can see it urself

    http://i.imgur.com/DwXeAq4.jpg < the only realy difference from a full green bolstered and a full purple bolstered is mostly the HP


    difference between lvl 31 and 35 my hp went from 34K to 32K

    at lvl 11 vs lvl 17 he lost HP as well i think he is not cheating

  10. the lower the lvl 10-12 the more HP you get with bolster... plus i remember having 34K health at lvl 12 in my shadow (it goes down the higher u get lvl at lvl 17 i was around 32.5K because the bolster in HP get less and less)


    a) you can use augment fortitudo purple (http://www.torhead.com/item/Omo2c8/advanced-fortitude-augment-3)

    +5 endurance in all ur gear that are at least 10 (no implant no relic) = +50

    (yes u can have earings http://www.torhead.com/item/31qCwk8/esseles-force-enhancing-module)


    b) u can use +41 endurance cristal


    c) u have bonus 5% from commando buff (but u can have it as shadow as well if u have legacy done on all 4 char)


    d) u can have bonus form companion (100% affection) don't remember which one give you +HP


    e) u can invest point in skill for + 3% endurance


    f) u can hunt datacron with +endurance


    as i said you can easily get 34K hp as shadow tank i don't think he was cheating you tell me 38K 40K yep he was cheating but till 34K-35K is virtually possible going out ur way to get that


    It does make sense 10-30 to focus on endurance rather then crit/surge/power because bolstering is the one that retain the most value at lower lvl having +5 crit will be worth 0,01% as it get bolstered at lvl 55 and at lvl 55 +5 is nothing


    so yeah all u have to worry about lvl 10-30 is endurance.

  11. some people is just better then other in judging MMO but at least she was honest and came back, honor to that.


    for me after i saw the graphic i had this impulse of throwing the monitor out of the window... and the only way to stop that was to rush disinstall WS.


    I am not saying i am crazy about SWTOR graphic I am more for a realistic AOC(age of conan) or TSW(the secret world) type of graphic but at least SWTOR is barable WOW/GW2/WS really made me feel sick. TESO was barable like SWTOR but fantasy really bore me too quickly

  12. How do you figure, sport?


    If I do something wrong and get blamed for it, am I going to hold someone else responsible for my having done wrong? No, and if I did I would fully expect to be chastised for it.


    Whining about pre-made groups in an MMO is like whining about tomatoes in spaghetti sauce. The nature of MMO's is for people to get together and do stuff.


    Now, if telling the truth is going to "kill a game" then that game doesn't deserve to live anyway. The simple fact is that you are going to run into groups doing group stuff in many parts of this game and if you aren't prepared for it and if you aren't willing to bring teamwork to the table in order to compete, maybe you should go and play a single player game.


    is post like this that make me lose faith in humanity

    playing solo is different then play single player game when you play solo YOU STILL GET TOGHETR other 3/7 player you dont dont "ORGANIZE" it in advance


    and to stay to your useless sport metaphor why do you think in sport different level LEAGUE exist? because different level player are not suppose to meet in order to keep the game interesting


    you will not player the NBA vs the elementary school because the level of organization and skill is not balanced


    same with PUG vs PREAMDE they are 2 different level of organization differently from your stupid example non of the 2 is a single player game as even when you SOLO/PUG you end up playing with other people but the difference is the quality of the organization and most probably the skill of the players


    but again is pointless to talk to people that make post like that.

  13. the sad/comic part is that every game do this mistake and they do this mistake at release when they have the highest number of player and they could easily support multiple queue (and retain more player)


    I really don't get it... is it stupidity? how can someone repeat the same mistake over and over and over and over and over


    you are developing a MMORPG you are doing PVP for the love of god analyse the problem of, at least, other 5 product similar to yours that came out recently. This sobject is in EVERY SINGLE forum of EVERY SINGLE MMORPG came out since the last 10 years.


    it's about time someone start to work seriously here.


    research even FPS game and see how important is matchmaking... dear lord you dont need to be a computer genius to grasp the concpet that PVP need balance in the team involved to be "entrataining" and that premades retain a unfair advantage over PUG not 100% of the time but 85% of the times!


    I really wonder if it is lazyness or what that made them do the same mistake every single time


    a) premade has right to exist and to fight other premade


    b) pug has right to exist and to fight other pug (dont allow syncro queueing make the match start 2 minuts after number has been reached and shuffle the player in queue maybe making sure each team has similar number of healer etcetc)


    c) only and only if queue > 15 minuts allow player from group A to interact with player from group B (picket between the one with higher rank in group B and make sure they have a fking healer) and once match is over increase the timer for that specific premade (group A) to 20 minuts before being allowed to engage again any player from group B


    it is so damn easy.

  14. people talk about skill then make macro is silly.. is like he to play guitar or piano you need skill... and then they start playing and put a CD on that cover 90% of what they are doing


    and for the fact that punish honest people it's true but after a while you figure out who use macro and who doesn't and that make the difference between a glorious enemy and a lame *** one


    being honest is hard in life and is hard in a videogame but if you are you will have my respect.

  15. The reason on my server (BC) why so many queue premade is we get a constant influx of people who come in undergeared (bolster only helps so much when they are not augged or have high end pve gear on or come in with 140 gear).


    and that's why pvp is dieing


    It does piss me of when i see player with no augment or wrong gear in pvp but the enemy is not a premade usually they have some as well... the real problem is when i get those noobs and the other team is a premade fully geared


    if you let it to the RGN you will get noobs as much as the other team will get noobs... but it u start trick the fate and bring ur premade u are effectively breaking balance... and doing to the opposite team what you hate they do to you.


    but on the other half of the problem is on BW shoulder they should make a matching system that doesn't allow full premade to go against 8 pug players


    if they want a mix queue it should always force 1 premade 4 pug vs 1 premade 4 pug or 2 premade vs 2 premade or pug vs pug only, player cannot control it but BW can let them queue all togheter but fix the match at start

  16. Most people I know stopped doing ranked well before they got rid of 8v8. They stopped because of a few specific guilds on the opposing side. Most of the people I know who stopped PvPing all together stopped because it's frustrating to lose over and over to the same teams. They weren't having fun, so they stopped. It really is that simple.


    i said the exact same thing in another post


    pve = you win 100% of the time at worst you need to try again but when actually do you feel you have lost in pve? Never


    pvp = theoretically 50% win 50% lose (and that would probably work) BUT in reality is more like 80-90% of the time most player lose vs an elite of 10/20% of the population that rarely lose


    it's not about being care-bear or not it is about beeing a video-game, MMORPG are made to have fun and fun include a good chunk of "win" u won't have much fun loosing all the times...


    have you ever wonder why the name that stick around the longest in a PVP game are the "pro" because they are capable to lower the % of their lost games to a 10-20% that give the required gratification to stick to the game untill they lower it at close to 0% and get bored (After practically have killed the game)


    PVP is bound to fail unless devs find a way to make "winning" more and more challenging instead of more and more easy... the higher is ur rank the harder should be for you to win, not easier!


    you could do in 3 way


    a) uneven number the more ur team is strong the more enemy you have to face 4 vs 5 - 4 vs 6 etcetc

    b) uneven terrain (same number) the stronger is ur your team the more challenging is ur starting position and the map favor the other team

    c) uneven score (similar to handicap in golf) each kill for the weaker team count double or perhaps is easier for them to cap an objective etcetc


    until you wont bring back challenge into pvp it will always die quick you need to achieve a 50%-50% on most of the population or inevitably it will die.

  17. Pro per se are not a bad thing 8pro vs 8pro would be nice not only to play but even just to watch!


    the problem is that pros have tendency to group togheter and then they end up fighting noobs this is the problem with them eheheh... they rarely pug because they hate noobs, they hate when a person is the first time in a warzone they hate when they do mistake or need time to learn...


    I am generalizing obviously some are pretty cool and open to help new player but how many of them PUG for real it means ALONE for real (and i am not talking of solo ranked) 5%? 10%?


    if pro would be forced to be mixed up with noobs situation would be much more intresting on both side... anyway


    which hutball are you talking about? i suppse you are talking about the old one the one with the fire trap...


    in that one u have 3 ramp as u exit from spawn area and your question is if you are forced to go up at start or when you have to score?


    a) at start you can jump in the pit and go around left right thre are ramp to go up to ground lvl and form there u can go center (if u want to avoid going up at start)


    b) to score unless u have someone to pull you up rom the pit(a sage!) or you are a class with a gap closer (sentinel) and u can charge an enemy silly enough to be wondering score are....you are force to go up on the platform with fire traps to get to the score area (and that's the beauty of it)



    the new hutball has ramp to go up from the underground lvl OR there are some table one each side of the square that will pull you up click the table and a cable will automatically pull you up to the main lvl



    is hard to see in this pic i couldnt find a better one there is one of this table each side and it automatically bring u up without doing the ramp

  18. i believe that a lot of pver would actually like pvp if you remove the pro from the equation (as pro are a minority but that ruin it for the majority)


    you need a ranked happen from release but not char based but ACCOUNT based you cannot re-roll and be a noobs you re-roll you still have your high rank!


    and you need to allow different skill league and whoever win step up to next league (plus add lot of stuff only obtainable from pvp and make them obtainable the same in the low league as in the high league so everybody can get them)


    lot of pver just need a push i was it in many game lot of player started as PVE only that out of boredom try pvp and love it. Problem is PVP doens't have the curve that pve has and especially when the game is out since a while pve curve stay the same PVP curve get worst and worst

  19. we see it all time people calling eachohter hacker when it is not true but saying hacker don't exist is a lie


    I admit that more often then not when people cry out about hacker with not screenshot no prove is usually just a LTP problem BUT deny there is a remote chance he got into that 1% that actually had to face some type of hack


    so the best thing to do it tell him to report the player name/time/warzone/type of hack and some prove of some sort if possible


    calling LTP everytime someone bring up the problem it may be true but still is not the right way to address the problem because then it became some personal battle on the line "you sux, i am better then you" that is really not the problem here.


    for instance yesterday i saw this guy capping voidstar inside the door it was a PUB vs PUB and i did know that guy so i whispered him and he told me he wasn't doing anything different then usual so I used some AOE and he popped right there where before i didnt see him... i think was a glitch of some visual geometry

  20. I had to deal with some but after I reported them (with evidence) I never ever saw them again


    People that say there are no hack are lieing (or just very very lucky) we had a post 1 month ago in which we posted like 3/4 videos of really OBVIOUS hack and in one i even posted the chat in which the hacker admit it and the match later try to invite me in his team for a "easy win" i screenshotted him and reported him i never saw him ever again.


    (the post was actually removed after 2 weeks form the forum or i would link it)


    if you report someone and he is still there maybe it's a LTP issue... or maybe report him again and tell someone else in your team to report him too


    I think they do check but maybe they do it faster on most populated server (my server is probably the most populated in USA)

  21. and you want to know the fun part.... i went around i played SWTOR at release for 1.5y then i moved to The Secret World (1.5 year) I tried GW2 (1 month) and I tried WS (1 month) and overall SWTOR had a mediocre PVE but a decent (even if old style) PVP


    probably PVP is better in The secret world per se but mechanics and warzone are CRAP there and funcom has no clue they set up amazing pvp like AOC to then **** it up each next step!


    Warzone here are much better here (who doesnt love/hate hutball) and even if the combat system feel dated it's still fun.


    We talk about unbalanced class here it make me smile.... try WS people is only playing 2 class out of 6: warrior and SS all the rest is so far behind that nobody play them anymore (but for real not like here we all say this is OP then i play match 10-54 and i see ALL classes in WS i play 10-49 i see only 2 classes)


    I went around i saw many other MMO and came back here and i can tell you PVE is not the reason this game will survive.


    I know i know pvp servers are emptier then pve but not because people doesn't like pvp but because usually pro pvper are jerk that tend to push away other players, with their mentality and attitude. (some doesn't do it with bad intention they just like to win and min/max the **** out of a game that is suppose to be fun not a job!)


    They have the chance to save this game if they focus on friendly pvp create noob league making it more friendly for beginners take pver by hand into pvp make it a "easy pvp" maybe in specific areas or with specific warzone (call it carebear if you like) without having to face jerk pro and their narrow mentality and you will see this game booming.


    It's never the elite that bring the big bucks! it's the mass.


    **** pve start the pvp revolution bring pvp where no other MMO attempted to... bring pvp from an elite of egocentric pro to the mass be the WOW of pvp and you will be the next big thing (if moba don't get it all first... moba are what MMORPG were suppose to be the next big PVP thing but MMORPG failed and moba raised but they are an half backed solution a true MMORPG with a friendly PVP will still break through most of the people)


    You think that everybody in Moba is pro not but they feel so because if they sux they just go into a lower bracket and start feel pro... the secret is to balance people.

  22. I could start with hutball if you wish as sage you are the 3th most successful class in there, it's really the play you want to be! (shadow/scoundrel/sage)


    As someone mentioned you have the friendly pull that is... well... awesome!!!!!! plus u have decent bubble and force speed! But your job is tricky you need to be sneaky without having any invisibility


    At first EVERYBODY will run to the ball and ranged will just position themselves in a high area... if you are a squishy healer BUT you have friendly pull maybe you DON'T WANT to stay near ball because is where everybody will be or will shoot! (and you will die faster then u can heal = useless)


    you will want to take a secondary hidden road (try to be unnoticeable don't shoot anybody use force speed walk BEHIND people not in front...) and place yourself behind the sniper vision area ready to PULL the guy that will be struggling with the ball...


    if that area is too HOT (too many sniper or they spotted you) your job is to go waaaayyyy BEHIND enemy line at their score area (you are not invisible so don't rush there 5 minutes in advance keep yourself wondering "near by" trying to avoid eyes contact) and once u are there communicate in chat that u are in position so the guy with the ball will run to you and you will be able to pull him up...


    remember he may decide (if his HP is too low) to pass the ball instead of let you pull him up.... so get read with bubble and force speed to cover those last few meters


    On the other hand if you feel comfortable and sturdy enough to heal ball carrier you can still accompany him but again not from "behind" like other healer would do you have pull! go 10/20 meter ahead don't stay in AOE range of people that will shoot at the ball carrier and be ready to PULL him when needed... pulling him out of an hot situation is better then 1000 heals!


    Those are the basics tactic many and have to vary often but what make YOU special as sage in hutball something that NOBODY else can do is pull so base ALL your play-style on what is unique about you.


    true enough doing this you will get really little medals :( but you will probably make ur team win you can be the difference between winning and losing in hutball... many time in hutball i am a carrier and the sage is the reason why we won.

  23. pve = 100% you win at worst you need to try again but when...ever you feel you lose in pve?

    even when u cannot finish an operation you still kill some actually... most of them and still get decent crap home, you never feel you lost!


    pvp = 50% win 50% lose and in some case for new players is more like 90% of the time they lose!

    it's not about beeing carebear or not is about game are made for fun and fun include a good chunck of "win" u can have fun loosing sometimes but NOT 90% of the times



    PVP will never be popular like pve becaus

    if 2 player player PVE they both win

    if 2 player play PVP 1 win the other lose make no mistake 1 will have to lose

    and players are not investing "Free" time in order to lose 50% of the time let alone 60-70-80-90%...


    have you ever wonder why the name that stick around the longest in a PVP game are the "pro" because they are capable to lower the % of losing to a 20%-30% that give the required gratification to stick to the game


    PVP is bound to fail unless devs find a way to make "losing" fun and rewarding and "winning" more and more challenging instead of more and more easy... how? I could write a book about how there are millions of ways but none would spend 1$ to try something new.


    and don't lie yourself is not impossible you just didn't see it before... the trick part is to keep player balanced 1vs1 BUT increase the challenge to the winner...


    what if the stronger u are the higher is your rank the smaller is ur team compared to the enemy team in that specific warzone... and the bigger the reward if you are succesfull but lowering ur percentage of victory from 90% to a 50%... rebalancing the game..


    what if the stronger u are the higher is your rank the un-even the map advantage is but same number of player in team.... again is not only all about number a 8vs8 can be as hard as a 4vs8 if the location the geography of the map has odds against you


    what if the stronger you are the higher is ur rank the score lvl to assign a victory is changed to favor the weaker or there are more way different way special way for the weaker to increase his score and more objective to guard for the stronger....


    and so on really. In real sport the understood handicap are required to balance difference skill player playing together MMO is just a bunch of sheep copying eachohter none of them can be called a real DEV

  24. Hypregate has not many strategies and like ALL warzone first of all you need to understand if ur team is stronger or weaker then the opposite team


    there will be a lot of player set up amazing strategies but in reality there is never 1 strategy to rule them all... and they all relay on what the enemy is about to do and how strong he is.


    to make it short (i may later on write some guide to each specific warzone) if your team is weaker the only way you can win is IF the enemy do a mistake, Voidtar and Hypergate due to gather the fight in a specific location (rather then divide the fight in 3 location) are definitely the hardest to win if outgunned/outhealed and relay mostly on enemy mistakes


    hutball old+new = you can win totally based on strategy

    (Victory: Stronger team 50% - Weaker team 50%)


    civil war+novare = you can win with a good strategy even if outgunned is hard but u can do it

    (Victory: Stronger team 65% - Weaker team 35%)


    hypergate+voidstar = if outgunned/outhelaer you will win ONLY if enemy do a mistake I admit that in pug vs pug mistake are made in huge quantity and on daily bases... so you can actually win those even if weaker more often then my percentage (below) but... theoretically speaking those are bound to be an easy win for the stronger team

    (Victory: stronger team 90% - Weaker team 10%)


    in your case u got hypergate and u were definitely outgunned not much u could do other then pray in a mistake or if in a team with a really good strategist push the enemy toward a mistake... but a good enemy wont fall for it and you will just lose take it and try again ^_^


    in your case as scouldrel u can help another stealth class to provoke that mistake to happen (stealing other team pylon) but again to succesfully pull it off you need to be very lucky or very expert syncronizing stun and magistrally use interrupt and movement and again some enemy just don't make mistakes...

  25. Maybe we should make a couple of guide about warzone, not that this is going to change anything people will still be clueless but at least we could direct to that link.
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