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Posts posted by Hatkake

  1. i'll try to explain using an excample:


    During a random encounter i heal and keep resurgence up the tank which in turn has Force Bending up.

    I pop an innervate to procc Force Surge.

    The group is good (dont need healing) so i dont need to use my Force Bending procc, but i use the Force Surge for a free Consumption.


    Using Force Surge also eats the Force Bending procc.


    This happens consistently every time. If Force Surge and Force Bending both have procced using Force Surge (ie for free Consumption) also consumes Force Bending procc.


    I am unable to see how Force Surge (free Consumption) benifits from consuming Force Bending. I thought this might be a bug so ticketed it, but only response i got was "check the forums".


    edit: lurking the forums provided no more insight, hence this thread.

  2. I have noticed that when both Force Surge and Force Bending have procced using Force Surge consumes the Force Bending with no added benifits.


    Is this a known bug, or something that I've missed, or a flaw in my rotation?


    It's not the biggest issue since Force Bending is up alot from putting Resurgence on the tank, but it's still something i wonder about.


    Is Force Surge supposed to consume Force Bending and what (if anything) does Force Surge gain from consuming Force Bending?

  3. in your codex under "persons of note" you will see main and secondary stats for all your respective companions.

    in preferences you have to enable companion gear comparison, this will make mouseover on gear compare it to your and your pets' gear at the same time (why this isnt enable by default i will never understand).


    armour skin for khem is from taris iirc. you'll find a companion customisation vendor at the first place you land.

    also if you have a security key enable i recommend taking the trip to ilum space station and checking out the security key vendor there for more skins.

  4. the crux of this matter is this; is this thread accompanied by a bug report ticket via the ingame system?


    if it is not, then this is just a "omg, why do the bad men hit me, mama?" thread.


    popping people out of stealth is a wellknown and much used pvp tactic, but being targetable by pets and not players does seem to indicate some kind of bug.

    imo the moment the pet targetted you you should have been open to all kinds of grief from the emperical gentleman.


    and as said before; if you cant take the heat get the hell out of the nuclear reactor.


    also ravenholdt was ****.

  5. What i am doing is making a new chat tab.

    You can make several chat tabs and have different filters for each tab.

    My new tab only displays general chat, guild chat and such.


    edit: iirc there's a vid on the front page of this site detailing some of the upcoming ui modifications that are coming.

  6. I would also like some option of altering my legacy name. This is a function i have no problem paying for (as paid namechange is familiar from that other MMO, the one with the dwarfs...).


    I did not put enough thought into my legacy name, and for that i blame myself. But if the game in this instance could reflect the real world in which money fixes everything i would be most gratefull. Also, i enjoy Bioware and their products, and i have no issue with throwing some coin their way.

  7. as has been stated space missions and pvp are good ways to earn money.

    tokens you get from space missions can also be traded in for a container containing a purple lvl 50 item which you can sell on the galactic marked (mine netted me a cool 100k).


    The gear rewards from crafting are not needed while leveling. What you want to do is focus on one char at first and get that one char up. Once you hit 50 that one char wont need to buy skills and whatnot and all the money it accumulates will just ... accumulate.


    As I understand it the professions are meant to be gold sinks for highl lvl character. Once you start focusing on one character and not at the same time lvling crafting you will see that the game is overflowing with money.


    While ingame and questing dont forget to forage. This will get you lots and lots and lots of the materials needed for crafting for absolutely free.


    Most important thing is to have fun and play the way you want to play.

    But if you focus both on lvling and on crafting one or the other will suffer for it.

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