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Posts posted by Psychopyro

  1. Absolutely seen a drop in GSF pop frequency since the last conq patch. Queue wakes up 40-60 mins later than it used to. On GSF forums, somebody playing on French server is complaining GSF there suddenly being completely dead. Additionally, at least my guildies seem to be doing much less FPs than they used to.


    Umm well last CQ patch was a couple days ago... Did you stop to consider that people might be....


    Wait for it.............


    Returning to work?

  2. I'd have to re-read Annihilation to be able to make an informed comment on that, but with Chapter 2 base game being in 3641 and that being when the Treaty of Coruscant fell, that makes sense, but I've always assumed from in-game content that Ilum was in 3640.


    Now, a major issue I see here, @CharlesBoyd, is that the Republic playthrough of Onslaught mentions that the First Battle of Corellia was 10 years ago, i.e. 3640 .


    I don't usually weigh in on these, but it may be more of a "not literally" thing.....


    Sometimes people just estimate when speaking in years (since it's such a long time frame)... x event happened y years ago even though it actually happened at a different specific time. It's actually easy to get a 1 year difference this way.


    Take for instance my birthday I turned 42... Until my birthday (even to the day before) I could still say I was born 41 years ago and still be technically correct (even though it's closer to 42).

  3. Your argument has been that the MAJORITY of people can do it solo. My argument was the MAJORITY of people can play the story without worrying about the bug... You say get better gear, I say buy a better computer...


    But again, no one is asking to make the vet part of it easier... They're asking for the quest to be UNTIED from the vet mode. It's no different then when HK parts were moved from the HMs to the solo instances... You didn't HAVE to have HK, he's just cosmetic. As I pointed out, the HMs COULD be soloed for what you needed for HK. It's not glamorous, but it could be done. Even the H2 on those lines could be soloed if you were smart and a good player.


    Even with a stealth class it still takes roughly 20 min to complete each SF vet mode. It takes far longer for other classes. It's not something people should be needing to hang up 4 to 5 hours or so just to get the companions. Especially when you say it's not even an important part of the story. If it's not important, then what's the big deal? I'm not even sure WHY people are arguing about separating them except to argue about it.


    [EDIT] Personally I'd rather see them remove the quest from the Vet modes, fix the drops, and make the Vet modes more of a challenge....

  4. Nope, this comparison doesn't go up. Absolutely not, it the worst possible comparison you could make. Why? Because the banner issue actually breaks the game for people, it actually prevents them from playing SWTOR. That is absolutely not the same as wanting the Star Fortresses to be even more soloable. If you don't play the Star Fortresses, nothing happens. It doesn't break the game if you don't play them, it doesn't prevent you from playing SWTOR because you can't solo them. Even for the sake of being sarcastic, your comparison is out of whack.


    Your argument has been that the MAJORITY of people can do it solo. My argument was the MAJORITY of people can play the story without worrying about the bug... You say get better gear, I say buy a better computer...


    But again, no one is asking to make the vet part of it easier... They're asking for the quest to be UNTIED from the vet mode. It's no different then when HK parts were moved from the HMs to the solo instances... You didn't HAVE to have HK, he's just cosmetic. As I pointed out, the HMs COULD be soloed for what you needed for HK. It's not glamorous, but it could be done. Even the H2 on those lines could be soloed if you were smart and a good player.


    Even with a stealth class it still takes roughly 20 min to complete each SF vet mode. It takes far longer for other classes. It's not something people should be needing to hang up 4 to 5 hours or so just to get the companions. Especially when you say it's not even an important part of the story. If it's not important, then what's the big deal? I'm not even sure WHY people are arguing about separating them except to argue about it.

  5. No it wasn't. Initial mission involved 2x HM FP and didn't head of anyone doing them solo.

    Only MP or Foundry was required HM... False Emperor could be done normal.... While a pain in the behind, both COULD be soloed by certain classes. Foundry you didn't even have to fight Revan to grab the part (just walk around him to it). MP you could die and skip the second boss, which was the only real danger in the instance...

  6. It does raise an interesting question about how knockoff protection works though. Is it a cumulative damage sort of thing, where once you reach a certain absolute or relative health % change you get "knocked off"; or, is it a series of dice roll "saving throws" while you get shot at?


    Some elaboration is required.


    I "feel" like it's a % of damage done during the hit... I've been knocked off in one hit, and I've been almost dead and not knocked off. The reason I feel this way is because my walkers tend to keep me better protected getting knocked off then any other mount I have, including the tank. I have a feeling that the mount actually does protect from getting knocked off due to it's damage reduction.

  7. Wait, there's a mount with 15% damage reduction? That sounds like a pretty awesome defensive "cooldown" for stealth classes, at least on bosses in areas where mounting is possible.


    Yes... It drops from the Forged Alliances cluster of FPs.... KX-7 Command (Imperial) and BA-2 Command (Republic)...


    I got the BA-2 Command Walker from Rakata and KX-7 Command Walker from Korriban. Both of these offer 15% damage reduction.... I think the rep versions on Yavin also offer the protection, but I'm not sure...

  8. 2. The overlighted banners on Odessen which actually have caused players to experience lag, crashes and even being unable to log in onto a character because each time those textures are loaded their game crashes..

    Well lets use your argument, why should they bother fixing the banners.... They don't cause me any problems whatsoever. To me it's a meaningless fix that does nothing but deal with a cosmetic issue. Maybe people need to upgrade their computers instead of playing on paperweights.... If you upgrade your computer you'll be fine. /sarcasm off


    Now is that a valid argument, of course not... Just because it doesn't affect me doesn't mean it's not an issue. Sure the SF IS soloable... Hell I did it the first day... It was never impossible to do solo. I never said it was... But the time it takes MOST classes to do it solo is a little ridiculous, especially cause you have to do it 6 times.


    Point of fact, HK was always soloable too (shadows OP y'all), all people had to do was L2P (I know cause I did it)...

  9. Consider this:

    On top of that, this content is no longer relevant to the story and the companions you get are vanity items, to put it bluntly. They don't add anything meaningful to the main SWTOR story and aren't too different from the vanity companions you can get from the Cartel Market.



    1. Each of the companions have a story...

    2. Voss SF actually has an effect on the story....


    And even if they are just "outdated vanity items" like you say, then what's the big deal of tying them to any version of the SF instead of just vet?

  10. Something I am curious about: how have avid decorators been experiencing the new Conquest system? Because there's actually objectives now for decorating our Strongholds. Have decorators found that it's a viable method to participate in Conquests by only decorating?


    Not really... It's 5k per day with max bonus... Not really any big deal... Maybe use it to fill out a character that's just short of goal


    The others like buy and upgrade are useless if you have all of them AND they're all unlocked...

  11. Another suggestion, and this only applies to Armors, Barrels and Hilts, BUT when you get piece of Armor or modifiable gear, OR you reamp, the selections SHOULD follow the "Loot Discipline" rules. Example, if I am a Mercenary, and my Loot Discipline is set to Bodyguard, then the amplifiers that drop or I could re-amp to would only be healing amps like Medtech, Aural Rejuvenation, etc, and never the Force Harmonization. We are still spending credits, BUT have a bit more control over the RNG and only get the things we can actually use. If i want DPS like Armor Penetration, then I would just change my loot discipline to Arsenal and start grinding/re-amping.

    Except, not all classes have a healing discipline... Those healing ones do apply to self heals.


    What I'd like to see though is FAIR offhand amplifiers... Either everyone should get them, or no one should... Just a pet peeve.....


    I wish we could put amplifiers on CM items as well....

  12. Well F# keys will target players in group (you're F1).... The previous target keybinding is just for target cycling, it's a bit misleading unfortunately. If you have no target selected, it will target the furthest ACTIVE combat target if you are in combat. If you have an enemy target selected it will select the previous selected enemy OR the next furthest enemy active in combat with you...
  13. I've been avoiding this for a few days, but I just can't....


    I don't see PvP or GSF players coming in here and complaining with you, which leads me to only 2 conclusions....


    Either they've all left the game (which I seriously doubt)


    They're playing in game and DON'T CARE.....


    Sorry I'm just not seeing any huge outrage in game, on the forums, or even in troll town reddit. Right now it's like 3 people saying this sucks...

  14. So i decided to get achievement "The One and Only" for my legacy on Darth Malgus server, i already had one on Star Forge but that was done in 5.10.


    This isn't about the One and Only though... This is about the companion quests. It's about tying the companions to doing the solo, not the solo+.


    And yes the trash takes forever to kill if you don't have decent AOE while you focus one down. Also, 306 gear makes a HUGE difference, but it was always meant to be done solo in top end gear (and 306 IS top end, the stacks make a difference).... If you're just starting your first character, you won't have 306 gear by this point more than likely.

  15. They are still both tuned fairly strongly as far as fighting goes. What happened in the Section X one is that they rewrote the scripting in the end part.


    I seem to remember the end of the Imp H4 for Black Hole was all elite and strong, and I think most are normal save the last guy who is still a boss. The pub boss hits like a kitten now, even on level gear. I think the mobs were retuned a bit too.


    For AC/BS in section x, they changed the gates (used to have to have at least 2 people), and the end (had to have 4). I don't think the mobs got retuned.

  16. It'd be nice to know and would love to see it....


    We know for instance



    Most of the entirety of the JK story takes place before the IA story even starts


    For instance when you face Watcher One, it's the predecessor of the one in the Agent story.


    And when Doc cures Nem'ro, Kaylio is hasn't even met the agent yet



    But then of course you'd get



    WTH did the JK do for all that time



  17. Do you remember the H4 from Section X that required 4 pairs of hands and how it was changed so that only one person could complete it? Here's an example of an H4 (re-)designed to be soloed.

    And it still labeled as H4... yet the change clearly intended the quest to be done solo... Same with the Black Hole H4, it was retuned.


    But the list of changed quests:

    Any vanilla heroic, HK, every vanilla area quest, Makeb, Oricon, CZ, Black Hole, Section X, most flashpoints for story completion (D7, FE, Ilum, ES, BT, MP, T5, BP, Foundry)...


    Quests that could stand to be changed:

    Microbinoculars, Seeker Droid, Star Fortress



    Kaon and Lost Island COULD be given a solo option since it is considered a story series and not a side flashpoint like the other stuff, but I don't think it's a needed change.

  18. I think attainability and sustainability are most def very important words here. I think your numbers here look accurate,its just that..well, how long could you keep this up? 20.000 units of various mats/hour is a pretty..draconian demand to meet really..


    And that's the question I suppose... Lots of masochists in this game though... And people have done a lot worse just to win a planet, this doesn't seem that far fetched.


    Plus keep in mind that while I used artifice, most people would use bio or scavenging mats , which are by far more abundant and easier to come by. I can think of 2 or 3 instances that could continuously be reset that has several farmable mobs in them that, at least myself on my shadow tanks, can pull the whole instance, kill everything, harvest, and be out fairly quickly... I just timed one, won't go into much detail except that I cleared it and harvested in 3 minutes. Would be about 720 of each mat over an hour... I know there are better instances for what I did, that was just a quick test run to see.


    Tier 1 mats cost nothing really... and if you farm mobs for the mats, loot will more than make up the cost of buying the whites... Jawa Junk is not really a huge issue, I've got almost 40k green just from last week. To be fair I disassemble almost everything, need those legendary embers and mission never seem to like me enough.


    The better bet would be to build up a large mat supply and then go crazy. I'm sure someone has already read thru this and planned.

  19. Umm... you got your facts wrong there, mate. Heroic 2+/4 means group content, not "take your companion with you". Everything that is Veteran Mode is meant for group content. That's literally how it is in the entire game, so don't pull this nonsense out of thin air that Veteran isn't meant as group content.


    However, Star Fortresses are soloable. It's easier to group up for it as they were originally meant to be completed in a group, but since there are actual achievements for soloing it, the content also has to be soloable to a degree, which it is. You just need to use tactics, time your extra abilities correctly and use the buffs.

    I won't even get into how many veteran/master modes I can solo...


    Originally when the game released, H2/4 did mean group... but they threw that baby out with the bath water long ago... They've literally trained the playerbase that H2/4 just means it takes longer, it's still soloable. But that's a semantics discussion....


    The Star Fortresses are TUNED for having the stacks with level 75 gear because of the cheevo. That's where the problem lies... Even for a group of 2 people it's tuned for having at least SOME stacks....


    Now if they retune the instance so 2 players at 70 aren't going to get smacked in level 70 gear, then they make it trivial and the title means nothing... Granted it doesn't mean much anyways due to when comps were OP healers and you could face roll the instance....


    But the argument isn't about the instance, it's about the quest.... And my argument still stands... WTH is the point of having a really OLD (at this point) companion quest gated to an outdated hard mode flashpoint that no one want's to do. It's the same argument for the Binocular and Seeker quests... And both of those are broken as hell too. And if you argue they shouldn't, why not? Because you had to do it? So what, I had to do HK in a group.... It sucked to get people to do MP HM... Now you can do it friggin solo... the whole thing... It doesn't change the fact I still have HK... I didn't lose him cause someone else got to do it solo... I essentially paid a nerd tax... I'm fine with that...


    The reality is that those companion quests are outdated... Only 1 HM has any effect on the story (Voss) and the effect is not even that big of a deal.... it saves what, 5 min tops....

  20. What? ofc there are dimisnishing returns and I've said as much multiple times. Clearly I don't do enough repetition.

    Its just that planetary tourist has much less to worry about from dimisnihing returns. You'll make 200k in 90 mins,


    Also, I can't check this stuff atm myself but about those crafting numbers..


    What do you craft and how many? Which objective dings? How much mats do you need and how long you plan to be able to burn them mats?


    I was using Rubat Synth Bonded Attachment, which base time is 30 seconds. 75% efficiency and 7.5% efficiency from gear brings that down to 5 seconds.


    With 8 level 50 companions you can craft 96 components every minute.... I used 80 because of rounding errors it might take 5.25 seconds (the actual reduction is 24.75 seconds by my math but the screen says 5 sec).


    The rest of the math is in the other post....


    Each crafted item takes 2 Rubat Crystal, 2 Lost Artifact Fragments, and 2 Fibrous Nylite Solutions (15 credits each which would be 144k credits total for 1 hour worth).... Basically you need 9600 of each item, which is easy with all the Jawa Junk I get all week. Level 1 items are 1:1 from the Junk Vendor. Every 50 crafted clears the infinite repeatable Crafting: Innovator (Craft any item) x50... Crits do count as 2 crafted items, not one.


    Now, is it sustainable.... depends on how you go about it. During crafting CQ back in the day, we used to have a group go gather while another group crafted, then we would switch off where the crafters went and gathered.... We'd do this back and forth for several hours. Guilds COULD employ this method and just blow the scores clear out of the water.... Think 10 crafters per hour each hour over 24 hours.. Just that small amount could theoretically put up 60m points in 24 hours (For reference the highest guild on Shan is 133m with just over a day left)...


    And I can tell you the amount of crafters would not be hard to hit for large guilds. Even some medium guilds could pull this off, and really dedicated small guilds could as well.... Take it from me, my wife and I took a planet with just the 2 of us during a crafting event under the old system. This feels easier to pull off....


    [EDIT] Guilds could also stockpile mats for a couple weeks as well so no gatherers are needed.

  21. Perhaps you might want to check your facts here. If you want to get the companions from the Star Fortress missions you need to complete the Heroic version of the Star Fortresses, so in other words, Veteran mode.


    Veteran mode is meant to be completed in a group, that's what the Heroic 2+ stands for, you know. The fact that you can reasonably complete it without a group is already a huge decrease in difficulty. How much easier would you want the content to get? The Star Fortresses are already relatively easy, seeing as how Veteran mode is meant to be group content.


    Vet mode was never meant to be "group content"... Hell up to this point, H2 meant take a companion. Any H2 before this one is TRIVIAL. This includes the ones on Makeb, Oricon, and CZ.... It also has an achievement tied to it to do it solo. It was meant as a HARD MODE H2.....

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