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Everything posted by Shinokk

  1. Just curious if any imperial guilds on Malgus are still offering runs for these two items: Crest of the Dread Master & Wings of the Architect. If so, what's the cost? Thanks!
  2. Hi there, are these still obtainable? you know, the 1, 2 or 3 flairs you got for hitting 100/200/300 was hoping renown still rewards these thanks
  3. ^Title I find it strange this particular headpiece has no voice module. Since it's counterpart, the ceremonial mystic, has a nice distorted voice module. it's really silly being in conversations and my voice just sounding so clear behind that taped mask..
  4. Hi I played through kotfe and kotet on my sorcerer with the intend of saving everyone. Mainly because i wanted arcann as a companion and the dark side choices just felt stupid to me. Not evil, stupid. so you could pretty much say i did a full lightside playthrough. So i am at the end now and about to ascend the throne. Senya and Arcann are with me, and everyone except torian is alive. my question is: what will happen if i take the throne as an emperor now that i saved everyone. will arcann and senya leave? will people die if i choose not to rule as a peacekeeper? will it have other impacts, like; will my romance with lana stop? will koth leave?> please help! as much details as possible are welcome
  5. By far one of the best looking sets in the game! I always regretted not being able to get this armor back in the day.. Bioware should really consider bringing the centurion armor sets back. they are so freaking awesome, especially the sorcerer one. I was actually very optimistic a while back, when they put the force-mystic (assasin set) in one of the cartel packs. Unfortunately the force master set never made it to a cartel pack. So hereby: PLEASE put the original force-master centurion sorcerer set back in the game. I'd definitely pay to get this set. http://www.millenium.org/images/contenu/actus/mmorpg/Swtor/Guides_PvP/sorcier/swtor_classe_sorcier_07_hd.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/-08PTC4OG0oM/T2yPfJDqPJI/AAAAAAAABD4/Vznko5dG-ss/s9000/scarecrow.jpg http://oi57.tinypic.com/33mxt89.jpg
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