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Posts posted by DaShuk

  1. If you follow kitru's advise, use theran on boss fights and either zenith or nadia to clear trash. If you feel really confident in your skills you can just use a dps pet at all times. Since you trade a bit a dps for incrediable survivabilty in KC spec, a little extra dps from a dps pet will make missions go quicker.


    How hard of a boss is Stark viewed as? With Nadia we literally crushed him in under 30 seconds, but I took a few minutes to get her some better gear than her default stuff before going into the fight. I did notice I had to stop every few mobs with her on the ship to rest where as with Theran it's basically just constant movement through mobs with no downtime.

  2. First off, thanks for all the suggestions and tips! I spent some time reading that guide and after a bit decided to try infiltration. It's like night and day! I can actually do some nice damage now and I think the emphasis more on melee really suits my playstyle. I played a bunch of space missions and got lucky with a few sales on the GTN and was also able to get enough creds to level all my skills up. Think I spent somewhere around 200k so being underskilled was probably doing a lot for my frustration. After re-doing my skills and adapting some new play strategies I wound up plowing through the rest of Belsavis pretty fast and leveled from 44-46 in one session, than wound up stomping a huge mudhole in Stark afterwards, it wasn't even a close fight even w/o using Theran. So far I love infiltration!


    Seems that Theran is the best companion to pair up with infiltration from what I've read and with how it worked at the end of Belsavis I can't really argue with that, I felt pretty awesome and hardly had any down time between mobs. The short time I've used Nadia so far she seems pretty good as well but some of the guides say she is too squishy to use with Infiltration and that you really need Theran's healing. Any thoughts on that? I'm going to give Nadia a try for a few levels on Voss

  3. I am a pretty casual player and mostly solo when I'm not teaming with a small group of friends. I am mainly looking for tips for this class for mainly PVE content as I've run into a small bit of trouble that makes me want to just stop playing my main shadow in general.


    A bit of history, I've been playing the game basically since launch and made Consular my first character, went shadow for the dual light saber. I got bored of the game in its intial stages and felt it had a lot of flaws so I quit playing and honestly have been away from the game for about 6-7 months now. Now that I'm back I'm making an effort to try out more classes. I had leveled my Shadow to 43, and she is currently stuck on Bel Savis and poorly underskilled.


    Main issues I am running into:


    1.) What skill tree is most effective for solo PVE? I've tried balance and can't do anything with it, I get stomped by -2s and have problems creating enough DPS. I tried Kinetic Combat as well and felt squishy as swiss cheese. I'm thinking about trying Infiltration just as a last resort.

    2.) Skills are too expensive and I don't have the credits right now to get her leveled in her skills. This is really holding me back I think but I've just never been able to make a lot of credits from crafting and seems most of my other creds go towards gear. At 20k+ per skill I just can't afford to keep her anywhere close to current.

    3.) This class just feels too weak. I have a hard time killing even Strong mobs at my level or under my current level. If I use a DPS companion it's better but then I get beat down pretty quickly. I find myself almost forced to use Theran just to stay upright in fights, especially against Elites.


    In all honesty I did roll a Sage and have been having a lot more fun with that class than Shadow. I don't want to abandon this character as she is my closest to 50 that I have, but I feel like I've been stuck on Bel Savis forever and I'm just not making any progress. I'll play two missions with her and then quit to play an alt because I'm just at wits end trying to make an effective build with this class. Any suggestions?

  4. Personally I despise this planet. I had taken a 6 month break from the game(left prior to F2P) and recently came back to try it out when they shut down City of Heroes. Before I had only played Jedi/Sith so I decided to roll a couple new classes and was really enjoying my trooper and sentinel/guardian. Before I had only played Sage and Shadow so wanted to try Jedi Knight out as well.


    Got to Taris the other night with my Trooper and I had honestly forgot about how god awful this planet is, especially as an early planet in the game. Everything is so spread out and honestly the Rakghouls get old by about the 5th bonus mission involving killing them. The nostalgic nods to KOTOR aren't too bad, but this planet just drags on for me. To me Hoth and Tatooine both felt a lot bigger than Taris but seem to go by in 1/3 of the time. Taris honestly makes me never want to roll another toon Republic side and now I'm less excited about my Jedi Guardian who is just about ready to finish up Coruscant. Haven't played it Imp side yet, but I'm sure it can't be much better.

  5. Honestly you probably aren't done yet. I remember when I hit around 21 or so on Taris my first time through and was finally so happy to be done with that craphole of a planet, then as I'm gleefully running back to my ship I see another quest icon and of course go to check it out and OMG MORE RAKGHOULS!!!


    I just finished Taris up last night on my Trooper and dinged 24 on the last quest turn in so I think 23-24ish is about normal before you leave. It's a grind and a half though, helps if you have a friend you can pair up with for all the quests, though there are some decent heroic rewards, everything else though is boring as hell other than your class quest. I get so sick of "Kill 20 Rakghouls" Bonus missions every 2 feet on the planet. I had left the game for almost half a year and came back and decided to try some different classes and I can honestly say that Taris makes me not want to roll anymore toons because I hate playing through it right after Coruscant. Hoth, Tatooine, Bel Savis, etc. all feel like they are 3-4X bigger than Taris in terms of size and travel time, yet they go by in 1/3 the time for me that Taris does.


    As for outleveling content, I noticed there is sort of a catch-up point when you get into your 40s. My Consular I played through my first time was normally +2-3 to the content on every planet until she hit Bel Savis, and now I'm either even or -1 to a lot of things there so it seems either the level xp grind or something has caught up to me.

  6. IMO F2P is a waste if you want the full game experience. It's still very limited in terms of what all you can do. I was away from the game for 7 months and came back recently. Renewed my sub for 60-days just to try it out again since they turned off City of Heroes and I really didn't have any other MMO to play.


    Servers are more populated, that is for sure and it's been easier to find a group or get help with quests and heroics and things. However I still see most of the same crap from before when I quit 7 months ago and the game doesn't seem like it's changed that much. If anything some of the more ridiculous prices on the GTN have gone down given saturation of Cartel items being posted.


    I had leveled a Jedi Shadow to 43 before quitting last time, so when I came back I decided to re-roll a few different toons and play them to see what had changed. Honestly didn't notice much different on Tython between my new Sage, Sentinel, and Guardian. Same goes for Coruscant. Game seems to play the same, roles are still the same, etc. The legacy system is super nice since you can get Speeder training at lvl. 10 now if you pay out the arse with credits, and it has a lot of other solid perks with it. Overall though I can't say I see much different than 7 months ago when I left. Just a few things I've noticed:


    1.) Maybe just my server, but people still ninja loot and chests/glowies in world all the time. I get so tired of beating down a trash mob and an Elite only to have some jack wagon come in and take the chest I was trying to get or grab the resource node or quest clickie I needed.

    2.) Respawn timers for open world quests/glowies are still ridiculously long. The Gree mission in the waterworks in Coruscant is the perfect example. The bonus mission is to kill 8 droids I think, but it will take you forever if it's populated because the enemies take forever to respawn and if you have 2-3 people trying to do the quest you sit there awhile waiting. This happens in a lot of areas and is still an issue to me.

    3.) Travel is still awful on the bigger planets and it seems like it's even easier now to get knocked off my speeder.

    4.) Still seems like they want to force you into needing help/grouping for some class missions by putting very hard boss encounters in them.

    5.) The Legacy system is awesome if you have the credits. Probably my favorite thing is being able to get mailbox and GTN terminal on my ship so I don't have to run back to fleet if I'm on a planet with no GTN and need to get some gear after getting a couple of levels.

    6.) Late level skills are still way too expensive. I'm not sure how everyone else makes a ton of credits, but I've been trying to level my old 43 and I can't afford to keep her skills current when they are 20k+ a pop.

    7.) Crafting other than Bio and Cybertech still seems to be a horribly broken mess and a waste of time.


    I'm still enjoying it somewhat, not sure how long it will keep my attention this time, but I'm trying to level new classes just to get the full experience. I think before my problem was I stuck mainly to Jedi/Sith and missed out on some of the game. I rolled a Trooper republic side and she is now my favorite toon I have overall. Still can't get into smuggler for some reason, but I plan on trying an Agent or BH on Empire side next.

  7. Make sure you are training abilities as you go. This quest fight should not be that hard. I've played 3 Knights through and beaten him with at least half health left everytime on the first try. The key is to keep your gear fresh from drops and keep your skills updated, this will make Tython a bit smoother of a go. With how they've increased the commendation loot drops, it's also a lot easier to get some blue level armor from the vendor in Kalikori.


    Another thing is to always take out the easier enemy first. I can't tell you the number of players I see in starting areas trying to tackle an Elite by going straight for it and ignoring the weaker enemies in the mob and then they die. While you are trying to bring the tougher enemy down the weaker ones will whack the crap out of you and do more damage.

  8. I make a killing on lower level enhancements and hilts, but most of my sales come from color crystals. My server is basically void of enhancements or decent hilts from level 1-20ish so I've found I can make some good credits crafting and selling those.
  9. My first Consular was a Shadow, I got her to 43 and she's been parked since. Boring story and just no longer fun to play. Rolled another Consular to try to play more dark side points and played Sage this time and I can tell you it's made a huge difference in how I view the class. Sage to me is 1000000X better than Shadow ever could be.
  10. Easily beat her as shadow infiltration with Tharan at lvl 29. No kiting, only clubbing and interrupting. I stack only willpower, power, and accuracy; no **** stats.


    Proceeded to defeat Vivicar and complete the Fortitude quests at lvl 30 without a hitch. The one I did not manage to defeat is the optional lvl 32 Champion sith sorcerer on the Fortitude. Has anyone bested her?


    Yes, although she didn't drop anything but credits so I was kind of upset. The key to her is saving all the prisoners on the ship before you get to her, then they end up helping you out in the fight. The extra DPS is certainly nice.


    As for Sidonie, she was a cakewalk, fought her around 32 as balance shadow with Theran, don't think she even lasted 45 seconds, fight was as big a joke as Vivicar using interupts.

  11. My shadow is female and I pretty much can't stand any of the robes/outfits you get late in the game so I just got her the formal outfit from the specialty goods vendor on Coruscant and it looks 100000X better than any of the Consular gear I've received in game thus far.
  12. Treasure Hunting for me really is more about the gemstones and companion gifts. You can get some really good relics and companion gifts that level affection quickly. Honestly the lock boxes are a waste of time, and you more often than not wind up losing money on the mission unless you get a green item you can sell. I am 400 in TH and have yet to get a blue/purple item drop.


    The way to make money with TH is to horde stacks of gemstones and drop them on the AH. The funny thing about being 400 in Artifice and TH, I can sell the mats for a lot more than I would ever make crafting/re'ing and selling artifice items on the GTN.

  13. For me it's just not worth the time. I'm max artifice and have re'd 73 lvl 47 Orange Intrepidity crystals and still not unlocked the purple schematic. Given that the level 6 gemstone missions take an hour each and even then I don't always get the perfect orange crystals to make, then each crystal takes 30 minutes to craft, it just doesn't seem worth the time.
  14. In terms of effectiveness, I've been unable to use anyone but Theran on my Shadow. I haven't gotten Nadia yet so I'm hoping she's decent.


    Qyzen is completely useless to me. Even with current level gear blue/orange with current mods, he gets destroyed if there is even one strong mob and two normals. He's a tank made out of tissue paper. Now with my sage he is actually somewhat effective if you keep him healed.


    Tried Iresso out and had same results as Qyzen, but so far my best was Zenith. I honestly hadn't used him since Balmorra, so I figured I would give him a try on Bel Savis. Dumped 50k in credits into gear for him, got him all blue gear for his stat set and current level(43) and the first mob we walk into on Bel Savis he gets ganked in under 20 seconds, lol.


    With Theran the game is a cakewalk, so I wanted to mix it up with another companion so I could at least have some fun fights, but every other companion is completely useless to me.


    Maybe it's just Republic side, but I have enjoyed every companion on my Imp characters while the ones Republic side have all seemed to be pretty lack luster.

  15. Its not silly since you are NOT a general type of jedi, you are a shadow jedi. Shadow jedis use double-bladed, thier skills require double-bladed because only double-bladed allows you to pull off those moves.


    Uh...lol...what??? So you couldn't use the same attack with a single bladed weapon....ok...


    For the record I have characters of both classes for Jedi, but there is no way you are going to convince me only a certain class of Jedi can use a certain type of light saber.


    Honestly it makes more sense for a Shadow to use a single saber, especially if they are trying to be stealthy/sneaky with their attacks, but I still stand by the fact that if you are a Jedi, you should have the option of all 3 saber types in terms of single, akimbo, or dual-bladed.

  16. Use Theran, he makes every boss fight laughable. I'm still lol'ing at Vivicar being the only thing I heard about for 30 levels or so and how he was so bad and evil, etc. and then he dies in 30 seconds.


    If you are using your full array of tools/interupts and have Theran healing, the class bosses for Consular are an absolute joke.

  17. I've posted this in other threads before but it's completely silly that one Jedi can only use double bladed sabers while another can only use single bladed sabers. Jedi are Jedi...I don't care how you look at it. They could all train to use any type of staff, saber, weapon etc.


    They really need to change it so you can decide what weapon(s) you want to use like in KOTOR where you could choose to go single bladed, akimbo single bladed, or dual bladed. Every Jedi should have this option.

  18. Also, stealth > all.


    Agreed, I get so annoyed on my other characters now when I'm +2/+3 levels to the content and have to fight through all the trash mobs in a map instead of just stealthing to the objective/boss and beating it in like 2 minutes, lol. Stealth has completely spoiled me.

  19. Especially given the creators of this game, I will go by KOTOR far sooner than I will the silly prequels. Sorry, Samuel.


    Besides, as pointed out a dozen times, npcs all over the place are running around with them, including one in a pretty low-level quest on Dromund Kaas.


    I'd say running my quests on my Consular that any level with sith present in a great number at least 75% of them are using purple sabers. My class boss on Coruscant was using a purple saber and that was around lvl 13-14. I see them everywhere on NPCs.


    While I do really want a purple crystal, I do have to laugh at the number of people raging over not being able to get/have one just yet. While I don't feel it should be an epic/end game type only item, there is really no reason to get upset to that degree.


    Personally I think they need to make all solid color options available at lvl 1 and available for crafters to make and it is sad if Bioware is using the more rare colors as a carrot to keep dangling in front of players to keep them interested.

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