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Everything posted by Elothan

  1. While I hate to doublepost, I just needed an answer to a question: I now have the belt and just got the leggings (still in box) ., but as far as I can see, none of the mods seems to really be better than the 198 commsgear, rather the opposite. So I seems to me I have some options: A.) Wait for more pieces and get 4/6 piece set bonus before doing anything with them. B) Getting a piece from another set to boost up power more, thus missing out out on set bonus C) Pop in armorings for the set bonus, thus reducing stats but gaining bonus. D) Look confused. Advice would be apreciated. (I am currenly reading the guides, but english is not my first language, so its going a bit slow.)
  2. The Esstran Exports vendor. Needs Champion rank reputation to be allowed to buy it. The cost is 1 Cartel certificate and 50,000 Credits. I have it on my HK, and its quite cool, also its a bit taller than the regular ones.
  3. I would also like to see the heroics here redone. The seeker droid one is duo-able atleast, but the Binoc. Quests could use an alternative.. Currently I am keeping the intro quests in my log, just to have access to the items...
  4. Thanks to all that answered so far. I noticed that alot of my pronlems stem for an abyssmal low power stat thanks to the gear. Also I am clipping BB early alot along with some other rotational fails. Still working on fixing mt flaws (and gear) but things are looking better alreadt, just after getting a few new implants and other bits and pieces. As for the operations, I hve now cleared all on SM atleast . I Always read the guides beforehand on each, boss, but sometimes you just cant get a feeling for it before you have tried it once Atleast I managed to snag my 192MH from ToS the other day Edit: I see what you mean about crappy stat distribution.... It seems biware do not want me to have a lot of power in my gear...
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of If there were anything usefull in the 198 commset to keep, like the offhand compared to the 192 OH, etc
  6. Ah, but I should keeo armorings and such from 198 or replace the entire thing ? Oh, and I have cleared those two a couple of times each, so I got relic and such. I also belive most of the proble lies in my ATM, as I am struggeling a bit to increase that.
  7. Just a question here, I have the 198 commsagear armor (implants and ears are still 192) I know commsgear is not the best, but there is only so much I can do as a solo player I pull get about 3.2-3.4k damage in Parsec on the 1mill HP dummy, and while I know my APM needs work (in the low 30s), what is a resanoable goal in that gear for an average Arsenal PvE player ? I am not looking to top the dps lists or anything, I just want to be able to contribute better in HM FP's and SM ops for a start. (Most of them go fine, but I still want to pull my weight better) I assume my APM cab use a lot of work, but I am worried a bit about the stat distrubution as well, since I had to put on what I consider to many acc. augs to get above the magical limit. Should I start hogging 192 setgear tokens or such ? Should I try to increase my power trough getting other item modifications etc? I am kinda new to min-maxing in SWTOR, so any help would be apreciated. -Elothan
  8. 1. Mako - First companion i got and beeing a kickass healer way back when. 2. T7-01 Because who doesent like such a spirited droid. 3. HK-51. For his remarks, his personality and his damage potential. 4. M1-4x For same reasons as HK. 5. Blizz - The biggest little jawa in the world. Runner up: Treek - For her ingame capabilities. (If she had another voice/muted shed be much higher)
  9. You are totaly correct It seems I forgot to write offhand somewhere in that post Ypu can however RE a offhand barrel for a barrel recepie, that you can craft for use in MH, then again, getting the materials might be hard,
  10. I sure would love to be able to save my quickbars somehow...
  11. Some (like me) can craft the 192 barrels, but to get the mats, toy need to run ops. You can get some 192s for elite comms in the suplies section on fleet, yank it out and put it in the new gun. But as said the 192 barrels are pretty hard to get if you dont want to spend a few millions at the GTN or do operations.
  12. Reporting spam and reporting a bot is a bit different
  13. Is there any confirmation about a possible Gree reset ? I am a little rep short of Legend, and I would rather kill Xeno for it than grind the smaller missions
  14. Got full set, nothing in GT, neither boxes nor individual items.
  15. As far as I can see, no, it does not unlock in collections. I had plety spares to give out to other charathers, And for the record: Atleast 2-300 Charathers, perhaps a bit more. 4x Black/Black Dye 8 or 9 Driods A number of Carbonite chambers (never bothered to count since it was sacrificial charathers) A gazillion or so regular dyes. 1 x Statue
  16. I got mine just a minute ago. I would huess I created and deletet about 200-300 charathers.
  17. So is mine (the cat) Nice to now there is other Heinlein fans in the game
  18. Yeah, me as a merc and my buddy who plays a sorc did it two man in 186 gear, along with two healing comps (treeks). Thw two worst places is at the celles where you need to charge the cannon fast, and get the cell door force fields to stay closed. Might take a few tries there. The second is at the "monster boss" where you need to get him to land on a barrel, if you are using comps, its turn them on passive before he lands so they stand next to you when he attacks. LAst boss is pretty easy, but as for the whole thing I think you need good geared healer comps. Treeks tanky abilities is also handy in a pinch.
  19. Yes, you need to complete the heroic, Its totaly doable with two lvl 60s. If you are on TOFN by any chance, give me a shout and I'll help you trough it.
  20. I did get one helmet at the crashed ship place, and one in the PVP area. The boost is called "Seeker droid deployment boost" I have seen the Helmet and gloves drop/unearthed at all Tat digsites, so that you only got gloves is just bad luck with the RNG.
  21. Oh, an another note, it seemed to me that the dig locations are somewhat static. As in there is a lot of preplaced POTENTIAL sites, and when a place resets, its worth trying locations where you found stuff earlier. Helped speed things up a bit for me.
  22. MAny Hours, I was ill at the time, so not feeling up for anything more action laden than mucking around and digging As for the boost, yes, I did use them all the time, especially the blue boosts, and the time redusction thing. My tactic was start a scan and then run to the scan site, so that when the green indicator showed a way i could orient after that. The blue boost (mk.2) is much better, since it indicates more precicely how near you are a site. Come to think about it, I could use another dreadseen helmet.... (beware, no way to share this if in a group, If we could I would have had both sets in a day, since a buddy of mine got duplicates of everything I needed and vice verca.)
  23. . This is a copy of my post a dulfys: So yes, you can get both sets at places, but it takes time and a bit of luck
  24. I actually find that boss (and the manaan bosses in general) the most fun HMs around, but then again I am a DPS. As for the soak there is options to avoid it, Gunslinger can roll trough with no bad efffects, sorcs can bubble troug, etc
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