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Everything posted by Presbyter

  1. Oh pulling a team mate away from the reactor core in void star so you can force sprint past him lol.
  2. In between PvP queus my team usually AFKs or alt tabs while I tell them when it pops. I use mine to pull them to the bottom of the fleet. Best is if you dont respawn and then accept queue you are stuck down there upon coming back. If you /stuck you are in the matirx. Then if you die in the matrix it puts you in the fleets museum. Its a whole troll process lol.
  3. Just keep looking for group. Thats all you can really do. I didnt do any heroic quests while leveling. Skip em if they are to much for you
  4. I agree. Especially in open world pvp, Im constantly throwing bubbles and HoTs and then helping to burn down or even stun healers or dps.
  5. I healed as a pure healer up until level 38. After that I decided to switch to DPS and I was clearing quests a lot faster. You still have enough healing capabilities to heal your tank companion and yourself/bubble during long fights.
  6. lulululul I dont really care what we use. They weapon doesnt bother me one bit. Its star wars ffs. Do you guys want a totem or something? A paperback of to kill a mockingbird to read between warzones?
  7. I usually pop my bubble on my companion and a hot right as the fight starts. Then I DoT up the mob and damage skills until the companions bubble de buff is off. Replace that, replace the hot, top off the companion, and repeat. DO NOT forget about CCing mobs. If you are fighting mjultiple mobs use your whirlwind to kick off the fight. Its a 60 second skill that most mobs can not break. Taking a mob that actively does damage to you and or your companion is a smart idea. If needed before you damage the CC'd mob heal yourself and your companion real fast. Ive never used any companion besides Khem Val and Xalek. You should only be using tanking companions really. Make sure you are gearing up your companion as you level too. The quest rewards that offer companion gear are usually the best way to do this while leveling.
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